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What is Command Prompt? How to run and common CMD commands

What is Command Prompt ? This is a common question for many Windows computer users. This is a basic command line tool that allows users to execute commands to perform many system management and troubleshooting tasks effectively without the need for a graphical interface. In the article below, 1C Vietnam will guide you on how to use Command Prompt and common commands to help users master this tool.

1. What is Command Prompt?

Command Prompt is one of the core tools of the Windows operating system, acting as a command-line environment that allows users to execute commands directly with the system.

Command Prompt is a command-line interface (CLI) built into Windows that allows users to enter text commands to perform system tasks instead of using a graphical user interface (GUI). This tool originated from MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), the predecessor of Windows.

Over the years, the Command Prompt has undergone significant improvements, but its core functionality of providing a quick and efficient way to interact with the system has remained the same. Although Microsoft introduced PowerShell with more powerful features, the Command Prompt has remained and is widely used due to its simplicity and backward compatibility.

Command Prompt is the core tool of the Windows operating system.

2. What are the outstanding features of Command Prompt?

Command Prompt offers a wide range of features for both basic and professional users, from simple file management to complex system administration tasks.

2.1. Basic features

Command Prompt provides file and folder management functions such as create, copy, move, rename, and delete. This allows users to perform file management operations without using File Explorer.

In addition, this tool also supports basic system diagnostic commands such as checking network connectivity (ping, ipconfig), displaying system information (systeminfo), and managing Windows services (net start, net stop). These features help users quickly identify and fix common problems.

2.2. Advanced features

For power users, Command Prompt offers the ability to create batch scripts (.bat or .cmd) to automate repetitive tasks. These scripts can execute a series of commands in a predefined order, saving time and reducing manual errors.

Command Prompt also provides access to system administration tools such as Registry Editor (regedit), Task Manager (taskkill), and other system utilities. This is especially useful when deep system changes need to be made that are not supported or convenient by the graphical interface.

3. How to run basic Command Prompt

Accessing and using the Command Prompt isn't too complicated, but understanding the different methods for opening and navigating this command-line environment will help users become more productive.

There are many ways to open Command Prompt on Windows operating system, depending on Windows version and user preference.

  1. Through Start Menu:
    • Windows 10/11: Click the Windows icon in the lower left corner, then search for "Command Prompt" or "CMD" and select it from the results.
    • Windows 7/8: Click Start, go to "All Programs" > "Accessories" > "Command Prompt".
Open a simple Command Prompt tool
  1. Using the Run dialog:
    • Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run dialog box.
    • Type "cmd" and press Enter.
  2. Use shortcut keys:
    • On Windows 10/11, press Windows key + X, then select "Command Prompt" or "Windows PowerShell".
Use the Window X shortcut key to open Command Prompt
  1. Open CMD with Administrator rights:
    • Search for "Command Prompt" in the Start Menu.
    • Right click and select "Run as administrator".
    • Or press Ctrl + Shift + Enter after selecting CMD from the search results.

4. Common Command Prompt Commands

Command Prompt provides a rich set of commands that allow users to perform various tasks on Windows systems. Below is a list of the most frequently used Command Prompt commands:

  • ping : Test network connectivity to a host or IP address.
    Syntax: ping [address]
    Example: ping
  • tracert : Traces the path of a packet from a computer to a destination address.
    Syntax: tracert [address]
    Example: tracert
  • netstat : Displays active network connections, ports and network statistics.
    Syntax: netstat [optional]
    Example: netstat -an (shows all connections and listening ports)
  • ipconfig : Displays IP configuration information of all network switches.
    Syntax: ipconfig [/all]
    Example: ipconfig /all (shows detailed information)
  • shutdown : Shut down or restart the system.
    Syntax: shutdown [optional]
    Example: shutdown /s /t 60 (shutdown after 60 seconds)
  • taskkill : Terminate a running process.
    Syntax: taskkill /IM [process name] /F
    Example: taskkill /IM notepad.exe /F (ends all running Notepad instances)
  • reg : Manage Windows Registry.
    Syntax: reg [operation] [parameters]
    Example: reg query HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (query registry information)
  • reg delete : Delete keys or values in the Registry.
    Syntax: reg delete [keyname] [/v valuename | /ve | /va] [/f]
    Example: reg delete HKCU\Software\TempKey /f
  • attrib : Display or change file attributes.
    Syntax: attrib [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [drive:][path][filename]
    Example: attrib +h document.txt (set hidden attribute for document.txt file)
  • md (or mkdir ): Create a new directory.
    Syntax: md [path]
    Example: md C:\NewFolder
  • rd (or rmdir ): Delete a directory.
    Syntax: rd [path] [/s]
    Example: rd C:\OldFolder /s (delete the folder and all contents inside)

5. Practical applications of Command Prompt

Command Prompt is not only a tool for IT professionals but also useful for regular users in many everyday situations.

