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7 principles of quality management according to ISO 9001:2015

The 7 principles of quality management are important content that businesses need to grasp in the process of operating production and business activities. In this article, let's explore with 1C Vietnam each quality management principle according to ISO 9001:2015, from focusing on customers to managing relationships, and how they can be applied to optimize the quality management system in the enterprise.

1. 7 principles of quality management according to ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 is the latest version of the international standard for quality management systems, issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard provides a framework for organizations to establish, maintain and improve their quality management systems. Below are the specific contents of the 7 principles of quality management according to ISO 9001:2015:

1.1 Principle 1: Focus on the customer

The first and most important core principle of the seven ISO 9001 principles is customer focus. This principle emphasizes understanding and meeting customer needs to enhance customer satisfaction.

The benefits of customer focus

  • Improve satisfaction: Ensure to meet and exceed customer expectations.
  • Increase customer engagement: Build strong, long-term relationships.
  • Repeat Business: Encourages customers to return to use a service or product.
7 principles of quality management
The first and most important core principle of the 7 ISO 9001 principles is customer focus.

What should businesses do to apply principle 1 in practice?

  • Understand customer needs: Conduct surveys and research to understand current and future customer needs.
  • Align business goals: Align business goals and strategies to match customer needs and wants.
  • Satisfaction Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to measure and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Relationship Building: Create customer care and incentive programs to maintain long-term relationships.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 1

A customer service company regularly surveys customer satisfaction levels, adjusts services to match customer expectations, and implements incentive programs to maintain good relationships.

1.2 Principle 2: Leadership

The second of the seven ISO 9001 quality management principles is leadership. Leadership plays an important role in directing and monitoring activities to ensure success in implementing the quality management system.

Benefits of effective leadership

  • Effectiveness of goal achievement: Ensure direction and supervision to achieve quality goals.
  • Human resource coordination: Arrange and allocate resources reasonably.
  • Information Exchange: Enhance communication and coordination among levels within the organization.
7 principles of quality management
Leadership plays an important role in directing and monitoring activities.

What should businesses do to apply principle 2 in practice?

  • Communication: Provide clear information about the company's mission, vision, and quality policy.
  • Building an Ethical Culture: Establish a work environment based on ethical values and integrity.
  • Encourage Contributions: Encourage and support positive contributions from employees.
  • Resource Provision: Ensure adequate resources are available to implement quality processes.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 2

A manufacturing company with strong leadership has succeeded in establishing clear quality policies and providing adequate resources for processes. This has resulted in consistent production, fewer errors, and higher productivity.

1.3 Principle 3: Employee participation

Employee participation is an important factor in creating a positive and productive work environment. This principle emphasizes encouraging all employees to participate in the quality management process.

Employee involvement can bring benefits:

  • Promote innovation: Encourage employees to contribute ideas and improvements.
  • Increase Satisfaction: Increase employee satisfaction and motivation.
  • Increase Trust: Build cooperation and trust among employees.

What should businesses do to apply principle 3 into practice?

  • Empowerment: Provide authority and responsibility to employees so they can participate in the quality management process.
  • Consult: Seek opinions and ideas from employees to improve processes and products.
  • Reward: Recognize and reward positive employee contributions to boost motivation and commitment.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 3

A technology company holds regular meetings to encourage employees to come up with ideas and improve work processes.

1.4 Principle 4: Continuous improvement

One of the seven principles of quality management that cannot be ignored is continuous improvement. This is the principle that helps organizations maintain and improve performance by constantly looking for opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Benefits of continuous improvement activities

  • Sustainable Development: Ensuring long-term and sustainable development of the organization.
  • Increase efficiency: Improve product/service performance and quality.
  • Responding to changing needs: Adapting to changing market and customer needs.
7 principles of quality management
Continuous improvement helps organizations maintain and improve performance.

What should businesses do to apply principle 4 into practice?

  • Improvement planning: Develop improvement plans and goals for each process and department.
  • Employee Training: Provide ongoing training to enhance employee skills and abilities.
  • Documentation: Record and archive improvements for future use.
  • Evaluate and Adjust: Evaluate the effectiveness of improvements and make adjustments as needed.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 4

Manufacturing company X has continuously improved its production process to improve product quality and reduce waste.

