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What is the SMART model? How to define goals in Marketing

The SMART model is a powerful tool that helps individuals or businesses set and manage goals effectively. This model not only helps to define clear goals but also provides a systematic roadmap to achieve them. In this article, let's analyze and apply the SMART model in Marketing with 1C Vietnam to optimize strategies to achieve the desired results.

1. What is the SMART model?

The SMART Goals model is a popular method of goal setting that helps ensure that goals are clearly defined and achievable. The principle is based on five basic components:

  • Specific: Goals should be clear and specific, not vague or general.
  • Measurable : Goals must have a way to measure progress and success.
  • Achievable : Goals should be realistic and achievable with available resources.
  • Realistic: The goal must be appropriate to the current situation and realistically feasible.
  • Time-bound: The goal must have a specific time frame for completion.
smart model
The SMART model is a popular method for goal setting.

2. Example of SMART model

To better understand this topic, let's explore Coca Cola's SMART goal model with 1C Vietnam:

Coca-Cola, with its extensive experience and global success, is a typical example of applying SMART in goal setting. Specifically:

  • Specific: Coca Cola sets specific goals to increase brand presence and improve performance. For example, the company may set a goal to increase sales of a new product in a specific geographic area. This goal is clearly defined, such as "Increase sales of Coca Cola Zero Sugar in Southeast Asia by 15% over the next 12 months."
  • Measurable: Coca Cola uses metrics to evaluate the progress and effectiveness of its strategies. In the above example, the key metric is the percentage of sales growth. Regular metrics and reports are used to monitor and evaluate the achievement of goals.
  • Achievable: Coca Cola's goals are set with careful consideration of their feasibility. Specifically, to increase sales, Coca Cola can implement advertising and promotional campaigns based on market data as well as the company's production capabilities.
  • Realistic: Coca Cola ensures that goals are not only achievable but also consistent with the company's overall strategy. For example, sales growth goals should be consistent with market trends and customer needs in the target segment.
  • Time-bound: Coca-Cola sets specific deadlines to ensure that goals are achieved within a specified time frame. For example, the goal of increasing sales of Coca Cola Zero Sugar in the Southeast Asian market must be achieved within 12 months. Setting deadlines helps to create motivation and focus on achieving goals on time.
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Applying the SMART model helps Coca-Cola maintain competitiveness and develop strongly.

3. The significance of the SMART model for businesses

Applying the SMART goal model in business not only helps to set effective goals but also contributes to the long-term success of the organization. Here are the key benefits:

3.1 Identify appropriate goals

The SMART model helps to define goals clearly and precisely. When goals are clearly defined, managers and employees will find it easier to implement and make appropriate decisions. For example, if the goal is to increase revenue and reduce costs, setting SMART goals will help businesses cut unnecessary activities such as expanding factories or hiring more employees.

3.2 Create a plan

Based on the SMART goal model, businesses can develop a detailed plan to achieve their goals. Goals are broken down into specific steps, helping managers track progress and adjust plans as needed.

3.3 Employee Motivation

SMART goals not only make management easier, but can also be used to motivate employees. For example, when the goal is to increase sales, managers can set up incentive programs for employees to achieve important milestones such as performance bonuses, increased commissions, etc.

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SMART goals not only make management easier, but can also be used to motivate employees.

3.4 Shorten the time to complete the goal

Setting SMART goals helps reduce wasted time by focusing on important tasks. With clear measurements, businesses can quickly identify problems and adjust progress to achieve goals more effectively.

3.5 Reduce stress

When goals are clearly defined and achievable, employees will feel less stressed. In addition, the SMART model also helps them set appropriate personal goals that contribute to the overall goals of the organization, thereby reducing pressure and increasing motivation.

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The SMART model reduces stress and increases motivation at work

3. Define goals using the SMART method

The SMART goal model provides a structured framework to help businesses define and manage goals effectively. Here's how to apply each element to create clear and achievable goals:

3.1 Specific - Specific

When setting goals, businesses need to keep in mind the element of clarity and specificity. Goals should describe in detail what needs to be achieved. For example, instead of setting a general goal like "write more blog posts", managers can set a goal of "write 12 blog posts this month". This gives employees a clear and easy-to-follow plan.

3.2 Measurable - Measurable

Goals need to be measurable to assess progress. Using specific indicators helps businesses determine the level of goal completion. Some common measurement tools include: specific sales volume, percentage change, revenue variance. These indicators help businesses easily track and evaluate results.

3.3 Actionable - Achievable

The goal must be feasible, achievable and within the scope of existing capabilities and resources. For example, if a business wants to expand its market, it should develop a specific goal as follows: Open 15 more stores in the North in the third quarter of 2024.

