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[Free download] 10 latest acceptance report templates 2024

After each project, businesses need to make acceptance reports to evaluate the results and quality of the project before handing over to customers. Thereby, helping businesses identify responsible units and easily handle problems if errors occur. In the content below, 1C Vietnam will send businesses 10 latest acceptance report templates and some important notes when using acceptance reports. Don't miss it!

1. What is an acceptance report?

The acceptance report is a document used by businesses to record the results of project quality assessment, commonly applied in many fields such as: Construction, service provision, installation... Normally, this report will be made when a part or the whole project is completed. Businesses will check the quality of the project based on the acceptance report before handing it over to the customer.

To conduct acceptance, businesses need to clearly understand which field the item to be accepted belongs to because each item has different inspection standards. However, in general, most projects will have the following contents:

  • Project related issues checklist.
  • Regulations on project duration.
  • Introduce the project stakeholders.
  • Description of repairs and troubleshooting upon acceptance.
acceptance report
Enterprises can check project quality based on acceptance records.

2. The importance of acceptance minutes

The acceptance report is considered a tool to measure and control the quality of projects and products before putting them into use. Based on the acceptance results, the parties involved can make decisions such as: Conducting re-acceptance, repairing, completing the project, liquidating the contract, etc.

In addition, this is also a document that stores information about work, projects, and products. Especially in some cases of disputes, the acceptance report is an important evidence, clearly defining the responsibilities of both parties in the process of implementing and handing over the work.

Sample acceptance report
Acceptance minutes support the resolution of disputes in many fields.

3. Latest acceptance report templates in 2024

As mentioned, the acceptance report helps confirm that the items are completed according to the requirements that have been handed over. Thereby, using appropriate acceptance reports and complying with the latest regulations not only helps businesses ensure legality but also helps the acceptance process go smoothly. Below are the 5 latest acceptance report templates, businesses can refer to and choose accordingly.

3.1 Minutes of project acceptance

After completing the construction project, the construction unit will hand over the project to the investor. At this time, the project acceptance report will be used to record the process of checking the quality of the project and construction items, to ensure the quality and standards agreed upon by both parties.

Below are 3 sample project acceptance reports:

Sample minutes of acceptance of completed project

acceptance report
The acceptance report form is used after the project is completed.

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Sample minutes of acceptance of completed construction items

Minutes of project acceptance
Minutes are used to record the appraisal process or confirm the inspection of construction items.

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Sample minutes of acceptance of completed volume

acceptance report
Sample acceptance report used to evaluate the quality of construction works under construction

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3.2 Minutes of acceptance of machinery and equipment

Minutes of acceptance of machinery and equipment are one of the bases for assessing the condition and quality of the equipment to meet the criteria or requirements of the parties or not. Let's refer to the following 2 samples of minutes of acceptance of machinery:

  • Sample minutes of acceptance of machinery installation: Download HERE
  • Sample acceptance report after repair, maintenance, replacement: Download HERE
acceptance report in English
Sample minutes of acceptance of machinery and equipment

3.3 Minutes of acceptance and contract settlement

The contract settlement acceptance report is a type of document signed after the completion of work items. This report helps to record the items in the contract that have been completed and accepted. After that, the parties involved need to have the obligation to pay and issue invoices according to regulations. Below are two sample acceptance and contract settlement reports for reference:

Minutes of acceptance and contract settlement

acceptance report
The minutes form is used after the work under the contract has been completed.

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Minutes of acceptance and liquidation of the contract

Minutes of work acceptance
Sample minutes of acceptance and liquidation of the contract

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3.4 Minutes of acceptance of quality of materials and equipment

This is a type of record that refers to the agreement of the parties involved when handing over and accepting materials. A record of acceptance of the quality of materials and equipment must ensure the contents related to the handover of materials and be recognized by the parties when the contract is agreed upon. Below are 2 sample records of acceptance of materials and equipment for reference:

Material acceptance form

acceptance report
Latest material acceptance report form

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Input material acceptance form

Minutes of acceptance and contract settlement
Sample acceptance report records the process of checking and evaluating input materials

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3.5 Service acceptance report

A service acceptance report is a report used to confirm that a service has been completed in accordance with the agreement between the parties involved. This type of report is often used in business transactions, service contracts, projects, etc. Businesses can refer to the following two service acceptance reports:

Service acceptance report form

acceptance report
Sample acceptance report confirming that the service has been provided according to the contract

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Sample minutes of acceptance of product/service delivery

Service acceptance report
Acceptance form used when handing over products/services

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4. Acceptance process

Understanding the project acceptance process helps stakeholders grasp legal regulations, ensuring transparency in quality assessment and risk management.

