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What is electronic signature? Types of electronic signatures today

Electronic signature is a term that is no longer unfamiliar in the current digital technology era. So what is an electronic signature? What types of electronic signatures are used today? In this article, let's learn with 1C Vietnam about electronic signatures and the principles when using this type of signature!

1. What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature is an electronic medium created in the form of words, letters, numbers, symbols, sounds or other forms, attached or combined with a data message. This signature is capable of confirming the person signing the message and that person's approval of the content being signed.

An electronic signature represents the signer's approval of the content being signed
An electronic signature represents the signer's approval of the content being signed

2. Benefits of using electronic signatures

Besides handwritten signatures, many individuals, organizations and businesses have now applied electronic signatures during online transactions. Some benefits of this type of signature include:

  • Save time: Shorten the time to perform electronic transactions and increase work efficiency.
  • Diversity and flexibility: Allows transactions to be carried out remotely by sending commitments via email, signing with an electronic pen on a touch screen or signing electronic contracts without space and time barriers.
  • Shorten the certification process: Simplify the process of creating, transferring, and sending documents and records to partners, customers and agencies without having to meet face-to-face.
  • Quick tax filing: Complete the online tax declaration and payment process conveniently.
  • Safety and security: Electronic signatures ensure a high level of security and the identity of an individual or business cannot be forged.
Electronic signatures save time compared to paper signatures
Electronic signatures save time compared to paper signatures

3. Types of electronic signatures used on contracts today

Electronic signatures come in the form of digital signatures, scanned signatures and image signatures. Each form is used and ensures compliance in different transactions and contracts.

3.1 Digital signature

A digital signature is a form of electronic signature created by converting data through a non-corresponding cryptographic system. Users can use USB Token to sign.

However, this USB Token must be provided by public digital signature certification units. Each individual, business or organization that registers an electronic signature will receive a separate digital signature to identify and use in contracts.

Digital signatures are created by converting data through the corresponding cryptographic system
Digital signatures are created by converting data through the corresponding cryptographic system

3.2 Scanned signature

A scanned signature (scan signature) is a signature that is converted from paper to electronic form by scanning after being hand-signed on the contract. Parties can convert the contract into electronic form through a scanning process, then send it via email.

Scanned signatures are created by scanning text on paper documents
Scanned signatures are created by scanning text on paper documents

3.3 Image signature

An image signature is a signature that a user writes by hand, which is then converted into an image and attached to an electronic document. Electronic contracts are sent via email.

Photo signatures are often used in small value but frequently signed contracts or when the signer is not present at the same location to sign the contract using an ink signature.

Photo signatures are used in small value contracts
Photo signatures are used in small value contracts

4. Principles when using electronic signatures

When using electronic signatures, parties in electronic transactions need to comply with the following principles according to the provisions of Article 23 of the Law on Electronic Transactions 2005:

  • The parties have the right to decide whether or not to use electronic signatures when signing data messages in transactions.
  • Parties have the right to choose whether to use certified or non-certified electronic signatures .
  • When using certified electronic signatures , the parties have the right to choose an organization providing electronic signature authentication services.
Electronic signatures need to comply with certain principles
Electronic signatures need to comply with certain principles

5. Legal value of electronic signature

According to Article 24 of the Law on Electronic Transactions 2005, in cases where the law requires a document to have a signature, a data message is considered to meet the requirements if the electronic signature used to sign that message meets the requirements. element:

  • The method of creating an electronic signature allows verifying the signer and proving the signer's agreement with the content of the data message.
  • The method of creating an electronic signature is sufficiently reliable and suitable for the purpose of creating and sending data messages.
The method of creating an electronic signature must be highly reliable
The method of creating an electronic signature must be highly reliable

In cases where documents must be stamped as required by law by an agency or organization, an electronic message is considered to meet the requirement if it is signed by the agency or organization's electronic signature , comply with the conditions specified in Clause 1, Article 22 of the Law on Electronic Transactions 2005 and have the electronic signature authenticated.

6. Current regulations on electronic signatures

Creating and using electronic signatures requires compliance with a number of regulations to ensure the legality of signatures in documents. Enterprises need to pay attention to the regulations on the form and location of electronic signatures on documents.

A personal digital signature must be green to be considered valid
A personal digital signature must be green to be considered valid

6.1 Regarding display form

For Businesses

For individuals

  • Image: The red seal is the image representing the electronic signature of the business. The size of the representative image must be equivalent to the actual size of the stamp and saved in .png format.
  • Information: A valid electronic signature must display full information such as the name of the agency, organization, business and signing time according to ISO 8601 standards (day/month/year, hour, minute, second, Vietnamese time zone). Male).
  • Image: An individual's handwritten signature represents a digital signature. Personal electronic signature must be blue, saved and displayed in .png format.
  • Information: The personal digital signature template does not require the signer's personal information, just displaying a valid signature image is enough.

6.1 About position in text

For Businesses

For individuals

The location of the electronic signature must comply with the following principles:

  • Documents that have been electronically signed by the issuer will not need to be electronically signed again.
  • With electronic paper documents, the signature will be placed in the right corner of the first page.
  • For documents sent with full signatures of individual leaders and agencies/enterprises, the electronic signature of the agency/enterprise is signed over a space equal to 1/3 of the area to the left of the signature. individual leader.
  • With electronic documents from paper documents that already have the leader's hand signature and the agency's seal, the agency/enterprise's electronic signature is placed in the top right corner of the first page of the document. .

The position of an electronic signature is similar to the position of a signature on a paper document. Users can place a signature in a location that requires signing with their authority.

Thus, besides handwritten signatures, businesses can use electronic signatures in documents, records, and contracts. However, the application of electronic signatures needs to comply with a number of principles and regulations to ensure accuracy and legality. With the development of technology, software supporting electronic signatures has been applied to help businesses handle work faster and more effectively. In particular, Digital Office software 1C:Document Management has been integrated with standardized digital signatures according to the provisions of Vietnamese state law. For more detailed information about the solution, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately.

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