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What is an artificial intelligence robot? List of outstanding features

Artificial intelligence robots are no longer a strange concept but have become an important part of modern life. From the ability to learn by themselves, analyze data to perform complex tasks quickly and accurately, AI robots are opening a new era for technology and automation. Let's learn about artificial intelligence robots with 1C Vietnam and the outstanding features that have helped them become the trend of the future.

1. What is artificial intelligence robot?

Artificial intelligence robots (AI robots) are devices developed to automate work, replace and support humans in production as well as many other fields. Thanks to the integration of AI technology, robots are becoming increasingly intelligent, capable of thinking, recognizing and communicating almost like humans.

artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence robots are devices developed to automate work, replace and support humans.

Robots have long played an important role in the development of technology. With the emergence of artificial intelligence today, AI robots can move autonomously, make decisions and adapt to different conditions flexibly.

A prime example is the Robot Sophia, designed with a human-like appearance and facial expressions and patented artificial skin. Sophia can use AI to create her own thoughts, words and actions. Through interactions with humans, Sophia gradually improves and develops autonomy and real emotions.

2. Some outstanding features of artificial intelligence robots

The special feature of this artificial intelligence robot lies in the programming software designed to simulate human intelligence, including the ability to analyze, process information and communicate. In addition, artificial intelligence robots are also equipped with the ability to think, react and adapt flexibly like humans.

Some other notable features of the artificial intelligence robot include:

  • Ability to communicate fluently in multiple languages.
  • Rich scenario repository, helps analyze and handle problems quickly.
  • Ability to learn and gain experience through advanced algorithms.
  • The ability to receive information and respond accurately like a living individual.
robots and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence robots have the ability to learn and gain experience thanks to advanced algorithms

2.1 Tri Nhan - Vietnam's first robot

In line with the trend of developing artificial intelligence robots in the world, Vietnam has successfully created the first artificial intelligence robot named Tri Nhan, marking a promising step forward for domestic science and technology.

Artificial intelligence expert Pham Thanh Nam created Tri Nhan based on the design of the InMoov robot, with the main purpose of supporting in the field of education, especially in the role of teaching assistant. Tri Nhan is equipped with biological simulations with an artificial heart and a DNA double helix.

robotics and artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence expert Pham Thanh Nam created Tri Nhan based on the design of the InMoov robot.

Tri Nhan operates on the information processing platform from Google, capable of answering thousands of questions. Moreover, this robot can communicate flexibly in Vietnamese, English and translate many other languages. Tri Nhan is also capable of controlling low-level robots such as vacuum cleaners through the Close Companion platform.

2.2 Family Vector Robot - Anki's Smart Robot

Vector Robot is an ambitious and innovative product of Anki, a company famous in the intellectual toy industry. After the success of Cozmo robot, Anki continued to develop Vector with the goal of creating an intelligent "pet" for the family, integrating many features such as weather forecasting, emotional expression and providing information.

artificial robot
Vector Robot is an ambitious and innovative product of Anki company.

Vector is equipped with many sensors on its body. When petted or touched, the robot will express emotions and actions similar to a real pet. Vector's personality and emotions are expressed through a small screen on the front, similar to the eyes of a real pet.

2.3 Robot Sophia - New era of artificial intelligence

Sophia, a product of the American company Hanson Robotics, made its debut at the South by Southwest Festival in Texas. Considered one of the most human-like artificial intelligence robots , Sophia stands out for its ability to express more than 60 different expressions.

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Sophia is the robot with the closest artificial intelligence to humans.

Sophia’s innovation lies in her ability to express her personal opinions, analyze conversations to remember and use information in the future. With a combination of cameras and advanced computer algorithms, Sophia offers realistic vision. In addition to natural communication, Sophia can also sing.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence?

In this section, 1C Vietnam will explore with you the outstanding advantages of AI, while also looking at the disadvantages and issues that need to be addressed, such as security risks and changes in the labor market. Understanding these factors helps businesses maximize the potential of AI while considering solutions to minimize negative impacts.

3.1 Advantages

Artificial intelligence robots bring many significant benefits, contributing to development and efficiency in many fields. Here are the main advantages of AI:

  • Superior productivity: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up human labor. In addition, robots are capable of processing information at speeds and volumes far beyond human capabilities, operating continuously 24/7 without needing to rest.
  • High Accuracy: AI minimizes human error, makes decisions based on data and algorithms, and is less influenced by emotions. AI is capable of analyzing complex data to produce more accurate results.
  • Creativity: AI assists humans in creative fields like art, music, and design. Robots help find new and innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Personalized experiences: AI provides personalized services and products based on user preferences and behaviors, enhancing customer experiences in areas such as shopping, entertainment, and education.
  • Solving global problems: AI is applied in fields such as health, environment and energy, helping to solve global challenges. Artificial intelligence has the ability to analyze big data to predict and prevent risks, thereby contributing to solving important problems.
artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence robots bring many significant benefits, contributing to development and efficiency in many fields.

