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How to print payroll in Excel most accurately

How to print payroll in Excel is an important skill for accountants and human resource managers in the modern business environment. Properly implementing the printing process not only ensures the professionalism of the document but also helps optimize time and resources. In this article, 1C Vietnam will provide detailed instructions on how to set up, format and print payroll effectively, suitable for the needs of the business.

1. Benefits of printing payroll in Excel

Excel is a popular and flexible tool widely used in human resource management and corporate finance. Printing payroll from Excel brings many practical benefits to businesses:

  • Professionalism: Payroll printed from Excel is highly aesthetic, demonstrating professionalism in management.
  • Accuracy: When using Excel, automatic calculation formulas help reduce errors in the payroll process.
  • Flexibility: Easily adjust and update salary information according to actual needs.
  • Cost savings: No need to invest in expensive specialized software, especially suitable for small and medium businesses.
  • Highly Customizable: Payroll format can be customized to suit individual organization's requirements and regulations.
how to print payroll in excel
Printing payroll on Excel has many benefits

2. How to set up payroll before printing

To get a perfect printout, setting up the payroll properly is the first important step that users need to take.

2.1. Use Excel formulas and functions to calculate automatically

Excel provides many useful formulas and functions that help automate the salary calculation process, saving time and increasing accuracy.

Some basic functions commonly used in payroll include:

Step 1: Use the SUM function to calculate total income

  • Formula: = SUM(B2:E2) - Sums the income from columns B to E in row 2.
  • For example, if the base salary is in cell B2, the allowance is in cell C2, the bonus is in cell D2, and other income is in E2, this function will automatically calculate the total.

Step 2: Apply the IF function to calculate personal income tax

  • Formula: =IF(F2>11000000, F2*0.1, 0) - Check if taxable income (cell F2) exceeds 11 million VND then 10% tax is calculated, otherwise no tax is calculated.
  • This function helps automate tax calculation at specified rates.

Step 3: Use the VLOOKUP function to look up employee information

  • Formula: =VLOOKUP(A2, EmployeeInformation, 3, FALSE) - Finds the employee code in cell A2 in the "EmployeeInformation" table and returns the value in the 3rd column.
  • Useful when you need to link information between different data tables.

Applying these formulas not only saves time but also ensures accuracy in the payroll process, especially when dealing with large numbers of employees.

2.2. Correct payroll format

A professionally formatted payroll is easy to read and makes a good impression. Here are some elements to look for:

Step 1: Align and format columns

  • Adjust column width to fit content, avoiding content being cut off or too much space.
  • Right-align columns of numbers (salary, benefits, taxes) for easy comparison.

Step 2: Add borders and grid

  • Use borders for the entire table and important data cells.
  • Choose a simple, clean border style for added professionalism.

Step 3: Apply the right colors

  • Colorize table headers and column headings to distinguish them from the data.
  • Limit the use of too many colors, choose a maximum of 2-3 main colors.

Step 4: Choose the right font

  • Use an easy-to-read font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Appropriate font size, usually 10-12pt for content and 12-14pt for title.

Formatting payroll scientifically not only makes documents easy to read when printed but also demonstrates professionalism in the business's human resource management.

3. Set up the print area and customize the print page

Once you have a beautifully formatted payroll, setting up the correct print area will ensure the desired print results.

3.1. How to select print area in Excel

Accurately determining the print area is a decisive factor in the quality of the printed payroll.

Step 1: Select the data area to print

  • Highlight all payroll data to be printed (including headers).
  • Make sure to select only the correct data needed, avoiding wasting paper.

Step 2: Set the print area using the Print Area function

  • Access menu Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area.
  • Once set, this area will be marked with a dotted line in Excel.

Step 3: Check and adjust the print area

  • Use Page Break Preview mode (View > Page Break Preview) to preview how the data will be paginated.
  • Adjust the page break line by dragging and dropping if necessary.

A useful tip is to ensure that the selected print area is a continuous range, to avoid data being cut off or scattered when printing. If the payroll has many columns, users may consider printing in landscape orientation to ensure all information is displayed on one page.

