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What is C2C? Main sales activities in the C2C model

The C2C model is increasingly popular in the market and is predicted by experts to continue to grow strongly in the future. So what is C2C? What are the main sales activities of this model? Let's learn about the C2C model with 1C Vietnam in the article below!

1. What is C2C?

C2C stands for customer-to-customer, meaning "from consumer to consumer". This is a business model where the buyer and seller representatives are both individuals. Most of these transactions are performed online through intermediary channels such as websites, e-commerce platforms,...

What is C2C?
C2C is a consumer-to-consumer business model

The C2C model is increasingly receiving attention because it can bring many benefits to both sellers and buyers. Below are the outstanding advantages of C2C:

  • Low costs, high profits: With a conventional sales model, the seller needs to deduct a portion of profits to pay intermediaries such as retailers, wholesalers, etc. The C2C model eliminates the This component from the sales process, will help sellers make more profit from their sales and buyers can get a better price.
  • Posting ads for sale is easy: Items that can be traded on the C2C e-commerce platform are very diverse, from low-value products, luxury products to even used products that have no use. It's also easy to transact here.
  • Advantages for both buyers and sellers: The shopping process of the C2C model takes place quickly in the online environment, helping to eliminate barriers for consumers compared to other business models.

2. Characteristics of the C2C model

C2C has a clear difference from the two models B2B or B2C. Below, administrators can clearly distinguish and understand the basic characteristics of C2C:

2.1 Selling price

C2C is a business model in which individuals will directly transact with each other, freely exchange and buy and sell products. Therefore, individuals can enjoy higher profit margins and be completely proactive in deciding product prices. Thanks to this advantage, some individuals have proactively reduced selling prices to increase competitiveness.

What is c2c model
Product prices sold through C2C are often cheaper than other forms of business

2.2 Popular platforms

The C2C model has appeared in the past, but this model only really exploded with the appearance of e-commerce platforms. Here are some popular platforms:

  • eBay: This is the largest universal C2C platform in the world to date. On eBay, users are allowed to post products freely for sale or auction.
  • Facebook Marketplace: This is a C2C platform directly integrated into the world's largest social network - Facebook. Taking advantage of the existing platform helps Facebook Marketplace grow and attract users.
  • Shopee: When talking about C2C in Vietnam, you certainly cannot ignore Shopee - the e-commerce platform that attracts millions of transactions every day. Shopee has the participation of many domestic and foreign brands, with a variety of products and an easy shopping process.
  • Lazada: Lazada is in the top of the largest shopping platforms in Vietnam. In recent years, Lazada has expanded its business lines but still focuses mainly on quality electronic products.
  • Tiki: Tiki is famous as an e-commerce platform for "bookworms" and lovers of stationery. Tiki's strength lies in its strict product quality control process to verify the origin and authenticity of the seller.
  • Tiktok Shop: Recently, Tiktok Shop quickly became an online shopping platform trusted by many users. Sellers build channels, attach product links, livestream sales,...attract thousands of buyers with a variety of products and prices.
What is C2C?
Shopee, Lazada, Tiki are popular e-commerce platforms in Vietnam

2.3 Payment method

Most C2C transactions are performed via electronic payment gateways. This is a system that connects banks with online sales websites. Through which buyers can pay sellers without using cash.

What is c2c model
Most C2C transactions are performed via electronic payment gateways

3. Main sales activities in the C2C model

Currently, there are many e-commerce platforms developed to provide sellers with the opportunity to get closer to customers through diverse sales activities. Specifically:

  • Exchange transaction: Is the process where users make agreements, exchange information or products with each other, usually through the process of exchanging items of equivalent value.
  • Auction: Some e-commerce platforms will allow sellers to set a price for their products. Then, buyers will participate in the auction and offer the highest price to own the product. A typical example of auction activity in the C2C model is the eBay platform.
  • Selling virtual assets: Virtual assets are assets that only have value on a certain platform, cannot be used in reality but can be bought, sold, exchanged and traded like other real products. For example, with in-game items, players can immediately exchange and trade with other players to use.
  • Support services: Examples include the online payment service Paypal. Normally C2C activities will take place between individuals who are strangers to each other, with low assurance and many potential risks. Therefore, support activities have been developed to create more reliability and ensure the rights of parties involved in the transaction.
What is C2C?
eBay allows auctions on the online buying and selling platform

4. Risks when using the C2C model

Although C2C has many great benefits, especially optimizing operating costs and selling prices, this model still has certain risks:

  • High selection rate: The C2C model does not have clear regulations like traditional models, so controlling security and ensuring rights for all parties is also difficult. There have been countless cases of crooks using tricks and tricks to defraud both buyers and sellers.
  • Payment steps can be difficult: With C2C models that do not have built-in payment features by credit cards or bank cards, payment may incur additional costs when having to go through platforms. other payment platforms. Not only that, registering a payment account is also quite complicated and difficult.
  • Difficult to strictly manage product quality: Platforms using the C2C model such as e-commerce floors have difficulty controlling the quality of sellers' products because the exchange process takes place in the online environment.
What is c2c model
C2C platforms have difficulty managing product quality

5. Future trends of C2C sales model

With the current development of technology, the C2C model is assessed by experts to continue to grow strongly in the future. Here are some possible trends in the coming years of the C2C model:

  • Integrating AI technology: The keyword AI has received a lot of attention in the past 1 or 2 years and is being applied to many areas of life. With the C2C model, AI can assist in predicting user behavior, optimizing marketing strategies as well as suggesting more effective business options.
  • Cooperation with traditional sales models: Each sales model has certain weaknesses, for C2C it is the practical experience for customers. To overcome this, C2C can completely combine with traditional businesses such as stores and agents to create a seamless shopping experience for customers,
  • Expanding new business markets: Although at present, C2C has been applied in many business models. However, if it can increase coverage into new areas, C2C can attract a large number of potential customers from open, untapped markets.
  • Focus more on sustainability: The "sustainable" trend is gaining more and more attention, thereby promoting new business strategies, focusing on providing quality, value-added products. Castle.
What is C2C?
AI can assist in predicting user behavior

Thus, in the article above, 1C Vietnam has helped customers understand what the C2C model is, as well as its characteristics, sales activities as well as risks when applied in practice. C2C is predicted to grow strongly in the future and create many opportunities for individuals to access customer files. We hope that your business has gained more useful knowledge. If you have any questions, please contact us for advice.

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