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5 steps to standardize the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents in the enterprise

In today's business environment, managing incoming and outgoing documents is an important part of maintaining organization and efficiency in business operations. An effective incoming and outgoing document management process will make the work of all departments simpler and easier, minimize manual errors, and optimize the working process. In this article, 1C Vietnam will review with businesses 5 steps to standardize the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents, thereby improving operational efficiency and promoting overall performance growth.

I. Define the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents

Before we begin, we need to clearly understand the concept of "incoming and outgoing text".

Incoming and outgoing documents, also known as "incoming and outgoing documents", is a common term in the field of document management and internal communication in organizations and businesses. This term refers to records, messages or data that organizations, businesses or individuals send or receive from business stakeholders.

1. What is outgoing text?

“Outgoing documents” are documents, letters, emails, or messages of any kind that a business or individual sends to another party in the organization's communication network.

2. What is incoming text?

“Incoming documents” include all documents, letters, emails, or messages that a business or individual receives from external stakeholders.

3. What is the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents?

The process of managing incoming and outgoing documents is a series of steps to perform work in an orderly manner to manage, store, and preserve documents and texts systematically and scientifically, playing a crucial role in Maintain effective communication within the business and with customers and partners, helping businesses closely track important information, and ensure that documents are always delivered to the right people and at the right time. point. Systems that support the automation of incoming and outgoing document management processes are often applied to optimize document management and improve internal communication.

II. 5 steps to standardize the traditional incoming and outgoing document management process

The process of managing incoming and outgoing documents in a business includes 5 basic steps:

1. Recognize text

2. Register documents

3. Approve documents

4. Monitor the document transfer process

5. Document storage

The process of managing incoming and outgoing documents in a business should follow the above 5 steps to ensure accuracy, efficiency and compliance with regulations in the process of communication and document storage. Depending on the type of incoming or outgoing documents, specific steps will be included as follows:

1. Outgoing document management process

Step 1: Issue number and time of issuance of documents

The first step of the document management process is to assign numbers and time of issuance of documents. According to Decree 30/2020/ND-CP, the issuance of numbers and time of issuance of outgoing documents must comply with the following regulations:

- The number and time of issuance of documents must comply with the chronological order of issuance during the year.

- Document numbers and symbols must be unique within the year, applicable to both paper and electronic documents.

- Legal documents have their own numbering system.

- Specialized documents issued by the head of the industry/field management agency.

- Administrative documents issued by the head of the agency/organization.

- For paper documents, the number and time of issuance are issued after the signature of the competent person, no later than the next working day.

- With electronic documents, the number and time of issuance are determined through the system's functionality.

With sensitive documents, the step of assigning numbers and times will help the management of confidential documents become systematic and neat, ensuring safety and quick lookup for businesses.

Step 2: Register the document

After being assigned a number and issuance date, next, the document needs to be registered according to legal standards. This process is specifically regulated as follows:

- The outgoing document needs to be fully and accurately registered with necessary information.

- There are two methods of registering outgoing documents: Registering by book and registering by system.

- Confidential documents must comply with the provisions of law on protection of state secrets when registered.

Step 3: Apply the stamp and digital signature of the agency or organization and mark the level of confidentiality and urgency

Article 17 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP regulates duplication, stamping and digital signature of agencies and organizations as follows:

- With paper documents, outgoing documents are duplicated according to the number determined at the destination of the document; Enterprises and organizations then stamp and affix signs indicating the level of confidentiality and urgency as prescribed in Appendix I of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

- With electronic documents: Agencies and organizations need to digitally sign electronic documents to ensure the provisions in Appendix I of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

Step 4: Release and track document delivery

Article 18 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP regulates the issuance and monitoring of documents as follows:

- Agencies and organizations need to complete clerical procedures and issue documents on the day of signing or the next working day. For urgent documents, they need to be issued and sent immediately after signing.

- The management of confidential documents needs to ensure confidentiality according to legal regulations and strictly comply with the prescribed quantity, time and place of receipt.

- In case the sent document has errors in content, the organization needs to amend or replace it with an equivalent document. In case of errors in form, presentation techniques or promulgation procedures, the document must be adjusted through official dispatch of the issuing agency or organization.

- When needing to recall a paper document, the receiving party must return the received document.

- When it is necessary to revoke an electronic document, the receiving party must destroy the revoked electronic document on the system and notify the system to the sending party.

- When a paper document needs to be released from an electronic document that has been digitally signed by an authorized person, the clerical department prints the document on paper and stamps the official seal of the agency to create a digital original. paper.

- On the contrary, in case an enterprise needs to issue electronic documents from paper documents, the archives must comply with the provisions in Point C, Clause 1 of Article 25 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

Step 5: Store documents

Paper documents and electronic documents need to be stored according to Article 19 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP as follows:

*For paper documents:

- The original copy of the document will be created and stored at the office, and will be stamped immediately after issuance, arranged in the registered order.

- The original copy of the document will be preserved in the work file.

*For electronic documents:

- The original of the electronic document will be stored on the electronic system of the agency or organization that issued the document. Currently, the market offers many digital office solutions to help agencies and businesses systematically store electronic documents, ensuring data security.

- Agencies and organizations that have deployed the System to meet the provisions in Appendix VI of this Decree and relevant legal provisions will use and store the originals of electronic documents on the Internet. system, instead of preserving paper documents.

- Agencies and organizations that do not have a system that meets the provisions in Appendix VI of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP and related legal regulations, require the clerical department to create an original copy of the document. Paper documents for storage.