5.1. File and folder management

Command Prompt provides an efficient approach to file management, especially when working with large numbers of files or performing batch operations.

To copy all files from one directory to another, one can use the "xcopy" command with options like this: "xcopy C:\Source*.* D:\Destination\ /s /i", where "/s" copies subdirectories as well and "/i" assumes that the destination is a directory if it does not already exist.

To quickly find all files with a specific extension in a directory and subdirectories, users can use the command "dir *.txt /s", replacing ".txt" with whatever extension they want to find.

To delete multiple files in a specific pattern, the "del *.tmp" command will delete all temporary files in the current directory. Be careful when using this command because deleted files do not go to the Recycle Bin, they are permanently deleted.

5.2. Network diagnostics and troubleshooting

Command Prompt provides many powerful tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting network problems, often faster and more efficient than GUI methods.

When having internet connection problems, users can use the command "ipconfig /release" followed by "ipconfig /renew" to request a new IP address from the DHCP server, which often solves IP configuration problems.

To refresh the DNS cache, users can use the command "ipconfig /flushdns". This is useful when web pages are not loading properly due to outdated DNS information stored in the cache.

When experiencing network connectivity issues, a basic diagnostic procedure is to use "ping" (testing the network card), then "ping router address" (testing the connection to the router), and finally "ping" (testing the internet connection). This helps pinpoint the exact point in the connection chain where the problem is.

6. Compare Command Prompt with other command line tools

To better understand what Command Prompt is , it is necessary to compare it with other command line tools to see the advantages and disadvantages of each tool.

6.1. PowerShell with Command Prompt

PowerShell is Microsoft's more modern command-line tool, with many advanced features compared to the traditional Command Prompt.


Command Prompt



Simple, DOS-based syntax

More complex syntax, based on .NET


Plain text processing

Handling .NET objects



Well extensible with modules and scripts

Backward compatibility

Compatible with most old DOS commands

Can run CMD commands through cmd.exe



Much more advanced, including full programming language coverage

API Access


Full access to Windows and .NET APIs


Easy to learn, suitable for beginners

The learning curve is steeper

Advantages of Command Prompt:

  • Simple, easy to use for basic tasks
  • Starts up faster and consumes less resources
  • Good compatibility with legacy batch scripts

Advantages of PowerShell:

  • Ability to handle structured data (JSON, XML, CSV...)
  • Better integration with modern Microsoft services
  • Support object-oriented programming
PowerShell and Command Prompt both have their own advantages.

6.2. Terminal on Linux/MacOS with Command Prompt

The Terminal on Unix-based operating systems like Linux and MacOS is different in many ways from the Windows Command Prompt.


Command Prompt

Terminal (Linux/MacOS)


Mainly cmd.exe

Many options: Bash, Zsh, Fish, etc.

Distinguish between common flowers

No discrimination

Distinguish between common flowers

Path separator

Use backslash (\)

Use slash (/)



Highly customizable (themes, plugins, aliases)

Piping & Redirection

Basic Support

Powerful support with many features

Package Management

Not available

Integration (apt, yum, brew)


Not as clear as Unix

Clear permission system (chmod, chown)

Advantages of Terminal (Linux/MacOS):

  • More powerful piping and redirection system
  • Many built-in development tools and systems
  • Ability to integrate scripts from multiple languages
  • Integrated package management system

Advantages of Command Prompt:

  • Well integrated with Windows ecosystem
  • Commands designed specifically for Windows architecture
  • Easily work with the Registry and Windows services

7. Useful tips when using Command Prompt

Mastering some tips and tricks can help users work more efficiently with Command Prompt.

7.1. Customize CMD interface

Command Prompt allows users to customize the interface to suit personal preferences and increase work efficiency.

To change the background and text colors, users can right-click on the title bar, select "Properties", then go to the "Colors" tab. Here, users can choose different text and background colors. Another way is to use the "color" command followed by a two-digit code, for example "color 0A" will set a black background (0) and green text (A).