3.2. Customize paper size and page alignment

Choosing the correct paper size and setting the print page parameters will ensure that the payroll displays optimally on the printout.

Step 1: Choose the appropriate paper size

  • Go to Page Layout > Size > select A4 (common size in Vietnam).
  • For payrolls with multiple columns, consider using A3 or Legal size.

Step 2: Adjust page margins (Margins)

  • Go to Page Layout > Margins > select Normal or Custom Margins to customize.
  • A minimum margin of 1.5 cm is recommended to ensure professionalism and readability.

Step 3: Choose the appropriate paper orientation

  • Go to Page Layout > Orientation.
  • Choose Portrait for payroll with few columns.
  • Select Landscape for payroll with multiple columns.

Step 4: Adjust the print ratio

  • Use the Scale to Fit option in Page Layout to adjust the proportions accordingly.
  • For large payrolls, the "Fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall" option can be used to ensure printing on one page.

Customizing print page parameters helps the payroll to be displayed beautifully, professionally and with full information on the printout.

4. How to print payroll in Excel

After completing all the setup steps, users can proceed to print payroll according to the following process.

4.1. Print Preview

Checking the layout before printing is an indispensable step to avoid wasting paper and time.

Step 1: Open print preview

  • Press Ctrl + F2 or File > Print to access Print Preview mode.
  • The screen shows exactly how the payroll will appear when printed.

Step 2: Check the important factors

  • Table headers and column headers are displayed in full, not cut off.
  • All important data is contained in the print area.
  • No unnecessary blank rows or columns.

Step 3: Check the page split

  • Make sure data is not split between pages in an unreasonable way.
  • Check that the header and footer (if any) display correctly.

Print preview helps users detect and fix formatting and layout issues before printing, saving resources and ensuring print quality.

4.2. Print payroll

After carefully checking in preview mode, the user can proceed to print the payroll.

Step 1: Start the printing process

  • Press Ctrl + P or go to File > Print.
  • The Print interface displays with printing options.

Step 2: Select printer and number of prints

  • Select a printer from the available list.
  • Determine the number of copies to print (Copies).

Step 3: Determine the print range

  • Select "Print Active Sheets" to print the current sheet.
  • Or select "Print Selection" if you only want to print a selected part of the payroll.

Step 4: Adjust advanced options (if needed)

  • In Settings, users can adjust options like "Scale to Fit" to shrink content to fit the printed page.
  • You can select "No Scaling" to keep the original size.

Step 5: Print

  • Once you have checked all the options, press the "Print" button to start the printing process.

For payrolls with multiple pages, users should consider using the "Print Titles" option to ensure column headings appear on each page, making data easier to read.

5. Tips for Optimizing Payroll Printing

To achieve the highest efficiency when printing payroll in Excel, users can apply some of the following advanced tips.

5.1. Use fixed headers on each page when printing multiple pages

For payrolls with many employees, printing will span multiple pages, making it difficult to keep track of information.

Step 1: Access the Print Titles function

  • Go to Page Layout > Print Titles.
  • The Page Setup dialog box displays with the Sheet tab.

Step 2: Set up a repeating header row

  • In the "Rows to repeat at top" section, select the row containing the column headers (usually row 1).
  • Can be selected by clicking on the collapse icon and highlighting the row to be repeated.

Step 3: Set up repeating header columns (if needed)

  • Similarly, in the "Columns to repeat at left" section, select the column containing the employee information (usually column A).
  • Especially useful when the payroll is wide and must be printed horizontally.

With this setup, readers will always see column headers and employee information on every printed page, making data comparison easier.

5.2. Check for common errors before printing

Checking and detecting errors before printing saves time and resources. Here are some common errors and how to fix them:

Error 1: Data is cut off or not fully displayed

  • Cause: Column is too wide or page setup is not appropriate.
  • Solution: Adjust column width, change paper orientation to landscape, or reduce print scale.

Error 2: Special characters or text formatting not displayed correctly

  • Cause: Font is not supported or printer settings are not correct.
  • Solution: Use common fonts like Arial, Calibri; check printer settings.