2. Incoming document management process

The process of managing incoming documents should be carried out according to the provisions of Section 2, Chapter III of Decree No. 30/2020 as follows:

Step 1: Receive incoming documents

The receipt of incoming documents is stipulated in Article 21 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP as follows:

*Paper documents:

- The agency's clerical staff will check the number of sheets, verify the condition of the document envelope, and check to see if there are any seals. At the same time, they will compare the numbers and symbols written on the envelope with the numbers and symbols of the text in the envelope.

- If any errors or unusual signs are detected, the clerical staff will immediately notify the person responsible for resolving them and notify the unit sending the document.

- All paper documents will be sent to the address of the agency or organization registered at the office. All incoming documents must be enveloped and stamped "ARRIVED".

- For documents sent to individuals or special organizations, the clerical staff will deliver them directly to the recipient without opening the envelope. In the management of confidential documents, this regulation is especially important and must not be violated.

- In case of receiving a document addressed to an individual and the content is related to the general work of an agency or organization, that individual will have to return the document to the clerk for registration.

- The "TO" stamp sample must comply with the regulations in Appendix IV of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

*Electronic documents:

- Clerical staff must verify the authenticity and integrity of the electronic document before receiving it on the system.

- In case the electronic document does not comply with the provisions in Point a, Clause 2 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP or is sent to a wrong address, the agency or organization receiving the document must return it to for agencies or organizations to send documents on the System.

- When detecting any errors or signs of doubt, the clerical staff must immediately notify the person responsible for resolving them and report back to the unit sending the document.

- The agency or organization receiving the electronic document must notify the recipient of the document on the same day, using the corresponding function on the system.

Step 2: Register incoming documents

The incoming document registration process needs to comply with the following regulations:

- Registering incoming documents must ensure complete, transparent and accurate provision of necessary information according to the form of Incoming Document Registration Book or through incoming document management data.

- Incoming documents will not be considered or resolved if they are not properly registered, unless specifically prescribed by law.

- The arrival number of the document will be recorded continuously in order and time of receipt, uniformly for both paper and electronic documents.

*The document registration process can be done in the following two methods:

- Register incoming documents by book: The clerk records information in the incoming document registration book according to the form in Appendix IV of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

- Register incoming documents using the system: Agencies and organizations need to use the system to carry out the process of registering incoming documents according to the instructions in Appendix I of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

- Incoming documents are only allowed to be registered after they have been verified and guaranteed for authenticity and integrity.

- When managing confidential documents, documents need to be registered according to the provisions of law on protecting state secrets.

Step 3: Submit, send and deliver incoming documents

*For paper documents:

- Incoming documents must be delivered to the recipient and marked "TO."

- After completing the registration of incoming documents, the clerk should immediately transfer the documents to the head of the agency or the person assigned to consider and resolve them. In case the document is urgent, it needs to be delivered without waiting.

- If during the process of registering incoming documents, any errors or unusual signs are detected, the head of the agency or organization will propose handling and notify the clerical department for correction. .

- All activities of sending and delivering incoming documents must strictly comply with the provisions of law on protecting confidentiality and safety, ensuring the management of confidential documents.

*For electronic documents:

- Incoming documents will be transmitted through the system from the receiving agency or organization to the processing department.

- All regulations on the transmission and storage of electronic documents must strictly comply with the regulations in Appendix VI of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

- The clerk will transfer documents to receiving units or individuals based on distribution from competent people. The transfer process must ensure the correct recipient, information security and comply with time regulations.

Step 4: Process incoming text

During this stage, the receiver will review, evaluate and process incoming documents according to the following specific legal regulations:

- The recipient must identify the person competent to handle the incoming document and assign related tasks to resolve it.

- The processing of incoming documents must comply with all provisions of law on processing time limits, unless the incoming documents are determined to be urgent.

- When completing the resolution, the person receiving the processing must create a record of the processing process and can notify the results to the sender of the document according to the law.

Step 5: Store and report incoming text

After being resolved, incoming documents will be stored and reported according to the provisions of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP.

In addition, agencies and organizations need to comply with regulations on reporting documents to superiors or according to the provisions of law when necessary.

III. The solution automates the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents

Although it cannot be denied the necessity of storing paper documents, now in the digital age, agencies, organizations, and businesses, both public and private, need to receive and process documents. electronic documents in increasingly large volumes, as well as the need to bring more and more paper documents into digital form.

In order to support businesses with systematic document management and automate the process of managing incoming and outgoing documents quickly and effectively, Digital Office solution 1C:Document Management provides a digital document storage system. Safe and scientific. Office software 1C:Document Management helps businesses:

- Save space and resources for document storage: software stores all digital documents centrally according to a scientific system

- Retrieve information quickly from any text: metadata search method allows exact search with just a number or letter

- Save maximum time and costs for moving signatures, communicating between departments, and coordinating work handling between departments on just one screen

- Mobile App speeds up the work process: personnel can submit to the boss for approval at any time; The boss can manage the team and approve documents anywhere, even when not at the office

- Promote overall efficiency: automate standard incoming and outgoing document management processes, avoiding breaks and errors caused by manual operations

- Improve adaptive capacity: operating processes can be easily and flexibly customized according to business needs at each time, with multiple conditions and multiple arrangements.

- Monitor document editing status to find "the right person, right job", identify the right break point in the process

- Detailed authorization feature for each department and individual, allowing only authorized people to view specific documents, helping to ensure information security and strict data security

With Office No. 1C: Document Management, businesses can now master operations and automate processes quickly, saying goodbye to unnecessary risks and confusion from manual management and processing. .

Contact 1C Vietnam today for detailed advice and free experience of 1C:Document Management!

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