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What is Operation? Learn about important tasks and notes

What is Operation? This is a department with important tasks in planning and implementing operations management, ensuring the enterprise quickly achieves its business goals. To learn more about what Operation is and the important tasks of this position, 1C Vietnam invites businesses to read the article below!

1. What is Operation?

In a business organization, Operations is a department responsible for building plans, strategies and orienting production activities in the short, medium and long term. This position ensures that processes and operations are performed efficiently, reliably, and meet customer expectations.

For businesses in the retail sector, manufacturers or service providers, organizing activities closely is essential. However, business activities will depend on the field and business stage of each enterprise.

What is operation?
Operation is an important position in controlling the production activities of an enterprise

2. Job positions in Operation

In the Operations department, there are 5 popular positions: Operation Executive, Product Operation Executive, E-commerce Operations Executive, Operation Manager, Operation Support. These positions will perform different tasks depending on the operations and characteristics of the business. Below is detailed information about job positions in the department that businesses can refer to:

2.1 Operation Executive

Operation Executive plays an important role in the Operations department, responsible for managing and operating the daily activities of the business within the assigned content framework. Some detailed tasks that Operation Executive can undertake are as follows:

  • Planning: Analyze and plan operational activities, including resources, timing, and budget.
  • Monitor and evaluate performance: Monitor and evaluate the performance of operational processes and identify problems and weaknesses to recommend appropriate improvement measures.
  • Resource management: Manage and support employees to perform daily tasks such as: Assigning work, training, evaluating performance and managing resources to ensure balance and availability of the business.
  • Problem solving: Solve problems that occur daily during operations.
  • Reporting and connection: Prepare reports on operational activities, closely connect with other departments in the business to ensure meeting customer expectations and project progress.
What is operation?
Operation Executive manages and operates the daily operations of the business

2.2 Product Operations Executive

This is a position in the field of goods/service management, often focusing on the management and administration of goods/service activities in businesses. Some tasks of the Product Operation Executive include:

  • Process management: Ensure product operations are flexible, and plan and organize processes to help maintain product quality continuity.
  • Analyze and evaluate performance: Track and analyze data related to sales, customer feedback, and quality metrics. From there, evaluate product performance and propose improvement measures (if necessary).
  • Product management: Coordinate with supply chain management departments to ensure continuity in the supply of raw materials and finished products.
  • Link with other departments: Work closely with engineering, marketing and sales departments, thereby ensuring customer satisfaction and product success.
  • Project Management: Product Operations Executive manages projects related to product development or improvement. In addition, the department also ensures that projects are implemented on time, in accordance with the budget and set goals.
  • Reporting and communication: Conduct reports on project progress, product performance and customer feedback. At the same time, communicate closely with relevant departments to ensure consensus on planning and product support.
What is operation?
Product Operation Executive is the position of managing the goods/service activities of the business

2.3 E-commerce Operations Executive

E-commerce Operations Executive plays an important role in e-commerce businesses. Normally, the main work of this position will be related to the online purchasing and selling activities of the business. Specific tasks of the E-commerce Operations Executive will include:

  • Manage and track e-commerce activities: Responsible for managing and distributing daily activities of the e-commerce website such as: Ordering, order processing and delivery.
  • Product management on E-commerce website: Ensure the products displayed on the e-commerce website are accurate and attractive. At the same time, support businesses in operating the process of posting new products, updating information and managing product categories.
  • Warehouse and transportation management: Effectively manage inventory to ensure seamlessness in the product supply process. In particular, this position also helps businesses optimize processes and minimize transportation costs.
  • Optimize online shopping experience: Implement strategies to optimize customers' online shopping experience on e-commerce websites. Make sure the website has an easy-to-use interface, fast page loading speeds, and a secure payment system.
  • Customer response and support: Address customer requests and feedback regarding ordering, shipping and product issues. In addition, this position also provides questionnaires or issues that arise during the online shopping journey.
  • Analysis and reporting: Support businesses in analyzing data about e-commerce activities to evaluate and propose improvements. At the same time, prepare periodic reports on sales, shipping and customer feedback.