According to Article 123 of the Construction Law in Decree 06/2021/ND-CP on quality management, construction and maintenance of construction works, together with Article 24 on inspection of construction acceptance, the construction acceptance process clearly states that there are 2 parts: Acceptance during construction and upon completion. Specifically as follows:

Acceptance during construction

  • After being notified of the construction, construction experts will not inspect more than 3 times for special and level 1 projects. Meanwhile, the remaining projects will be inspected no more than 2 times from the start of construction to completion (except for quality incidents).
  • The inspection agencies will make decisions and notify the time and plan of inspection based on the information of the construction works. The notification results will be returned within no more than 14 days for level 1 works and no more than 7 days for the remaining types of works.

Acceptance upon completion

  • The investor must submit a set of documents requesting inspection of acceptance work 15 days in advance for special or grade 1 projects and 10 days in advance for other types of projects.
  • After receiving the acceptance request, the competent authority will check the conditions for acceptance of the project to be put into use and then issue a document accepting the acceptance (including points that need to be fixed). The deadline for returning the results is 30 days for special projects, level 1 and 20 days for the remaining types of projects.
  • During the inspection process, the competent authority may request relevant parties to explain and correct errors and shortcomings (if any). At the same time, it may request cross-examination, construction inspection and testing of the bearing capacity of the construction.
  • Professional agencies may invite qualified individuals or organizations to jointly conduct acceptance inspections.
  • To facilitate the project acceptance process, project managers need to ensure the quality of the project and provide adequate materials and related equipment.
acceptance report
Professional agencies will conduct acceptance during construction and upon completion of the project.

5. Points to note when using the acceptance report form

Based on Article 21 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP on quality management, construction and maintenance of construction works, the acceptance process must ensure the following requirements:

  • The construction supervisor and the technical manager will conduct the acceptance test and be responsible for the results of the construction quality assessment.
  • The construction supervisor must rely on the design drawings, technical instructions and technical standards applied for acceptance. In addition, the quality of materials and related equipment must also be checked for acceptance.
  • The construction supervisor must accept the work within no more than 24 hours of receiving the contractor's request for acceptance. If the acceptance is not carried out, the reason must be reported in writing and sent to the construction contractor.
  • The acceptance minutes must ensure the following contents:

- Name of item to be accepted.

- Time and place of acceptance test.

- The parties signed the acceptance minutes.

- Clearly state whether to accept or not to accept the acceptance; agree to implement the next items; request repairs or completion of work and other requirements (if any).

- Signature, full name and position of the person signing the acceptance report.

- Attached appendices (if any).

In addition, Official Dispatch 2814/BXD-GD of the Ministry of Construction on acceptance of works, Article 2.4, stipulates signs of failure to ensure operation, including:

  • Does not meet load bearing safety conditions.
  • Lack of safety in fire prevention and fighting equipment.
  • Does not meet environmental safety standards.
  • Failure to comply with regulations related to construction investment.

In the above cases, the inspection agencies will not accept the project. The acceptance process will only take place if the relevant parties have corrected and resolved the violations.

Sample work acceptance report
The acceptance minutes must ensure full compliance with the prescribed contents.

Making acceptance minutes is an important item for businesses, especially in the field of construction works. Understanding the acceptance process and notes will help businesses evaluate project quality and manage risks effectively. 1C Vietnam hopes that with the 10 acceptance minutes templates that have been compiled above, businesses can refer to and use them effectively. If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact 1C Vietnam for support.

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