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15+ most convincing and professional reasons to quit your job

A convincing and professional reason for quitting helps employees conduct the resignation process easily. Join 1C Vietnam to find out common reasons that employees can use to quit their jobs, avoid affecting their reputation and relationship with their current company!

1. 7 reasons for resignation are immediately accepted according to the Labor Code

During work, there are situations where workers feel dissatisfied or unable to continue working under unsuitable environments or conditions. The law has stipulated a number of reasons that allow employees the right to terminate the labor contract without the consent of the enterprise. Based on the specific provisions in Article 35, Clause 2 of the 2019 Labor Code, employees can immediately terminate the labor contract with the following 7 reasons for resignation :

  • The work or work location is not as originally agreed.
  • Not receiving full salary or not receiving salary on time.
  • Being abused, tortured, or having behavior that offends your health and honor by your boss.
  • Being sexually harassed at work.
  • Pregnant women are forced to quit their jobs because their work can harm the fetus.
  • Be old enough to retire according to the law.
  • The employer provides inaccurate information, affecting the implementation of the labor contract.
reason for quitting job
The law stipulates a number of reasons for leaving work to help protect workers' rights

2. 8+ reasonable and convincing reasons for leaving your job with samples

2.1. The reason for leaving was due to family circumstances

One of the common reasons used by employees is to leave work to take care of or stabilize the family situation. This may include caring for the elderly, young children, or loved ones who are experiencing poor health. When faced with the above situations, focusing on family becomes the top priority, and businesses will also sympathize with employees for this reason.

  • Sample:

During my time working at the company, I have enjoyed a good working environment and support from colleagues and management. However, recently, my family is experiencing certain difficulties. My parents, who lived in the countryside, were in poor health and needed constant care. Although I tried to consider it, I still couldn't balance the workload and family responsibilities.

For this reason, I would like to ask your company to accept my resignation so that I can return to my hometown and take care of my parents.

2.2. Reason for leaving job due to health

In addition to family, health is also a reason for leaving a job accepted by many businesses. When an individual's health is affected to the point where they cannot continue to work effectively, taking time off is necessary to focus on recovery. This reason may include treating an illness, recovering from an injury, or simply resting to stay healthy.

  • Sample:

After working at the company, I realized that my health was facing some problems that needed to be resolved promptly. Poor health not only affects the ability to complete work but also affects the quality of daily life. After consulting with medical experts, I realized that proper treatment and rest are essential.

Therefore, I ask the company's Board of Directors to approve my resignation so that I can focus on treatment and recovery.

2.3. The reason for taking time off from work was due to personal plans

Weddings and childbirth are both important events in life, requiring special care and focus from the individual. It's natural to take time off to make time for these plans.

  • Sample:

In the near future, my family and I have important plans to prepare for marriage/birth. This is an important event, requiring my attention and presence for a long time.

Therefore, I asked the company's Board of Directors to approve my resignation so that I can spend more time with my young family.

2.4. Reason for leaving was due to relocation

When an individual has to move to a new location, especially if it is far from the current workplace, commuting can become impossible or cause great inconvenience. Therefore, employees can use the reason to quit their job to find a new workplace that will optimize travel time and effort.

  • Sample:

According to the family's plan, we will move to a new location far from the company. The large distance between the new home and the current workplace will cause many difficulties in moving and not guarantee working hours in accordance with company regulations. Although I really appreciate the opportunity to work at the company, the new situation requires me to change.

For this reason, I ask the company's Board of Directors to approve my resignation so that I can prepare for moving to a new place and save time on daily travel.

2.5. The reason for leaving the job was because personal orientation changed

Sometimes, after a period of work, an individual may feel that he is no longer suitable or satisfied with his current job. This can give rise to a desire to change and seek a new career direction.

  • Sample:

After working at the company, I realized that I no longer felt suitable for my current role and working environment. I believe that to grow and feel satisfied at work, it is important to find a new direction that suits your abilities and desires. Therefore, I decided to quit my job to have time to search and consult about new opportunities that are more suitable to my personal orientation.

2.6. The reason for leaving was because there were better job opportunities

When an individual sees an opportunity to advance further in their career or seek a new working environment with better conditions and development opportunities, it is natural to ask for a leave of absence to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • Sample:

After consulting and reviewing, I realized that there was a better job opportunity that suited my goals and abilities. In order to develop and advance further in my career, I decided to quit my job to take advantage of this opportunity and join a new working environment.

2.7. The reason for leaving the job was because he went to study to improve his qualifications

Continuing to study and improve your professional qualifications is important for career development. Therefore, taking a leave of absence from work to have time to focus on studying is a beneficial decision for the individual's career future.

  • Sample:

To master new knowledge and develop professional skills, I decided to participate in an improvement course. This requires focus and study time, so I made the decision to quit my job so I could devote all my time and energy to studying.

3. Leave your job and some frequently asked questions

When deciding to leave their current job, many people face a series of questions and challenges. To help employees best prepare for this decision, let's learn about common questions when resigning and how to handle them smartly and professionally.

reason for quitting job
When deciding to quit their job, many people face a series of challenges

3.1. When should I quit my job?

The appropriate time to resign is when the employee clearly knows his or her goals or when he or she has a new job. This ensures financial resources for the future and avoids falling into difficult situations. In addition, after Tet is also a good time to ask for leave, but employees should limit asking for leave when the company is having difficulty with human resources.

3.2. What do you need to prepare before quitting your job?

Employees need to prepare a plan to discuss with management to inform and receive feedback about the resignation process. In addition, employees need to plan their job transfer early to ensure they do not disrupt business operations and maintain a professional image. Finally, maintain good relationships with former colleagues to open up future opportunities and assist in finding new jobs.

reason for quitting job
Employees need to prepare a plan to discuss with management

3.3. What to do when your boss denies your reason for quitting your job

When the boss denies the reason for quitting the job , the employee should talk directly and honestly with the superior about his or her plans and desires. Complete the job as best as possible and clearly assign tasks to the replacement to prove your professionalism, thereby convincing the boss to approve the employee's resignation.

good reason for quitting job
Talk directly and honestly with your superiors about your plans and desires

Quitting your job can be an important and challenging decision on your career journey. However, by preparing carefully and using convincing and professional reasons, workers can make the process easier. 1C Vietnam hopes that the reasons for resigning in the article have provided employees with the right decision in the resignation process.

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