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12 ways to convince the most demanding customers to buy products

In today's fiercely competitive market, skills are essential convince customers is extremely important. Salespeople with good persuasion skills not only help sell more products but also build lasting relationships with customers. So what are effective ways to convince customers ? Let's find out with 1C Vietnam in the article below.

1. Call the customer by name while chatting

One of the most effective ways to persuade is to remember and call the customer's name during the conversation. Some psychological studies have shown that most people like to be called by their first name, which helps increase sympathy and create a feeling of closerness to the other person. However, when implementing this method with Vietnamese customers, sales staff need to pay attention to the customer's gender and age to give appropriate titles and names.

Calling by name makes customers feel more intimate
Calling by name makes customers feel more intimate

2. Focus and listen to what customers have to say

A 2013 Harvard University study showed that people love to share about themselves. So if you want to learn how to persuade customers, listen to them first. In fact, when customers come to a business, most of them have no idea about the specific product they will buy. Customers are simply looking for a solution to a problem, a pain they are experiencing. Therefore, consultants should listen carefully, focus more on customers, thereby recommending suitable products, increasing the ability to "close orders" and improve trust in the business.

Focus on listening and providing solutions to customers
Focus on listening and providing solutions to customers

3. Limit unnecessary conflicts and drown out opponents

No matter how well you know how to convince customers , if your employees accidentally cause unnecessary conflicts, all their efforts will definitely go down the drain. When chatting or consulting with customers, consultants need to comply with principles such as: do not interrupt the interlocutor, do not hide important information, do not lie to customers, and do not make excessive jokes and jokes. , don't talk rudely and especially don't go against their wishes. All of the above principles will help minimize unnecessary conflicts that affect the business.

Counselors should follow communication principles to avoid unnecessary conflicts
Counselors should follow communication principles to avoid unnecessary conflicts

Besides, one of the ways to persuade customers to avoid is to defame competitors. Many people think this is the best way to elevate their brand. However, convincing customers with this method will be counterproductive and can cause serious consequences. Because if the seller continuously uses vulgar words, intentionally defames or puts others down, customers will have a high chance of losing trust and having a bad view of the business. Therefore, instead of using competitors' bad points, sellers should emphasize the special points of their brand to impress customers.

4. Always offer more than one option

One of the ways to persuade customers wrongly is to only give them one choice. A 2013 study in the academic journal Journal of Consumer Research showed that 66% of customers will buy a product when given two or more options. Meanwhile, this number is 9 - 10% when they are only advised on a single product. The reason is that the human brain always tends to choose the option with the lowest risk. When customers have no choice, the least risky option is not to buy. Meanwhile, comparisons will appear when there are 2 or more products. At this time, customers will consider choosing less risky products. But in general, they still spend money to buy goods.

Salespeople should offer more than one option to customers
Salespeople should offer more than one option to customers

5. Become a friend and stay connected with customers

Salespeople play an extremely important role in building relationships with customers. The conversation with the consultant can determine whether the customer makes a purchase or not. Therefore, when choosing employees, businesses should choose people who have a gentle and approachable personality but also need to have sophistication and skill to bring a pleasant feeling to customers.

Salespeople play an extremely important role in building relationships with customers
Salespeople play an extremely important role in building relationships with customers

In many cases, although the sales staff does well, for some special reasons customers still do not buy. Therefore, businesses also need to build relationships to keep in touch and put them on the list of potential customers to plan appropriate marketing. Some ways to keep in touch with sellers are as follows:

  • Connecting on social networks: Connecting on social networks not only helps businesses keep in touch with customers but also partly understand their interests and desires through the content they share. Besides, this also creates opportunities for customers to see and increase the ability to remember the business's products and services better.
  • Ask for feedback: Receiving feedback from potential customers is very beneficial for improving your business's sales process and product upgrades. At the same time, businesses can also stay in touch with potential customers longer.

6. Become a consultant representative or business advisor

If managers are still looking for another way to convince customers , they can refer to the following tips. Salespeople should always consider themselves as consultants with solid knowledge and in-depth understanding of the products being sold. Don't be an employee who is only good at memorizing product lists or a machine re-reading information described on a website, a consultant must be someone who finds customers' problems and offers appropriate solutions. From there, managers can easily increase trust as well as purchasing ability. This is the best way to convince customers to buy the product.