3.4 Relevant - Relevance

Objectives must be aligned with the overall goals of the organization. This ensures that efforts are focused on activities that are important and meaningful to the business. This ensures that every objective contributes to the bigger picture and is related to the overall strategy.

3.5 Time-Bound - Time to complete the goal

Goals should have a specific time frame for completion. Setting a deadline helps employees stay motivated and adjust progress as needed.

4. Principles of setting SMART goals

Setting goals is not only about defining what a business wants to achieve, but also about how to implement strategies effectively and systematically. The SMART goal setting principle provides a detailed guide to help businesses set clear and realistic goals. Specifically:

  • Shaping Intentions: To set effective goals, businesses need to rely on the criteria of the SMART model. Make sure that the goal fully meets the factors of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound to have a clear and feasible direction.
  • Write down your goals: Write down your goals and put them in a visible place to serve as a reminder and motivator. This helps employees stay focused and determined while working towards their goals.
  • Create a detailed plan for the goal: Break the goal down into specific steps and create a detailed plan for each step. This makes it easy for the person doing the goal to track progress and adjust the plan as needed.
  • Progress Check: Continuously check and evaluate the progress of the staff to determine the level of goal completion. From there, the administrator can make the necessary adjustments to achieve the goal on time.
  • Prioritize tasks: Identify tasks that need to be done in order of priority, focusing on the most important tasks to ensure goals are completed on time and effectively.
Write down your goals and put them in a visible place as a reminder and motivation.

5. Distinguish between SMART model and OKRs model

The SMART and OKR models are both popular goal setting methods. These two concepts have notable similarities and differences. Follow the analysis below by 1C Vietnam to better understand and accurately use SMART or OKRs in practice:


  • Goals: Both models help set clear and measurable goals.
  • Scope: Both used in project management and personal development.




OKRs Model


Set specific, measurable and achievable goals.

Set strategic objectives and key results to evaluate performance.


Often used for individuals or departments within a business.

Often applied to setting strategic goals for an entire business or organization.


Does not give a specific target number and may be limited by current factors.

Designed to be flexible and can include multiple objectives and key results.


Focus on achieving specific and measurable goals.

Focus on key results and can set ambitious, challenging goals.

Time frame

Have a specific deadline to complete the goal.

There are often short-term time frames for monitoring and adjusting goals.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluate progress based on established criteria.

Monitor and evaluate based on key results.

6. Some challenges when applying the SMART model

While the SMART goal model offers many benefits, putting it into practice isn't always straightforward. Here are some common challenges:

  • Understanding the Model: It is important to ensure that all employees and stakeholders understand the SMART goal model and how to apply it in practice. Lack of understanding can lead to consequences such as inaccurate or unachievable goals.
  • Irrelevant goals: Sometimes, the goals set are not fully aligned with the overall goals of the organization. This can result in a waste of resources and time.
  • Lack of monitoring and evaluation: One of the biggest challenges is the lack of a system to monitor and evaluate progress towards goals. To achieve goals effectively, tools and processes need to be established to monitor and evaluate results periodically.
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Businesses need to ensure that all employees and stakeholders understand the SMART model.

7. Successfully apply the SMART model thanks to the 1C:ERP solution

To successfully and effectively apply the SMART model, businesses need to clearly understand their existing resources, operational status, and well-functioning business data systems. 1C:ERP is an enterprise resource planning solution that helps optimize workflows and analyze data to achieve efficiency goals with effective features such as:

  • Improve workflow: 1C:ERP helps manage and connect business operations, eliminate duplicate work and improve operational efficiency.
  • Real-time reporting system: Provides easy and flexible management reports, helping managers track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of goals in real time.
  • Improve product/service quality: Synchronize data and improve services, helping to improve the quality of products and services of the business, thereby achieving the set goals.
  • Increase investment value efficiency: Optimize costs and control KPIs, helping businesses achieve the highest investment value from resources.
  • Quickly plan and control goals: Support quick planning and KPI control, helping businesses achieve goals effectively and on time.
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1C:ERP is an enterprise resource planning solution that helps optimize workflows to achieve SMART goals.

Combining the SMART goal model with the 1C:ERP solution helps businesses set and manage goals effectively, thereby optimizing work processes and achieving desired results.

The SMART model has proven to be a powerful tool in setting and achieving goals. Using the SMART model to set goals will help optimize project management processes and improve business results. However, to achieve maximum efficiency, businesses need to combine the SMART model with management support tools such as 1C:ERP, which helps improve workflow, optimize costs and enhance the ability to measure results. Contact 1C Vietnam now for detailed advice.

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