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Home Products news 6+ latest Excel stationery management file templates in 2024
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6+ latest Excel stationery management file templates in 2024

Stationery management files using Excel not only help businesses control the quantity of purchases but also show the usage of office equipment by employees in the company. Excel management files are popular because they are easy to use, convenient and cost-effective. In the article below, 1C Vietnam will introduce the most complete and detailed Excel file templates, supporting the stationery management process. Let's find out now!

1. Excel stationery management file template for suppliers

Suppliers will use stationery management files to control the sales process and determine inventory levels. Below are some office stationery management file samples using Excel that suppliers can refer to.

1.1 Product list management file template

If a business provides many product codes, using an Excel stationery management file according to product categories will make control more convenient and accurate. The file will include information such as name, product code, import price, selling price, etc.

Stationery management files using Excel
Product catalog files help control detailed goods by product name

FREE DOWNLOAD: Product catalog management file template

1.2 Sample import file

Based on data in the Excel stationery management file when importing goods, suppliers will know when customers have high shopping needs, thereby replenishing goods promptly. This helps businesses meet customer requirements as well as avoid waste and limit inventory. The import file includes information related to product name, supplier, quantity, import date,...

Stationery management files using Excel
Import management files help businesses ensure they meet customer requirements

FREE DOWNLOAD: Sample import file

1.3 Export file sample

When exporting goods to customers, the supplier needs to fill in all information about name, product code, quantity, delivery time, warehouse release, product price, amount to be collected,... This is the account. Important data helps administrators understand the sales situation of the business.

Stationery management files using Excel
Export goods management files help administrators understand the sales situation

FREE DOWNLOAD: Export file template

1.4 Sample inventory management file

This file template helps suppliers track inventory and periodically check to ensure there are no shortages. This also helps distributors avoid out of stock when customer demand increases.

Stationery management files using Excel
Stationery management files using Excel help suppliers track inventory quantities

FREE DOWNLOAD: Inventory management file template

1.5 Revenue report

Any business is interested in revenue because this is the data that reflects the business situation of the business. The revenue report file in Excel is the basis for businesses to evaluate their business situation, thereby coming up with better strategies.

Stationery management files using Excel
Revenue report is an important office stationery management file using Excel

FREE DOWNLOAD: Revenue report

2. Office stationery management file template using Excel for companies

Not only do suppliers need to use stationery management files using Excel , but companies also need to create files to control resource usage in the most effective way. These management files also help businesses save significant procurement costs.

2.1 Sample request form for stationery supply

Having enough stationery to work with is essential. If a business does not provide enough for employees, it can lead to reduced work efficiency and employees spending more time looking for supplies from other sources. Employees can use the stationery request form to request the company to provide the necessary quantity to help ensure work.

Stationery management files using Excel
Sample request form for employee stationery

FREE DOWNLOAD: Stationery supply request form template

2.2 Entry form

When receiving goods purchased from suppliers, the company should also use a stationery management file using Excel to control the quantity and status of warehoused goods.

Stationery management files using Excel
The receipt helps businesses understand the quantity of stationery purchased

FREE DOWNLOAD: Stationery receipt template

2.3 Export slip

Businesses can distribute stationery to departments, subsidiaries, or partners. To strictly control this issue, managers need to create goods files using Excel to record information such as type of goods, export time, recipient,...

Stationery management files using Excel
Businesses can export stationery to departments, subsidiaries, or partners

FREE DOWNLOAD: Stationery delivery slip template

2.4 Exit slip

Inventory management is always an important issue in every business. With stationery management files in Excel, managers can easily grasp the quantity of each item and item in stock. From there, businesses can make reasonable purchasing decisions.

Stationery management files using Excel
Inventory management is always an issue of concern for many businesses

FREE DOWNLOAD: Existing entry and exit slips

2.5 Sample file for exporting stationery to departments

Each company is divided into different departments such as Accounting, Marketing, Production,... with the need to use different quantities of stationery. Below is a sample stationery export file for departments to refer to.

Stationery management files using Excel
The slip assigned to each department records the quantity of stationery for each department

FREE DOWNLOAD: Stationery export file template for departments

3. Should we use Excel to manage stationery files?

Compared to traditional management methods such as books, stationery management files using Excel are considered a reasonable alternative tool, chosen by many businesses. Although there are outstanding advantages such as ease of use, savings, etc., these files also have certain disadvantages.

1 - About advantages

  • Easy to use : For businesses with limited data sources, stationery management files in Excel are a suitable choice thanks to their ability to allow quick access, easy editing and detailed reflection of information. product news.
  • Cost savings : Excel is free software so businesses can save significant management costs.
  • Convenient for data adjustment : Stationery management files using Excel are divided into spreadsheets, which can be easily customized according to needs.
Stationery management files using Excel
Using Excel saves time

2 - Disadvantages

  • Stationery management files using Excel are not suitable for businesses with large data sources because of poor file storage and access capabilities.
  • Security is not high, data may be lost.
  • Compiling, exporting, and entering data into reports takes a lot of time.
  • No data linking yet.
  • To make accurate predictions it is necessary to enter complex functions.

4. Smart stationery management with 1C:Company Management software

To overcome the above disadvantages of stationery management files using Excel , 1C Vietnam brings businesses the 1C:Company Management solution - open software with flexible features to help manage businesses better. The solution allows connecting departments such as sales, purchasing, warehouse, finance, and human resources, ensuring data alignment and consistency. In particular, for the management of stationery purchases and sales, 1C:Company Management can support:

  • Manage supplier information in a smart tree structure.
  • Record price lists and allow price comparisons between distributors.
  • Calculate merchandise needs based on data such as minimum/maximum inventory and quantity of stationery needed.
  • Set up purchase orders with order statuses.
  • Record expenses when purchasing stationery.
  • Create reports based on existing data.
Stationery management files using Excel
1C:Company Management solution helps businesses manage the purchase and use of stationery appropriately

The article on 1C Vietnam has compiled the most complete and detailed office stationery management file templates using Excel . However, management with Excel still has certain disadvantages. If businesses are looking for solutions to overcome those disadvantages, they can refer to our 1C:Company Management solution. If you have any questions, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately for answers.

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