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TOP 8 convenient and easy-to-use warehouse management software on phones

TOP 8 convenient and easy-to-use warehouse management software on phones

In the era of technological development, warehouse management software on phones is gradually becoming popular and chosen by many businesses. In the article below, 1C Vietnam will provide detailed information about the top 8 convenient and effective warehouse management applications on phones for businesses.

1. 1C:Company Management software helps manage inventory on the phone easily and effectively

1C:Company Management software is an open solution with flexible features to support administration for SMEs. The software possesses all the necessary features to help connect accounting, finance, human resources, sales, purchasing, production,... departments on the same system, to ensure convenience. for user.

1C:Company Management - Overall management solution for SMEs
1C:Company Management - Overall management solution for SMEs

To serve comprehensive business management, the 1C:Company Management solution has been integrated into the phone application, helping users handle work anytime, anywhere easily and quickly.

1C:Company Management provides all the necessary features for warehouse management on the phone including:

  • Calculate cost of materials: Software calculates cost of materials quickly and accurately, helping businesses manage budget resources and avoid losses.
  • Set inventory limits: Businesses can set maximum and minimum inventory levels of finished goods and supplies, helping to ensure product availability and avoid shortages.
  • Controlling the transfer of goods: The system regularly monitors the situation of export and import of warehouses, helping to control the quantity and warehouse address of finished products, avoiding surplus or shortage.
  • Inventory and material reserve reports: The report fully notes the increase and decrease in the number of finished products, helping businesses conduct periodic inventory counts.
  • Managing material information in the warehouse: Enterprises fully grasp product data, supporting the process of exporting, importing or updating inventory.

2. Viindoo Inventory mobile warehouse management application

Viindoo Inventory is a mobile inventory management software developed by Viindoo, Vietnam. The application has many features suitable for small and medium businesses.

The software provides essential features for warehouse management, including:

  • Create, edit, delete product lists; Add detailed information about goods such as: product name, barcode, manufacturer, supplier, price,...
  • Enter warehouse according to receipt; Check the quantity and quality of goods when entering the warehouse.
  • Discharge goods according to the export note; Monitor inventory status.
Viindoo Inventory mobile inventory management software
Viindoo Inventory mobile inventory management software

3. Warehouse management software on SUNO phones

SUNO is an application that helps store owners and businesses manage inventory on mobile phones, developed by Technology Joint Stock Company.

Main features of the SUNO mobile warehouse management application:

  • Record quantity and value of inventory.
  • Support store owners to transfer inventory between warehouses.
  • Provides warehouse reports, allowing store owners to monitor warehouse operations.
Warehouse management application on SUNO phones
Warehouse management application on SUNO phones

4. KiotViet warehouse management software on phones

KiotViet is a mobile warehouse management solution, suitable for small and medium sized businesses. The software allows users to manage goods in the warehouse through basic features, including:

  • Add, edit, delete goods information
  • Warehouse import and export management
  • Inventory inventory
  • Inventory import and export statistics
KiotViet is a warehouse management solution on mobile phones
KiotViet is a warehouse management solution on mobile phones

5. Square software manages inventory on the phone

Square warehouse management software on phones is an application for small and medium-sized businesses. The Square app offers basic features for inventory tracking, including:

  • Create and manage product catalogs
  • Keep track of inventory quantity
  • Import and export goods
  • Track transaction history
  • Generate reports
Square software supports inventory tracking
Square software supports inventory tracking

6. Sapo POS mobile warehouse management application

Sapo POS mobile warehouse management application is a warehouse management solution for retail stores or chain stores. The software supports users in performing activities such as importing goods, exporting goods, checking inventory, monitoring goods status,...

Features of the Sapo POS mobile warehouse management application:

  • Allows users to create, edit, delete products, classify products,...
  • Support users to import goods by many different methods such as importing goods directly, importing goods from suppliers, importing goods from online orders,...
  • Helps users export goods in many different ways such as exporting goods to customers, exporting goods to other stores,...
Sapo POS software supports users to import, export and count goods on the phone
Sapo POS software supports users to import, export and count goods on the phone

7. Zoho Inventory inventory management software on iOS phones

Zoho Inventory is an inventory and order management software designed for businesses of all sizes. The software is available on both computers and mobile phones.

Basic features of the Zoho Inventory application include:

  • Track current inventory, minimum and maximum inventory levels, and transaction history.
  • Create, track and process orders from customers.
  • Create and manage warehouses, areas, and storage locations.
Zoho Inventory - inventory management software on phones
Zoho Inventory - inventory management software on phones

8. ABC Inventory mobile inventory management application

ABC Inventory is a mobile inventory management application suitable for large-scale businesses. The application provides basic features needed for warehouse management including:

  • Track quantity, price, location and other details of products in stock.
  • Track import transactions including quantity, price and supplier.
  • Track shipping transactions including quantity, price and customer.
  • Export reports on inventory, imports, exports and other data.
ABC Inventory software supports inventory management on phones
ABC Inventory software supports inventory management on phones

Thus, warehouse management software on phones is an effective tool to help businesses manage warehouses effectively. With many superior features, this software helps companies save time, costs and improve business efficiency. For consulting support on mobile warehouse management solutions suitable for your business, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately!

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