2.4 Operation Manager

Operation Manager (Operations Management Department) has the role of organizing, managing and operating the business's activities on a daily basis. Specific content of this job will include:

  • Managing daily operations: Operation Manager organizes, operates and monitors business activities on a daily basis, to ensure smoothness and efficiency.
  • Planning and task allocation: Conduct planning for business activities and allocate tasks to employees and other departments.
  • Effective management of resources: Operation Manager helps businesses manage resources effectively, including human resources, materials and budget.
  • Process optimization: This department has the role of analyzing and optimizing existing operating processes to improve performance and reduce costs for the business.
  • Effective management of resources: Operation Manager helps businesses manage and train employees, while monitoring and evaluating work performance, thereby providing necessary feedback and support.
  • Problem solving: Operation Manager is responsible for solving problems that arise during the operation of the business.
  • Collaborate with other departments: Work collaboratively with production, sales and finance departments to ensure project progress and customer satisfaction.
  • Help businesses comply with regulations: Responsible for ensuring business operations comply with all legal regulations and industry standards.
What is operation?
Operation Manager takes on the job of managing business operations on a daily basis

2.5 Operation Support

Operation Support is often a support position within a business, tasked with providing support and solutions to daily problems related to operational activities. As follows:

  • Technical support: Operation Support supports employees or customers in using systems and tools related to operational activities. At the same time, solve technical problems and provide solutions to bad problems that arise.
  • Data management: Directly manage and maintain data related to operational activities such as processes, regulations and instructions.
  • Support in processes and regulations: Support businesses in building, maintaining and supplementing processes and regulations related to operational activities.
  • Troubleshooting: Receive and handle support requests from customers or employees, and resolve problems and provide necessary solutions.
  • Software and system support: Support businesses to deploy, update and operate software and systems. Test and monitor system performance to ensure stability and efficient operation.
  • Training and providing guidance: Operation Support supports training and guidance of employees on the business's operating systems and processes. As well as instructing employees to use available tools and systems.
What is operation?
Operation Support is responsible for supporting daily business issues

3. Main tasks of the Operations department

Operations play a very important role in the success and development of every organization. They are responsible for building and implementing business plans, implementing marketing activities and training staff... Below are the specific contents of each main task:

3.1 Develop a business plan

The Operations department is responsible for creating short-term, medium-term and long-term business plans, as well as annual plans for the business. From there, we ensure that those plans are implemented in accordance with business goals in each different stage.

3.2 Organize plan implementation

After planning and approval, Operation will directly organize, direct and supervise the work according to the proposed plan. In addition, Operation must also provide evaluation criteria and conduct performance evaluation.

3.3 Deploy product marketing activities

The Operations department needs to implement market expansion plans or marketing activities to introduce products to a large number of consumers, thereby promoting sales and increasing business efficiency. In addition, collecting feedback from customers on a business's products/services also contributes to improving production/service activities, this is considered a necessary activity in the chain of follow-up activities. market the company's products.

3.4 Training of staff

Operation supports businesses in developing human resources, building a sustainable and growing system. To accomplish this task, the Operations department needs to develop training plans and determine the skills and knowledge that the staff needs to develop to meet the needs of the job. However, this position depends on the operational situation and instructions from superiors to carry out tasks, so Operation must have flexibility and quick adaptation to emergency situations, ensuring smooth operations. go smoothly.

4. Mandatory requirements to become an Operation

Requirements for the Operations department will depend on the field as well as the way of implementing business activities of each enterprise. However, in general, the mandatory requirements of an Operation are usually:

  • Qualification

It can be seen that professional knowledge is the deciding factor in an Operation's capacity, helping to complete the job quickly and with few errors. Therefore, candidates need to learn and have input professional knowledge to work in the Operation department of the business.

