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3 steps to optimize the effectiveness of Digital Office applications for business leaders

With the larger the enterprise scale, the business process becomes more and more complicated as it expands and develops, the costs for printing, storing and managing traditional paper documents and documents are also increasing day by day. increases with increasing text volume. The management of documents when the business expands is even more difficult when the business operates in traditional methods. A recent report noted that an estimated 38 to 41 percent of each business' printing costs go unrecorded, leading to unexplained losses. Therefore, reducing the volume of manual paperwork is one of the first steps of the cost optimization strategy that businesses should consider.

Typically, the older businesses are, the more entrenched and outdated the backend processes are, which means that once operational processes are often kept the same. Many SMEs also choose to keep the old workflow, with the view that adjusting the existing process will take too much time and resources.

Larger or pioneering companies are the earliest adopters of innovative technologies and processes for significant, long-term benefits such as savings in operating costs for all sizes of company growth, support for effective management more efficient and faster, more accurate for decision making of the management. Increasingly popular management technologies such as Digital Office are now not only tools for "rich" businesses, but are continuously improved to support businesses with limited budgets. narrow.

Some common limitations in traditional manual office tasks stem from paper-based workflows that are inefficient, outdated, and poorly aligned with corporate budgeting strategies.

Take for example a traditional manual purchasing process. When the purchasing staff realizes that the supply in the warehouse is about to run out, they immediately place the order and deliver the goods with the invoice sent via email. The employee then prints the invoice, brings the paper invoice to the accounting department, and places it on the table for manual processing. Once processed, the paper invoices are either thrown away or stored in a filing cabinet – costing an estimated $20 per record and up to $120 in future staffing costs. more time manually retrieving documents.

Such a traditional, basic workflow is cumbersome and there is a huge potential for error if paper invoices are lost. Businesses are also more likely to incur late fees and miss out on many other budget optimization opportunities. As businesses evaluate and review a series of internal processes from the perspective of sustainable performance, the positive benefits of technology application will become more and more "visible".

For businesses, digital office technology can bring outstanding management efficiency through the following benefits:

5 benefits for businesses from applying Digital Office

1. Flexibility in business

Modern technology is increasingly being upgraded and improved with the ultimate goal to make the enterprise's information technology system simpler, unified and easy to use for all audiences regardless of the method. Business operations have changed. With operational management technologies such as Digital Office , businesses can automate standardized processes, speeding up operations and improving overall efficiency. In addition, during the operation process, business leaders can also closely monitor and immediately recognize which stages are "knots" in the process thanks to the support of technology. From there, the company's resources and resources will be evenly and effectively allocated, helping to "free up" resources to focus on key profitable projects.

2. Security for business

Applying today's advanced security technology measures, businesses can strengthen the "fence" to protect sensitive company data, limit and strictly control the risk of being attacked by "hackers". or being "played badly" by an opponent. In particular, in an era where data is "more precious than gold", businesses need to always be on the defensive, preparing themselves for a technological "armor" to cope with any fluctuations.

3. Attract customers

Consumers are always more interested in and trusting brands when they see the latest technologies being released or put into use. Therefore, investing in modern technology helps businesses show customers a breakthrough, interesting in brand image as well as commitment to sustainable development, ensuring customers' interests in operation. business.

4. Contributing to the green development of the environment

Document management applications - like Digital Office, will help businesses reduce the use of paper and plastic stationery materials. The online digital workplace will also reduce the carbon footprint of vehicles. A green, clean, stable and sustainable environment and society is the premise for the long-term prosperity of businesses.

5. Increase employee productivity and motivation

With automation tools, HR becomes more proactive, better able to schedule and allocate their own tasks during the day. This method has also been proven to help employees complete work more efficiently and on time than manual work and management methods.

Of course, not when businesses keep applying "indiscriminate" tools to the process, it will automatically lead to effective management and growth. Therefore, to ensure that the application of the Digital Office in operation becomes really successful and brings businesses the above great benefits, leaders need to pay attention to the following "secrets":

5 steps to optimize the effectiveness of Digital Office applications for business leaders

1. Ensure a friendly and positive customer experience

To maintain positive customer service, employees need to access all old documents and data quickly at any time, in any situation, whether working remotely or in the office. This will ensure customers always have a seamless, attentive service experience, thereby creating a good impression of the brand. Digital Office solutions that provide flexible customization, centralized and transparent information systematization will be a "powerful" tool to help businesses "score" in the eyes of customers.

2. Provide a unified communication channel

Every day, each of us receives thousands of messages and notifications from countless different applications. This invisibly makes us more distracted, more distracted at work, more prone to errors, mistakes or omissions when working. To solve this problem, a centralized and unified communication channel between all departments and personnel will help internal enterprises improve the efficiency of information exchange, unify work flow, and increase efficiency. overall productivity of the company.

Tools like Office solution 1C:Document Management will help business teams exchange and manage work centrally on a single screen. At the same time, the software allows personnel to access all documents from all times right on the working screen, ensuring consistency and accuracy for processed data.

3. Discover new technology

Today's digital technology market offers businesses a wide range of intelligent tools that meet the needs of handling almost every aspect of the business: content management, accounting, design, marketing, etc. Enterprises need to determine which processes should be automated for optimal efficiency, and at the same time equip staff with digital skills and a methodical digital transformation mindset, then the application of technology into operation will help increase efficiency and growth significantly.

Office Solution No. 1C:Document Management helps business leaders accurately assess manual processes that need to be "reformed", while automating standard process operations, making the entire company's work easier. become lighter, faster, and more effective.

To most accurately consider which tools are really effective, businesses should choose software that offers a trial period to assess the actual impact on operating results. Contact 1C Vietnam today for a free trial of the No. 1C:Document Management office solution, and let's explore the internal potential of your business!

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