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[Download] Minutes of inventory of cash funds used for VND and foreign currencies

Cash fund inventory minutes are important documents created to support companies in performing fund management more accurately and conveniently. In the article below, 1C Vietnam will share details about the concept, reference samples as well as some things to keep in mind when creating cash fund inventory records.

1. What is a cash fund inventory record?

The cash fund inventory record is a document that reflects the actual cash balance of a business at a specific time, and also confirms the status of surplus or shortage of capital compared to the cash book.

The purpose of using the fund inventory record is to confirm the actual amount of VND or foreign currency remaining in the fund and the balance or shortage compared to the fund book. Based on the information provided by the minutes, businesses can strengthen financial management, assign important responsibilities and record differences in accounting books.

2. The most detailed form of cash fund inventory record

Cash fund inventory records are important documents related to activities in the financial accounting books of the enterprise. To set up this record more easily, businesses can refer to the cash inventory record samples for VND and foreign currencies below:

2.1. Sample fund inventory table for VND

Below is the cash fund inventory form 08a-TT issued with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC for VND:

Sample cash treasury record for VND issued with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC
Sample cash treasury record for VND issued with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC

How to record a cash fund inventory record in VND:

  • The business name (or seal) and affiliated department must be clearly written in the upper left corner of the minutes. Cash counts are typically performed periodically at the end of each month, quarter, and year, as well as as needed in the event of unexpected checks or money transfers. When conducting an inventory, the company must establish an inventory committee consisting of an accountant and a cash accountant or payments accountant.
  • To prepare an accurate cash inventory record, the recorder must clearly state the document number and time of the inventory (hour, day, month, year, etc.). Before counting, the accountant must record all revenues and expenditures in the cash book and calculate the balance up to that point.
  • When counting, the treasurer must separate each type of money in the fund. The records manager must clearly record information such as cash book balance and actual balance for each currency.
  • The actual amount is calculated by counting the amount of money in the fund and recording it in the appropriate column of the minutes. Finally, the treasurer must calculate and record the difference between the balance on the cash book and the actual balance to detect errors in cash management.
  • The treasurer must clearly identify and record the causes of excess or insufficient capital in the treasury. At the same time, the inventory must also include comments and recommendations of the inventory committee. The cash fund inventory record needs to be signed by the treasurer, head of inventory and chief accountant. If there is a difference in capital, the accountant must report to the company director for resolution.
  • Prepare 2 cash balance statements. A copy will be kept by the treasurer. A copy is kept in cash accounting or payments accounting.

2.2. Sample of fund inventory table used for foreign currency

Sample record of inventory of cash fund used for foreign currency is issued together with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC:

Sample cash inventory record used for foreign currency is issued together with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC
Sample cash inventory record used for foreign currency is issued together with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC

How to record an inventory of funds used for foreign currency:

  • When recording the foreign currency fund inventory, the treasurer writes the name of the company and department starting from the upper left corner of the table. As a general rule, a fund inventory is performed at the end of each month, quarter or year. However, if necessary, businesses can also perform an unexpected inventory when transferring money.
  • When conducting an inventory, the treasurer should establish an inventory committee including the treasurer and fund accountant to ensure accuracy and transparency in the implementation process.
  • To accurately record fund holdings, the treasurer must clearly state the receipt number and inventory time (in the form of hour, day, month, year). Before starting the count, the treasurer must record all receipts and expenditures in the cash book and calculate the cash balance up to the time of the count.
  • When taking inventory, the treasurer must classify each type of money in the fund, including foreign currency, gold and other currencies. Columns 2 and 4 record information about the cash book balance at the time of inventory.
  • Regarding the "Actual inventory" column, the recorder must record the actual count of each type of currency. Finally, in the "Difference" line, the employee must record the difference between the balance according to the cash book and the actual amount of money counted, including overages or shortages.
  • For stricter cash management, inventory procedures need to be carried out carefully. The fund inventory table must clearly state the causes of fund differences and contain the opinions and recommendations of the inventory council.
  • The treasurer, inventory clerk, and accountant must sign (clearly state full name) the fund inventory sheet to confirm accuracy. Funding discrepancies must be reported to the executive director for resolution.
  • For the fund inventory sheet, two copies must be made: 01 copy kept at the treasurer's office, 01 copy kept at the fund accounting office.

3. Note when making records of cash fund inventory

To prepare a cash fund inventory record , accountants need to consider and note the following issues:

  • The business name (or stamp) and department must be clearly stated in the upper left corner of the minutes.
  • Before counting, the treasurer must establish an inventory committee with the participation of the treasurer and the cash accountant or payment accountant.
  • The inventory record must clearly state the number of documents and time of inventory (in the form of hour, day, month, year).
  • Before counting, the treasurer must fully record all revenues and expenditures in the cash book and calculate the cash balance up to the time of counting.
  • When doing so, the treasurer must separately inventory each type of money in the fund.
  • The line "Cash book balance" is recorded based on the cash balance at the date and time of counting and recorded in the second column.
  • The line "Actual inventory number" needs to be recorded based on the actual amount of money counted and recorded for each type of money in the first column, then calculate the total amount recorded in the second column.
  • In the "Difference" column, the inventory clerk needs to enter the exact difference between the balance on the cash book and the actual cash balance.
  • The fund inventory table needs to identify and clearly state the causes of surplus and shortage of funds and include opinions and recommendations of the inventory council.
  • The treasury minutes must be signed by the treasurer, head of the inventory committee and chief accountant.
  • Any errors must be reported to the company director for review and resolution.
  • The cash inventory is made by the treasurer into 2 copies, 1 copy is kept at the treasurer, the other copy is kept at the cash accountant or payment accountant.

Above, the article has provided detailed and specific information about concepts, table templates and some notes when preparing cash fund inventory records . This minutes form not only simplifies the cash inventory process but also helps businesses ensure the accuracy of financial management. Don't forget to follow other articles on 1C Vietnam's website to be provided with detailed, specific and other useful information.

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