  • Work experience

Each business will have a direction for recruiting Operations with different levels of experience. For the Operations department manager position, HR often requires candidates to have 3 - 5 years of experience working in a similar position. For employee positions, HR may only require understanding and work experience of 1 year or more.

  • Communication and presentation skills

Communication and presentation skills are two mandatory elements for an Operation, because they will have to survey the market, learn about tastes and present to the board of directors to convince superiors to trust their plans. your proposed business plan.

  • Teamwork skill

In business, any job requires cooperation and teamwork. Therefore, candidates having teamwork skills is one of the opportunities to become Operational and bring work efficiency and save time.

  • Planning skills

Planning is one of the jobs associated with Operations, this is considered a necessary and sufficient condition for them to always complete the work scientifically and ensure that no work is missed.

  • Withstand work pressure

Along with a large workload, Operation also needs to endure a lot of pressure. It can come from time, work, leadership... causing them to have no time to rest. Therefore, the ability to work under great pressure is one of the important abilities of people working in the Operations department.

5. The role of Operation in many different fields

Operations is a position that plays a decisive role in planning and implementing business management activities of an enterprise. Thereby, helping businesses ensure effective operations and quickly achieve business goals. Below are the 5 main roles that the Operations department provides:

5.1 Retail sector

Operation's mission in the retail sector is to optimally manage inventory, helping to keep the products customers want at the right price. By reviewing previous sales, which items are selling well and which items are lagging behind. From there, negotiate better prices or purchasing terms from the supplier to increase profits.

What is operation?
Operation's role in the retail sector is to ensure customers buy products at the right price

5.2 Manufacturing sector

In the field of production and business, the Operations department must come up with many creative ideas to innovate products, as well as consider effective import, storage and production methods. At the same time, the Operations department needs to answer the following questions:

  • How to produce large orders to save time?
  • Did any complications arise during production? Propose appropriate solutions.
  • Which transportation method is simple and cost-effective?
  • Is it possible to discuss and negotiate with suppliers to improve product efficiency?
What is operation?
The operations department must provide directions for operations in the manufacturing sector

5.3 Service field

In the service sector, businesses will classify the Operations department into two main groups: The first group is in charge of customers, the other group will be in charge of business-related issues. At the same time, Operation needs to answer questions such as:

  • Did the customer encounter any problems?
  • How to meet the satisfaction and wishes of all customers?
What is operation?
Each Operation group will work and operate with each assigned work requirement

5.4 Restaurant sector

Compared to the retail sector, the restaurant sector often has more inventory problems because food is perishable and difficult to preserve. In particular, activities in the restaurant sector not only focus on products but also on the process of purchasing and preparing food and drinks as well as good customer experience.

Therefore, the Operations department needs to know how to streamline operations, including signing contracts with suppliers, thereby ensuring the freshness of food and knowing how to train and guide employees. The staff works effectively.

What is operation?
The Operations department needs to know how to manage activities in the restaurant industry

6. Comparison between Operation and Back office

Operation and Back office are two important positions in business activities. However, each position will undertake different responsibilities and tasks. Join 1C Vietnam to learn in detail the differences between the two positions through the table below:


Operations Department

Back office department


Directly participate in core operating activities of the business

Support and manage backstage activities


Manage and operate production/service activities

Handles administrative and non-product/service related tasks.

Scope of operation

Directly related to products/services.

Support for other departments in the business.


Ensure production and supply processes are efficient.

Support and ensure activities run smoothly.

What is operation?
Operation and Back office are both important positions in the business

7. Salary of Operation position

In general, the Operations department often undertakes many important and complex tasks in the enterprise. So the salary for this position is usually quite high. Operational salaries will vary based on the field of business and the level and position held. For the position of operating staff, the salary will be about 6 - 8 million VND/month, the highest salary can be up to 15 million VND/month. For the position of operations manager, the average salary will be from 15-25 million VND/month, the highest is from 30-50 million/month.

