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[Download] Latest detailed employee payroll template 2023

Salary and bonus are always one of the top benefits that most employees in businesses are interested in. A detailed, logical employee payroll will help businesses control costs as well as expenditures for each employee effectively. Join 1C Vietnam to immediately refer to the latest employee salary schedule below

1. Content of basic employee information in the payroll form

A basic payroll template when creating an Excel file will include main content such as employee information, bonuses, basic salary, allowances and deductions,... thereby ensuring clarity and completeness. enough information for the business as well as ensuring fairness for employees. So, let's find out in detail with 1C Vietnam the contents needed in the employee payroll template below:




Detailed description


Staff information

First and last name

Businesses need to grasp and manage the above information to determine the identity of each employee in the company. Some information fields such as position, email, phone number, etc. help the management department easily contact and manage employees.

Employee number




Information about basic salary

Basic salary

This is the employee's salary stated in the labor contract. This salary does not include allowances, performance bonuses and other accompanying benefits (if any).

Depending on the region where the employee is working, there will be a minimum salary according to Article 3 of Decree 38/2022/ND-CP as follows:

  • Region I: 4,680,000 VND/month
  • Region II: 4,160,000 VND/month
  • Region III: 3,640,000 VND/month
  • Region IV: 3,250,000 VND/month

Actual working day


Allowances & performance bonuses

Achievement rewards

The amount of salary and bonus allowance will depend on each company. There are two main subtypes:

  • Insurance-covered allowances: Including position allowances, responsibility allowances, regional allowances, and specific job allowances.
  • Non-insurance allowances: Lunch allowance, parking allowance, gasoline for transportation, cell phone bill and other allowances (if any).

Product commissions



Filial piety, joy

Other benefits (depending on the company)



Social insurance

These are amounts deducted from the employee's basic salary, for example: Personal income tax, social insurance, health insurance, debt, late work, and absenteeism. without permission,... depends on each company.

Health Insurance

personal income tax

Other deductions (if any)


The amount actually received

This is the total amount of money the employee will actually receive each month after performing calculations such as basic salary, allowances, and deductions.

2. The most popular employee payroll template today

Currently, employee payroll templates created with Word and Excel are the two formats businesses prefer to use for design. With 1C Vietnam, immediately refer to the following payroll sample in Word and Excel format:

2.1. Employee payroll Word file

Word employee payroll is widely used by businesses because of its convenience and ease of use. With the employee salary spreadsheet in Word file, employees of other departments can also easily view detailed payroll without fear of confusion.

Some employee payroll templates in Word files that businesses can refer to:

Excel employee salary calculation spreadsheet
Sample employee payroll by coefficient

employee payroll template

employee payroll template
Sample employee payroll by product

Download the employee payroll template in Word file now: HERE

2.2. Employee salary calculation spreadsheet Excel file

Besides Word files, Excel employee salary spreadsheets are also used by businesses because of the integration of flexible, accurate and reliable calculation functions. This also partly helps the person in charge shorten the implementation time, especially businesses with a medium to large number of employees.

Some sample employee payroll Excel files that businesses can refer to:

employee payroll template
Latest Excel file employee salary calculation spreadsheet template 2024

Download employee payroll template Excel file now: HERE

3. Suggestions on how to design a simple employee salary spreadsheet yourself

Nowadays, creating employee salary spreadsheets is a necessary task for businesses to help employees accurately determine their income level depending on position and work experience. When designing an accountant to create employee payroll, the following points should be kept in mind:

3.1. Identify specific employee objects

The first thing is to identify specific employees in the payroll to make it easier for the person in charge to contact and control employee information. Some information required to identify employees includes:

  • First and last name
  • Position
  • Department
  • Wage
  • Coefficients salary

Usually this information is managed in the labor registration book or labor contract.

3.2. Content information columns are required

To ensure the most complete and accurate salary and bonus of each employee, a typical salary table will have the following content columns:

  • Column A: Serial number.
  • Column B: Full name of employee.
  • Columns 1,2: Salary level and salary coefficient of employees.
  • Columns 3.4: Number of products, amount calculated for each finished product if the employee's salary is calculated by product.
  • Columns 5.6: Fill in the number of hours and salary if the employee's salary is calculated based on working time.
  • Columns 7,8: Number of days off or stop working of employees.
  • Column 9: Company allowances.
  • Column 10: Total salary (by product or by time) plus the amount of allowance the employee received that month.
  • Column 11: Advance salary.
  • Columns 12, 13, 14, 15: Deductions from employee salaries such as social insurance payments, taxes,...
  • Column 16: Net salary received after subtracting from columns 12 - 15.
  • Column 17: The employee receives salary and signs to receive it.

3.3. Basic Excel functions to calculate salary

When using spreadsheets or Excel software, there are many calculation functions to support employee salary management. However, when creating an Excel employee salary spreadsheet, there are 4 main functions that accountants need to keep in mind when creating an employee payroll:


Function name




IF function

IF function: =IF (condition, value A, value B)

The value will be A if the condition is met or B if the condition is not met


COUNTIF function

COUNTIF function (Count cells according to condition): = COUNTIF (range, criteria)

  • Range: Data area to count.
  • Criteria: A number, expression, cell reference, or text string that identifies the cells to count.


SUMIF function

SUMIF function (Sum by condition): = SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range])

  • Range: Data range to evaluate according to condition. The cells in each range must be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.
  • Criteria: This is a criterion in the form of a number, expression, text or function that helps determine which cells need to be added.
  • Sum_range: These are the actual cells to add if cells other than those specified in the range are to be added.


VLOOKUP function

VLOOKUP function

VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,[range_lookup])

Used to search for information in a data area.

4. 1C:Company Management software supports automatic personnel salary calculation

1C:Company Management software allows businesses to easily digitize the payroll creation process for company employees. Direct managers can assign work to employees and easily control the employee's work performance through the job assignment and contract functions. In addition, the human resources management process is also optimized from declaring human resource information, then conducting work reception at departments, calculating monthly salaries, preparing human resource reports,...

employee salary slips
1C:Company Management software supports businesses in automatic salary calculation

Some outstanding advantages of 1C Vietnam's personnel payroll support feature include:

  • The system automatically calculates salaries based on 3 database sources: Data within the system, data imported from outside via the API library and installed functions and formulas such as Excel.
  • Create detailed payroll according to the business's template automatically.
  • Automatically send Payslip to employees to help track monthly salaries.
  • Allows building salary tables for each department, position, and subject.
  • Full statistical reports and charts about each employee's salary.

Above is a detailed employee payroll sample for 2024 that ensures high accuracy and ease of application. Administrators can change depending on the business model of each enterprise. In addition, to learn more information related to business administration and 1C:Company Management software, do not forget to contact 1C Vietnam for detailed answers.

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