To change the font and size, users can access the "Font" tab in the Properties menu. Choosing a clear font and appropriate size can reduce eye strain when working with the Command Prompt for long periods of time.

To change the window and buffer size, users can use the "Layout" tab. Increasing the buffer size allows more lines of text to be stored, making it easier to review command history.

7.2. Useful shortcuts in CMD

Knowing and using keyboard shortcuts in Command Prompt can save significant time when performing routine tasks.

The F7 key displays a list of recently executed commands in a pop-up window, allowing the user to select a command to execute again without having to retype it.

The Tab key automatically completes file and folder names, saving time when typing long paths.

Ctrl+C stops the command in progress, especially useful when a command takes too long or gets into an infinite loop.

Alt+F4 closes the Command Prompt window, similar to clicking the X button on the title bar.

The up/down arrow keys allow you to cycle through previously executed commands, providing quick access and editing of recent commands.

7. Useful tips when using Command Prompt

After understanding what Command Prompt is , mastering some usage tips will help increase work efficiency significantly.

7.1. Customize CMD interface

Command Prompt allows users to customize the interface to enhance aesthetics and create a more comfortable working environment.

  • Change background and text color:
    Right click on CMD title bar > Properties > Colors
    Or use the command: color [background][text]
    Example: color 0A (black background, green text)
  • Change font:
    Right click on the title bar > Properties > Font
    Choose the right font and size
  • Resize window:
    Right click on the title bar > Properties > Layout
    Adjust window size and screen buffer
  • Use full screen mode:
    Press Alt + Enter to switch between windowed and full screen mode

7.2. Useful shortcuts in CMD

Command Prompt has many shortcuts to help increase working speed and efficiency when using:

  • Tab: Autocomplete file, folder, or command names
  • F7: Display command history in separate window
  • Up/Down Arrow: Browse through the history of executed commands
  • Ctrl + C: Cancel the currently executing command
  • Ctrl + V or right click: Paste content from clipboard
  • Alt + F4: Close the Command Prompt window
  • F3: Repeat previously entered command
  • Ctrl + A: Select all text in CMD window
  • Ctrl + Home/End: Delete from cursor position to beginning/end of line

8. How to fix common errors when using Command Prompt

When using Command Prompt, users often encounter some common errors. Here's how to identify and fix these errors.

"Command not recognized" or "'xyz' is not recognized as an internal or external command" error:

  • Cause: The command does not exist or is not in the PATH environment variable.
  • Solution: Check the spelling of the command, or add the path containing the command to the PATH environment variable.

"Access Denied" error:

  • Cause: No permission to execute command or access file/folder.
  • Solution: Run Command Prompt with Administrator rights by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator".

Error "The system cannot find the path specified":

  • Cause: The path does not exist or is incorrect.
  • Solution: Double check the path, use the cd command to confirm the current location, or use quotes if the path contains spaces.

Error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process":

  • Cause: The file is in use by another application.
  • Solution: Close the application that is using the file, or use Task Manager to end the associated process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Command Prompt

There are some common questions that users often ask when learning about Command Prompt.

Does every version of Windows have Command Prompt?
Yes, all versions of Windows from MS-DOS to Windows 11 have Command Prompt. However, starting with Windows 10, Microsoft has started pushing the use of PowerShell as an alternative to CMD in some situations.

What is batch file in CMD?
A batch file is a text file with a .bat or .cmd extension that contains a series of Command Prompt commands that are executed sequentially when the file is opened. It is a simple way to automate frequently performed tasks on Windows.

What are the most common command groups in CMD?
The most common command groups in CMD include:

  • File and directory management commands (dir, cd, copy, del, ren)
  • Network management commands (ping, ipconfig, netstat, tracert)
  • System management commands (tasklist, taskkill, shutdown, sfc)
  • Query and configuration commands (systeminfo, reg, gpupdate)

Can Command Prompt completely replace GUI?
Not quite. While the Command Prompt is powerful for administrative and automation tasks, the Windows graphical interface (GUI) is still necessary for many applications and tasks. The Command Prompt is best viewed as a supplement to the GUI, especially useful for repetitive or system-intensive tasks.

So, what is Command Prompt has been explained in detail as an important command line tool in Windows operating system, allowing users to perform many system management tasks through text commands. From basic file management to advanced network diagnostics, CMD provides many effective solutions that graphical interfaces can hardly match in terms of speed and flexibility. For more useful information about AI tools, please visit the 1C Vietnam website.

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