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What is Employer Branding? Steps to build a brand

Employer Branding is a way to build an employer brand that is evaluated in the labor community. Employer brand is related to aspects such as the environment, corporate culture or benefits for employees. Let's learn about this topic with 1C Vietnam through the article below.

1. What is Employer Branding?

Employer Branding is "Employer Brand", focusing on how the business is evaluated in the labor community. Employer Branding is related to the working environment, corporate culture and employee benefits. Unlike Employer Branding, Company Brand is the image and reputation of a business in the eyes of customers, shareholders, and the community, related to human resources while also affecting the market and competitive position of the business.

Employer Branding
Employer Branding focuses on how a business is perceived in the workforce

The Human Resources or Workforce Development department is often responsible for Employer Branding. Their task is to build and manage the image of the business in the eyes of employees or candidates with jobs such as: Creating positive work policies, organizing exchange events and developing communication strategies.

2. The importance of Employer Branding

Employer Branding brings many important benefits because it affects the development of the company. The importance of employer branding is demonstrated through:

2.1. Increase recruitment efficiency

Employer Branding is a decisive factor in the effectiveness of the recruitment process. Recruitment branding helps businesses attract potential candidates and make the recruitment process easier and more economical.

Employer Branding
Employer Branding is a factor that brings efficiency to the recruitment process

2.2. Promote the development of corporate culture

Building a positive corporate culture is key to creating a strong Employer Branding . This creates a positive working environment and attracts quality candidates who suit the needs of the business.

What is Employer Branding?
Corporate culture helps create strong Employer Branding

2.3. Building a brand for businesses

Employer Branding is about attracting talent, this is also an important part of branding a business. Employer Branding helps convey the message of a positive working environment and attract attention from the community as well as candidates.

What is Employer Branding?
Employer Branding attracts talent to help build brands

2.4. Increase competitiveness in the labor market

Employer Branding creates differentiation and competitiveness for businesses in the labor market. Businesses with a good "Employer Brand" will attract many talented candidates and create a competitive advantage over other competitors.

Employer Branding
Businesses with strong Employer Branding will create a good competitive advantage

3. Steps to build effective Employer Branding in Marketing

Below are the steps to build effective Employer Branding in Marketing to help businesses easily follow and implement:

3.1. Step 1: Determine goals and candidate portraits

In the process of building Employer Branding , determining goals and candidate profiles is the most important step. Specific goals help focus on the most important elements of your strategy, like attracting quality candidates and enhancing your employer brand.

At the same time, analyzing company culture is an indispensable step, which will help candidates clearly understand the working environment, values and management style in the organization. This information will assist in building a professional recruitment brand and finding suitable candidates.

What is Employer Branding?
Objectives help focus on attracting candidates and enhancing Employer Branding

3.2. Step 2: Determine communication channels

After determining the goals and candidate profiles, the next step is to choose the appropriate communication channel to promote the business's EVP. Social networks play an important role in this, making the use of Facebook and Linkedin to post job postings not simply about posting information, but also an opportunity to create valuable content and positive interactions. with the online community, helping to build better relationships with candidates as well as attract talent to businesses.

Employer Branding
Choosing the right communication channel helps promote your business's EVP

3.3. Step 3: Measure Employer Branding effectiveness

In the process of evaluating Employer Branding effectiveness, measurement is based on indicators such as applications, views, recruitment time, and candidate quality. At the same time, the testing and evaluation process includes collecting feedback from the community and Employer Brand evaluation forums. Factors such as talent retention rate, employee satisfaction or recruitment sources are also analyzed to adjust strategies and optimize the effectiveness of employer branding.

Employer Branding
Factors are analyzed to adjust strategies and optimize performance

4. How to increase Employer Branding effectiveness in businesses

To increase Employer Branding effectiveness in businesses, employer branding is becoming a trend. In an increasingly competitive labor market, recruitment process management software solutions play an important role in creating impressive communication campaigns.

Using modern software features helps automate the recruitment process and detailed management of important indicators such as candidate source, personnel evaluation as well as employee retention rate.

What is Employer Branding?
Recruitment process management software solutions play an important role

Learn now about 1C:Company Management software, an open solution with features to automate business administration in many different models. 1C:Company Management is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses improve and strengthen Employer Branding.

Above, 1C Vietnam introduced the topic Employer Branding and the importance of effectively building employer branding. Businesses need to understand the steps to build Employer Branding to ensure the process of developing and attracting talent for the business effectively. If you have any questions, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately to receive professional advice and more detailed information!

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