Salespeople must always consider themselves as a consultant in the field of products the business is offering
Salespeople must always consider themselves as a consultant in the field of products the business is offering

7. Ask questions based on customer emotions

Contrary to what we often think, most people make decisions based on emotions. Based on this characteristic, sellers can use questions that evoke emotions as an extremely effective way to persuade customers . When chatting, sales staff should emphasize the positive emotions that the service will bring to customers when purchasing. Especially when the seller uses a soft, emotional voice, this psychological trick will be more effective than any calculation method.

Sellers can use emotional questions as an extremely effective way to persuade customers
Sellers can use emotional questions as an extremely effective way to persuade customers

8. Create a feeling of comfort for customers

Creating a comfortable feeling for customers when starting a conversation is extremely important. The counselor can use opening methods such as asking about your health, telling an interesting story, etc. Whatever the method, the most important thing is a friendly and sincere attitude. This may sound simple, but it can make the interlocutor more open and persuasive. After making a good first impression, consultants can apply the following methods to make customers feel comfortable during the conversation:

  • The product introduction should be short and concise, avoiding causing inconvenience to customers.
  • Listen to customers to understand their needs instead of trying to advertise products
  • Practice at home to increase your ability to solve situations when chatting.
  • Prepare a sales script and specific consulting process before calling.
  • Absolutely do not interrupt or hang up the phone while the customer is speaking.
Sales staff should practice at home to increase their ability to resolve situations during conversations
Sales staff should practice at home to increase their ability to resolve situations during conversations

9. Provide timely solutions in all cases

When learning about a product, buyers often have many questions and doubts. Therefore, the consultation period is the best opportunity to clear their doubts about the business and the product. To do this well, sellers need to prepare answers to common questions such as:

  • What is different about the product compared to other products?
  • Does the product solve the problems I'm having?
  • Is it possible to reduce product prices?
  • Is the business running any promotional programs for this product?
  • Detailed information about return policy, warranty,...
It's important to prepare answers to common questions
It's important to prepare answers to common questions

10. Highlight the USP of products and services provided

The USP (Unique Selling Point) of a product is important information that consultants need to understand before discussing with customers. USP can be any aspect such as price, durability, special materials, long-standing brand, etc. as long as that feature is unique and different from competitors. In particular, this is considered the trump card of consultants when making customers believe that the product's USP can solve the problem they are facing. From there, the business's products and services will become extremely attractive and appealing to buyers.

Emphasizing your USP will help your product become extremely attractive and attractive to buyers
Emphasizing your USP will help your product become extremely attractive and appealing to buyers

11. Offer attractive purchasing policies to customers

Attractive purchasing policies are also one of the ways to convince customers that many businesses choose. Not all business products have quality and highly competitive USPs, so purchasing promotion activities are becoming increasingly important. Some attractive purchasing policies include:

  • Return policy: Customers can return products not only to help them buy with peace of mind but also to show confidence in the quality of the business's products.
  • Privacy policy: In today's digital technology age, information is an extremely important asset. Therefore, ensuring customer information is safe is also a way to create trust and help improve the company's sales.
  • Shipping policy: Shipping costs are sometimes the reason why customers don't buy anymore. Therefore, businesses can apply free shipping to orders with a certain value.
Policies help promote buying actions
Policies help promote buying actions

12. Create a FOMO effect that drives action

FOMO (Fears of missing out) is a psychological effect that marketers use a lot in the process of persuading customers . Simply put, the seller can show customers that they will miss out by not buying the product now. The way to persuade customers is often suitable for products such as accessories, clothing, etc. Businesses can apply some of the following techniques to create the FOMO effect:

  • Offer short-term incentives and discounts: Businesses can offer lower prices for products in the short term. Creating a sense of urgency will speed up the customer's purchasing process.
  • Notice of scarcity: A small, limited quantity of a product can make buyers want to own it more. This will help customers easily make purchasing decisions because of the fear of missing out when the product is out of stock.
The FOMO effect helps customers make decisions easier
The FOMO effect helps customers make decisions easier

Above are 12 ways to persuade customers to buy products compiled by 1C Vietnam. In today's competitive environment, creating a good impression and relationship with customers is extremely important. We hope that businesses have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to increasing the company's brand strength and business efficiency. If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

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