What is operation?
Operation's salary will be calculated based on the size and activities of the business

8. Concepts related to Operations in business

Besides learning about what Operation is, businesses and candidates also need to pay attention to terms related to the Operations department so that work can go smoothly. Here are the concepts and brief answers:

  • What is operations manager? This is the head of the operations department and is responsible for all operational activities of the enterprise.
  • What is operating income? This is the remaining revenue after deducting operating expenses and cost of sales.
  • What is Operational Objective? This is a term used to refer to business operational goals, including short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.
  • What is Operation admin? This is the operations administrator, whose role is to supervise and manage to ensure all activities take place as planned and achieve the highest efficiency.
  • What is Operation Director? These are the people who are responsible for operating and directing the work of the business to ensure that the work is run according to the set goals.

9. 1C:ERP supports Operation in orienting production and business activities

1C:ERP solution was born as a useful solution to improve and enhance the quality of business operations. The solution is suitable for all types of businesses, especially manufacturing businesses, through which Operation people can easily manage business situations, support production lines with technology...

In addition, 1C:ERP solution also provides a chain of processes from simple to complex, responsive support for medium and large businesses, helping to increase competitive advantage, enhance brand and overcome challenges. Technological challenges in the age of digital transformation.

9.1 Why should you choose 1C:ERP solution for production and business management?

1C:ERP is a perfect solution, allowing businesses to flexibly monitor production and semi-finished product processes. Below are the outstanding strengths that 1C:ERP brings:

  • System with open logic: Helps businesses master technology, master solutions and minimize dependence on suppliers.
  • Quick Customization: Easily customize for unique requirements and integrate solutions within the 1C and third-party solution ecosystem.
  • Available accounting standards: 1C:ERP has built-in Vietnamese Accounting Standards (VAS) and International Accounting Standards (IFRS), helping businesses easily prepare reports and develop consolidated reports for businesses. business model.
  • Suitable for all platforms: Allows businesses to take advantage of available platforms and is compatible with popular database management software and browsers.
  • Providing complete operating systems: A complete set of modules will help businesses apply 1C:ERP to all models of commercial, service and production activities.
What is operation?
1C:ERP is one of the leading solutions to help businesses manage production and business effectively

9.2 Benefits of 1C:ERP solution

In addition to the above strengths, applying 1C:ERP solution also helps businesses improve and enhance product/service quality as well as optimize operating processes. Below are the benefits that 1C:ERP solution brings:

  • Optimize work process: 1C:ERP solution helps businesses manage activities to easily eliminate duplicate jobs or manual operations, and optimize processes.
  • Providing a reporting system on demand: Managers will easily create management reports on demand at all times, the system is ready for collaboration and can easily change reporting plans without needing to know about planning. submit.
  • Improve product/service quality: With the ability to quickly check inventory levels, check shipping policies and record feedback, 1C:ERP helps businesses optimize services and promptly detect problems. problems arise, thereby providing appropriate solutions.
  • Commitment to security: With strict decentralization and data encryption capabilities, 1C:ERP is responsible for supporting businesses in managing information and recording modified versions, ensuring transparency and history. user.
  • Improve investment efficiency: 1C:ERP solution helps businesses optimize operating costs and effectively control operational goals as well as the performance of the human resources department to achieve financial goals. In particular, compatibility with all IT infrastructure software and the ability to customize and expand will help businesses quickly optimize investment value in their digital transformation roadmap.

What is operation?
1C:ERP solution is integrated with many superior features to help businesses optimize operating processes

Above is all the information surrounding what Operation is, the mission and role of Operation that 1C Vietnam wants to send to your business. It can be seen that Operations is an important position in maintaining and ensuring business performance. However, the work will be truly effective if businesses know how to combine it with solutions to help optimize the process. For advice on 1C:ERP production and business management solutions to optimally support Operation, please contact Hotline: 0247.108.8887 , the consulting team will promptly support!

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