1.5 Principle 5: Approach Process

The process approach emphasizes managing and controlling processes within an organization to achieve desired results and improve efficiency.

Benefits of process control

  • Performance Management: Ensure processes operate efficiently and according to plan.
  • Quality Control: Minimize risk and ensure product quality.
  • Evaluate and improve: Review and adjust processes to improve results.

What should businesses do to apply principle 5 in practice?

  • Process planning: Develop and implement a plan to control the processes.
  • Process Assessment: Conduct periodic assessments and audits of processes to identify and correct problems.
  • Risk Management: Identify and manage potential risks in the process.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 5

A healthcare service business manages the medical examination and treatment process closely through a professional software system to ensure service quality and minimize possible medical risks.

1.6 Principle 6: Data-driven decisions

Data-driven decision making requires the use of accurate and reliable information to make management and strategic decisions.

The benefits of data-driven decision making

  • Risk Mitigation: Reduce risk in decision making by basing it on specific evidence.
  • Increase Efficiency: Improve the effectiveness and outcomes of decisions.
  • Increase Accuracy: Make accurate and rational decisions.
7 principles of quality management
Data helps reduce risk in decision making by basing it on concrete evidence

What should businesses do to apply principle 6 in practice?

  • Data Collection: Monitor and evaluate processes by collecting accurate data.
  • Information Evaluation: Ensure that the information collected is reliable and usable for decision making.
  • Using data: Rely on data to make management and strategic decisions.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 6

A logistics company uses data analytics to optimize shipping routes and reduce costs.

1.7 Principle 7: Managing relationships

The final of the seven ISO 9001 principles is relationship management. This principle deals with building and maintaining positive relationships both inside and outside the organization to support effective quality management.

Benefits of good relationship management

  • Create partnerships: Build good relationships with partners and suppliers.
  • Increase Efficiency: Improve efficiency through coordination and collaboration.
  • Building a working culture: Creating a positive, professional working environment.
example of 7 principles of quality management
Principle 7 refers to building good relationships with partners and suppliers.

What should businesses do to apply the 7 principles in practice?

  • Partner care: Build relationships with partners and suppliers by understanding their needs and desires to develop appropriate response policies.
  • Maintain cooperation: Enhance information exchange and long-term cooperation with partners.
  • Internal Connection: Build programs and activities to enhance internal connection and teamwork.

Example of 7 quality management principles - Principle 7

Import-export companies regularly exchange information and improve working methods with suppliers to optimize the supply chain.

2. 1C:ERP - Solution to support product quality management according to ISO 9001:2015 standards

In the context of increasingly developed production and increasingly high quality requirements, the application of effective quality management solutions is very important. 1C:ERP is an integrated software solution designed to support businesses in managing and maintaining product quality according to ISO 9001:2015 standards. This software provides the necessary tools and features to help businesses implement and maintain an effective quality management system. Specifically:

  • Production process management:
    • Monitor and control every step in the production process.
    • Integrate processes to ensure product quality.
  • Quality management:
    • Establish quality standards and conduct quality checks.
    • Record and analyze quality data to improve products.
  • Document management:
    • Manage quality-related documents, including procedures, standards and certifications.
    • Ensure documents are always up to date and easily accessible.
  • Risk Management:
    • Assess and manage risks associated with product quality.
    • Take preventive and corrective measures.
  • Reporting and analysis:
    • Provides detailed reports on quality performance.
    • Analyze data to make quality improvement decisions.
  • Partner and supplier management:
    • Ensure suppliers meet required quality standards.
  • Project Management:
    • Manage and monitor quality improvement projects.
    • Ensure projects are completed on schedule and achieve set goals.
7 principles of quality management
1C:ERP is a solution that supports businesses in managing and maintaining product quality.

With 1C:ERP , businesses can not only maintain product quality but also have the ability to continuously improve, quickly responding to changes in customer and market requirements.

The 7 ISO 9001:2015 quality management principles provide a comprehensive framework to help businesses improve operational efficiency and ensure product and service quality meets international standards. To effectively implement and maintain these principles, businesses can refer to 1C:ERP - a comprehensive support solution with flexible production planning features as well as accurate product data management and tight production progress control capabilities. Contact 1C Vietnam for detailed advice and support!

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