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What is Manager? Ways to become a professional Manager

What is Manager ? Manager is the person who directly leads and directs employees in the right direction, contributing to promoting the overall development of the organization. Let's analyze clearly with 1C Vietnam what the concept of Manager is and how to become a professional Manager!

1. What is Manager?

Manager is the person who takes on the leadership role and is the head of a group of employees or a specific department in the business. The main task of a Manager is to plan, organize, operate and manage activities to achieve organizational goals.

Depending on the size and field of operation of the business, Manager will have different jobs. At the same time, the Manager's workload depends on the assignment of the management board and will directly report to his superiors.

What is Manager?
Manager is responsible for managing and training a group of employees or a department within the business

2. The importance of Manager in business

Manager plays an important role in managing, operating and monitoring the operations of individuals, divisions and departments in the enterprise. Here are some specific roles that a Manager brings:

2.1 Leading teams and groups

Manager is responsible for leading and leading his team to perform work effectively. Therefore, Managers need to motivate, inspire and create a positive working environment for members of their department.

On the contrary, if the manager does not perform well in the role of leading the team, the business will encounter many difficulties in reaching its business goals.

What is Manager?
Managers directly guide and train employees in their departments

2.2 Employee training

Managers also play the role of guiding and supporting employees to achieve work efficiency. At the same time, train the necessary skills and knowledge for employees to promptly adapt to changes in the business as well as the fierce business environment.

In addition, investing in employee training also helps businesses attract and retain talent, improve work performance and increase competitiveness.

What is Manager?
Manager helps train employees so they can promptly adapt to changes in the business

2.3 Make decisions

Managers need to determine the general goals of the business, thereby collecting information, analyzing, evaluating options and making accurate decisions, appropriate to the business's situation at the present time.

In addition, managers also need to create connections with employees as well as other members of the business to support them in making the wisest decisions.

What is Manager?

Managers contribute to supporting employees in making appropriate decisions

2.4 Handling conflicts

The Manager is also the person who directly resolves internal conflicts among employees, or conflicts between departments and partners. This helps ensure stability in the business, improves relationships between stakeholders and enhances business performance.

What is Manager?
Manager is the person responsible for resolving internal conflicts

2.5 Evaluate employee performance

Managers also have the role of evaluating employee performance in their department based on fair criteria and employee consensus. This helps them identify each employee's strengths and weaknesses in order to come up with solutions to improve work efficiency.

What is Manager?
Managers evaluate employee performance based on fair criteria

3. How to become a professional Manager

In addition to understanding what a Manager is , managers must also pay attention to the important criteria below to become a professional Manager, contributing to promoting positivity within the organization.

3.1 Leadership skills

This is an important skill that any manager must have. To become a visionary leader, managers need to cultivate the following qualities:

  • Know how to motivate and keep your employees motivated, through employee of the month programs or related rewards.
  • Confidence helps managers handle difficult situations and lead employees effectively, becoming a mirror for employees to follow.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and encourage your employees to do the same.
  • Able to recover and continue to lead teams and groups effectively even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • Delegation skills help Managers reassign tasks to the right employees and allocate their time to other tasks.
What is Manager?

Leadership ability is the top criterion of a professional Manager

3.2 Communication ability

At work, managers need to regularly communicate with team members or other members of the business. Therefore, communication skills are the key to helping them succeed at work.

Communication can take many forms, including: Written communication and active listening (eye contact, body language, smiling).

What is Manager?
Communication skills determine success at work

3.3 Building relationships

A good manager needs to know how to build relationships with his employees. Through regular communication, managers will create a strong relationship with subordinates and help increase trust and enhance employee solidarity.

What is Manager?
Build relationships between managers and employees

3.4 Decision-making skills

The skill of making difficult decisions in teams and groups is essential for a Manager. Managers make their own decisions to help them handle various issues in the workplace, and are willing to ask other employees for feedback on their decisions.

What is Manager?
Managers need to have decision-making skills to help employees handle work problems

3.5 Customer care skills

Communication and customer care skills are the bridge between managers and users, which makes customer service useful, including empathy, patience and persuasion.

What is Manager?
Customer care skills are a mandatory requirement that every manager should have

3.6 Observability

Observation skills help Managers quickly recognize errors and provide appropriate solutions, better understanding employee activities and their working capacity. Besides, this skill also helps managers discover opportunities to implement appropriate plans, increasing trust from superiors.

What is Manager?
Managers cultivate observation skills to understand the general situation of employees' working capacity

3.7 Able to withstand work pressure

The ability to withstand pressure is an indispensable factor to become a professional Manager. This ability helps managers stay calm and focused to make appropriate decisions in emergency situations.

In particular, Managers must also know how to manage pressure to avoid affecting their psychology or health. At the same time, create motivation for employees to face the difficulties and challenges ahead.

What is Manager?
Managers need to know how to balance and withstand work pressure

3.8 Problem solving ability

As a manager, Manager needs to have problem-solving skills to face difficulties at work. This skill requires sensitivity and flexibility in understanding the causes, predicting and analyzing the current situation to come up with appropriate solutions.

What is Manager?
Problem solving skills help managers come up with appropriate business strategies

4. Distinguish between Manager and Leader

Manager and Leader are two concepts that are almost similar and complement each other. However, each concept will have its own unique characteristics. Specifically:

  • Manager: A person who has the ability to delegate work, come up with ideas and take full responsibility for what they do and for the employees they are managing. At the same time, the Manager is also the one who decides who will be the leader in a team or group and directly operates so that the plan can be carried out accurately and effectively.
  • Leader: Is the head of a group and is responsible for guiding, paying attention and controlling employees to properly perform tasks and ensure the successful completion of assigned work.

In general, businesses need to coordinate and apply Manager and Leader to complete work quickly and effectively.

What is Manager?
Manager and Leader are two concepts that are quite closely related

5. 1C:ERP software supports managers in comprehensive business management

1C:ERP system is a comprehensive business management solution, helping managers optimize business operations. The software provides financial management features such as financial and administrative accounting, automates accounting processes, and provides detailed reports to support managers' decision making.

Regarding production management, the software provides process planning and control tools, ensuring product quality and improving productivity. In particular, 1C:ERP has sales management and customer management features, helping to improve sales efficiency and maintain customer relationships. With such features, 1C:ERP is an effective tool for every manager in managing and developing the business.

What is Manager?
ERP software helps managers manage businesses more effectively

Thus, 1C Vietnam has joined with your business to learn about the concept of Manager, the importance of Manager and ways to become a professional Manager. To become a good manager, don't forget to apply smart management solutions like 1C:ERP. Contact 1C Vietnam immediately via hotline (+84)247 108 8887 to experience this optimal solution.

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