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What is 5w2h? How to apply and keep in mind when asking effective questions

5W2H is a way to scientifically exploit problems to help bring a more general overview to administrators. However, not all businesses understand how to effectively deploy this method in practice. So what is 5W2H ? How to apply? Let's find out with 1C Vietnam in the article below!

1. What is the 5W2H method?

5W2H is a method of asking questions to research problems. This is a simple work planning formula that helps clearly identify the basic elements of a certain project or job. The 5W2H method originates from the "Wh-questions" rule in English, including:

  • Who (Who does)
  • What (What to do)
  • When
  • Where (Where to work)
  • Why (For what purpose)
  • How (How)
  • How much (How much cost is needed)

5W2H is a method of asking questions to research problems






What will be accomplished?

Actions, steps, description


Why would that action be taken?

Cause, reason


Where will the action be performed?



When was that action taken?

Time, date, deadline


Who was that action performed by?

Responsibility of the person performing the action


How is that action performed?

Methods and processes

How much?

How much does it cost to take action?

Related costs or expenses

2. How to apply 5W2H questions to support information gathering

After understanding what 5W2H is , businesses need to better understand how to apply this model in practice. Below is the definition and effective application of 5W2H:

2.1 What - What?

What is the question "what to do", "what will be done?", helping to clearly identify the tasks that need to be performed and the results that need to be achieved. Besides, this question is also related to the specific goals that the business is aiming for or the results that need to be achieved to solve the problem. Related questions are as follows:

  • What is the content of the job?
  • What are the results of this project?
  • What are the specific goals of the first phase?
  • What are the factors that influence project goals?

What is a question that helps clearly identify the tasks that need to be performed and the results that need to be achieved

2.2 Why - Why?

The “why” question helps determine the reason and purpose for doing that work. The answer to the question will tell the administrator the benefits and meaning of performing that task. When assigned a job or project, the questions to ask are:

  • Why must businesses carry out this project?
  • What does this project mean for organizations and businesses?
  • What will be the consequences if this project is not implemented?

The why question helps determine the reason and purpose for doing that work

Clearly defining the purpose of the task will help the performer have more motivation to complete it. However, administrators need to provide specific information, avoid providing sketchy content, causing confusion between goals and objectives.

2.3 Where - Where?

Where “where” is a question about location, determining where the work will be performed. Questions may include:

  • Where is that work done?
  • In which department should the inspection be conducted?
  • Where to deliver?
  • At what stage is testing performed?

Where is a question about location, determining where the work will be performed

2.4 When - When?

When is a question about time and work schedule. The “when” question helps determine start and finish times as well as the time needed to complete the task and helps control project progress. Specific questions:

  • When will work start?
  • How long does it take to complete the task?
  • Which work needs to be prioritized first?

When is a question about time and work schedule

2.5 Who - Who?

Who - “who” is a question about the person doing the work or related to the problem to be solved. In a project or task, determining "who" will help administrators assign work and understand who is responsible. Specifically, administrators need to ask the following questions:

  • Who does it?
  • Who checks?
  • Who supports?
  • Who will take responsibility?

Who is a question about the person doing the work or the problem to be solved

2.6 How - How?

The question “How?” - "How?" Focus on work processes and methods. The answers will be related to ways to improve and increase efficiency. This set of questions will find the best solution to achieve your goals, including:

  • What is an instruction manual?
  • What are the specific standards?
  • How to operate machines?

How focuses on the process and methods of doing work

2.7 How much - How much?

One of the issues that businesses are most concerned about is the cost and use of resources such as materials, personnel, finance,... needed to perform the work. This question helps identify and measure the resources needed to develop effective resource management strategies. With careful and clear calculations, businesses can easily make changes when problems occur as well as maintain reasonable costs compared to the general level.

The How much question helps determine the resources needed to manage resources effectively

3. How to ask effective 5W2H questions to support decision making

So how to ask 5W2H questions effectively? Asking good questions will determine the quality of answers and lead to more accurate strategies.

Asking good questions will determine the quality of your answers

3.1 Context (or context) questions

To make the question easier to understand and more meaningful, the questioner needs to put the question in a specific context. From there, respondents can better understand the place, time, or situation the question is directed at in order to give a more accurate answer.

For example: As a team leader in the past 6 months, how did the manager evaluate the team work process?

3.2 Measurable questions

For studies that need to collect data for analysis, questions need to be measured or compared with the previous week or quarter to be able to evaluate and find solutions to problems.

For example: To increase the effectiveness of the campaign by 3 times next month, how much budget does the project need to use?

3.3 Open questions to exploit information

The questioner should use open-ended questions to elicit deeper information from the respondent. Open-ended questions help the other person feel free to share their opinions, feelings, and personal thoughts freely. From there, the questioner can get better quality information.

For example: What caused team X's project in the fourth quarter to exceed its target?

3.4 Questions do not have subjective thoughts

One of the things to pay special attention to when asking questions is not to put the questioner's personal subjective opinion into it. This means that the questioner needs to avoid personal emotions and instead use neutral language, objectively describing the situation or information to be collected.

For example: Instead of asking “Was this project useful?” ask “Evaluation of the project implemented in the fourth quarter of 2024?”.

Above, 1C Vietnam has analyzed what the 5W2H concept is as well as how to apply 5W2H in business decision-making activities. Besides the 5W2H application, businesses can refer to modern business management solutions such as 1C:Company Management software. Developed based on a modern technology platform, 1C:Company Management provides all the necessary features to support connection and management of all activities of departments in the enterprise. From there, the solution helps businesses improve operational efficiency and save work processing time. For detailed information about the above solution, please contact 1C Vietnam for the best support!

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