3.2 Disadvantages

While artificial intelligence robots offer many benefits, they also come with some drawbacks that need to be considered:

  • Risk of job loss: Automation has the potential to replace humans in many fields, leading to the risk of unemployment. This requires workers to adapt quickly and improve their skills to meet new demands in the labor market.
  • Discrimination: AI algorithms can be biased if the input data is biased or biased. This can lead to unfair decisions that negatively impact marginalized groups or those who are underrepresented in the data.
  • Ethical issues: The rapid development of AI raises concerns that the technology could get out of human control. AI applications could be used for nefarious purposes, such as developing autonomous weapons or manipulating information, raising serious ethical issues.
artificial intelligence robot
Automation has the potential to replace humans in many fields, leading to the risk of unemployment.

4. Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in life

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of modern life, affecting many different areas. From improving personal experiences to optimizing workflows and solving global problems, AI has proven its worth in bringing convenience and efficiency.

4.1 In the field of transportation

Artificial intelligence is now being applied in automated vehicles, especially self-driving cars. This application not only improves economic efficiency by reducing costs but also contributes to reducing the risk of serious traffic accidents.

artificial intelligence robot
Self-driving cars are an application of artificial intelligence in the field of transportation.

For example, in 2016, Otto, a self-driving technology company owned by Uber, successfully delivered 50,000 cans of Budweiser beer in a self-driving car over a distance of 193 km. According to predictions by information technology consulting firm Gartner, in the future, vehicles will be able to connect via Wifi, allowing for smarter optimization of transportation routes.

4.2 In the manufacturing sector

In the manufacturing sector, artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in optimizing production processes. AI technology helps improve production efficiency through complex data analysis, thereby supporting more accurate and effective decision making. AI is capable of monitoring and analyzing each step of the production process, identifying problems and suggesting timely improvements.

artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in optimizing manufacturing processes.

AI systems can predict machine failures, adjust production processes to reduce waste and increase productivity. Furthermore, AI helps optimize supply chain management, material and product distribution, ensuring the highest quality products at the lowest cost. Thanks to the ability to analyze and process information quickly, AI technology facilitates the improvement of production processes, from planning to execution, helping manufacturers respond to market demands flexibly and efficiently.

4.3 In the medical field

One prominent application of artificial intelligence in the medical field is the use of drones in emergency rescue situations. These flying devices are equipped with AI technology to optimize navigation and handling of situations in emergency conditions.

Artificial intelligence is widely used in medicine

Compared to traditional rescue vehicles, drones can travel up to 40% faster, allowing access to areas that are difficult to reach or impeded by difficult terrain such as mountains, dense forests, or areas affected by natural disasters. This speed is especially important in situations where urgent medical intervention is needed, such as delivering medicine, medical equipment, or even first aid assistance.

4.4 In the field of education

Artificial intelligence has brought significant changes to the education sector. AI allows for the automation of tasks such as grading, tutoring, and provides educational software and games that are tailored to each student’s needs and learning pace. The technology also helps identify areas for improvement in courses and tracks student progress, notifying teachers when problems are detected. Additionally, students can learn from anywhere thanks to AI-powered applications, while receiving data to choose the most suitable course for them.

artificial intelligence robot
AI enables automation of tasks like grading, tutoring

4.5 In the field of communication

In the media industry, artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we reach our target customers. With its powerful data analytics capabilities, AI helps companies optimize their advertising by targeting the right audience at the right time. The technology uses information about demographics, online habits, and the content that customers are frequently exposed to to deliver more effective and accurate advertising.

artificial intelligence robot
In the media industry, artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we reach our target customers.

4.6 In the service sector

Artificial intelligence technology is transforming the service industry, increasing operational efficiency and improving customer experience. By collecting and analyzing large amounts of data about customer behavior and preferences, AI helps businesses better understand individual needs and habits.

artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence technology is transforming the service industry

AI systems can analyze information from online interactions, customer feedback, and transaction history to provide more accurate suggestions and solutions. This not only helps personalize service but also optimizes the service process, from recommending the right product to processing requests quickly and efficiently.

5. Areas where artificial intelligence (AI) cannot replace humans

There are many jobs that will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, especially those that require creativity, empathy, and complex understanding. Positions such as teachers, writers, lawyers, social workers, medical professionals, therapists, and management professionals are often not replaceable by AI because of the requirements for social and emotional intelligence.

artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence robots cannot replace humans in jobs that require the ability to handle complex situations.

In fields such as writing, social work, education, healthcare, and research, while AI can provide significant assistance, human interaction and emotion remain essential. For example, in education, AI can help track student progress and assist in the teaching process, but the role of the teacher in imparting knowledge and creating a connection with students remains vital.

There are four fundamental factors that limit AI's ability to take on certain jobs:

  • Complex strategic planning.
  • Precise hand-foot and visual coordination.
  • Handling undefined and unstructured spaces.
  • Requires a lot of emotion and feeling.

Therefore, while AI can improve the performance and quality of work in many fields, human interaction is still essential and the need for personnel in fields that require human contact will continue to increase.

In short, artificial intelligence robots have been creating profound changes in many fields, from education and healthcare to media and services. Although AI brings many significant benefits, there are still areas where human creativity, empathy and social intelligence cannot be replaced. AI will continue to play a supporting role, enhancing human working ability, but the combination of technology and human resources is the key to achieving optimal efficiency in the future. To apply science and technology to production and business activities, enterprises can refer to the 1C:ERP solution to support comprehensive business management, optimizing time and costs. Contact 1C Vietnam now to experience the solution.

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