Error 3: Uneven or cut-off page margins

  • Cause: Incorrect margin settings.
  • Solution: Adjust the margins in Page Layout > Margins, make sure the margins are at least 1.5 cm.

Error 4: Table lines are blurred or not visible

  • Cause: Border format is too thin or print settings are not correct.
  • Solution: Use a darker border, check the print options in Print > Settings.

Learning and fixing common errors not only helps optimize the printing process but also enhances the professionalism of the payroll.

6. Compare Excel with payroll management software

To choose the most suitable tool for payroll management and printing, users need to clearly understand the strengths and limitations of Excel compared to other specialized solutions.

6.1. Advantages of using Excel

Excel has many outstanding advantages that make it a popular choice for payroll management:

  • High Flexibility: Users can customize payroll according to the specific needs of the business.
  • Low cost: Included in the Microsoft Office suite, no need to invest in additional specialized software.
  • Ease of use: Familiar interface, no need for extensive training for staff.
  • Integration capabilities: Easily export data to other formats like PDF, CSV.
  • Popularity: Widely used, easy to find support and tutorials online.

Excel is especially suitable for small and medium-sized businesses with a small number of employees and not too complicated salary management requirements.

6.2. When should you switch to dedicated software?

Although Excel is very flexible, in some cases it is more efficient to use specialized software:

As a business grows in size, with hundreds of employees or more, Excel management can become complex and ineffective. Understanding that difficulty, 1C:Company Management software was born, becoming an automated solution for payroll management for human resources. The software helps businesses to:

  • Highly automated: Automatically update taxes and insurance according to the latest regulations.
  • Better security: Fine-grained access permissions, user activity tracking.
  • Diverse reports: Automatically generate reports for tax and social insurance agencies.
  • System integration: Connect with accounting and timekeeping software.

7. Common errors when printing payroll and how to fix them

Even after following the steps, users may still encounter some problems when printing payroll in Excel. Understanding these errors and knowing how to fix them will help the printing process go smoothly.

7.1. Data not fully displayed on paper

This is the most common error when printing payroll, causing information to be cut off or not fully displayed on the printout.


  • Wrong print area selected or no print area set.
  • Paper size does not match payroll size.
  • The zoom ratio is not reasonable.

How to fix:

  • Check and reset the print area (Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area).
  • Adjust the paper size accordingly (convert from A4 to A3 if necessary).
  • Use the "Fit All Columns on One Page" option in Page Layout > Scale to Fit.
  • Reduce page margins to create more space (Page Layout > Margins > Custom Margins).

If the payroll sheet is still too large, users can consider dividing it into smaller sections to print separately, or use the "Fit Sheet on One Page" option to shrink the entire sheet.

7.2. Incorrect number or date format

This error typically occurs when cells in a payroll table are not formatted consistently or properly.


  • Incorrect formatting in Excel.
  • Incompatibility between Excel Region settings and operating system.
  • Data is entered as text instead of numbers.

How to fix:

Step 1: Check and correct number format

  • Select the cells to adjust.
  • Right click > Format Cells > Number.
  • Select the appropriate format (Currency for currency, Number for regular numbers).
  • Set decimals and display format correctly.

Step 2: Check and correct the date format

  • Select the cells containing dates.
  • Right click > Format Cells > Date.
  • Select the appropriate date format (e.g. DD/MM/YYYY).

Step 3: Convert text to numbers (if needed)

  • If the numeric data is stored as text, use Data > Text to Columns to convert.
  • Or multiply the value by 1 using the formula (=A1*1) to convert.

Maintaining consistent formatting not only makes payroll easy to read, but also ensures accuracy in automated calculations.

Thus, 1C Vietnam has provided detailed instructions on how to print payroll in Excel . Correctly applying the steps from setting up the spreadsheet, formatting the data, setting up the print area to printing will help save time and resources. In addition, if your business wants to automate the payroll management process for employees, do not hesitate to contact 1C Vietnam today for the best advice and support!

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