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5+ Professional personal work planning templates

Nowadays, personal work planning templates have become useful tools to help people allocate and adjust their work, ensuring they do not miss any important tasks. So, how to create an effective personal work plan template? Let's find the answer with 1C through the article below!

1. What is a personal work plan?

A personal work plan is understood as a series of short-term or long-term tasks arranged to help each individual plan and clearly understand the tasks that need to be performed each day, month, quarter, and year.

In the personal work planning form , the implementer must describe in detail the work to be done and the results achieved. In particular, the main content will include:

  • Time from start to finish of work
  • Content to be implemented
  • Estimated time of completion
  • Name of department and working unit
  • Backup plan if risks arise
  • Plan to request support from third parties (if any)
personal work planning template
Work plans help individuals perform tasks in the most scientific way

2. Personal work planning template

Personal work planning helps the implementer determine the volume and priority of each task, thereby making tracking work progress easier and effective. To make the planning process happen quickly, 1C would like to send readers the following 5 detailed personal work planning templates :

2.1 Sample daily work plan

This is a planning template that needs to be prepared on a daily basis, allowing individuals to carry out each task with main items such as: Implementation time, expected completion time and evaluation of work efficiency.

personal work planning template
Daily personal work plan template

Download the daily personal work planning form : HERE

2.2 Sample work plan by week and month

To carry out a series of long-term tasks, planning work by week or month is the perfect choice. In particular, the weekly work plan will require clearly stating the job name, time and results, as well as updating additional tasks that have not been done in a week and suggesting solutions.

With the monthly work plan, the implementer will fill in all information within a month, including: work items, work details, implementation progress, start and end time. work... In general, to have a complete weekly or monthly work plan, the implementer updates detailed information to monitor and evaluate work accurately.

personal work planning template
Weekly work planning template

Download weekly work planning template: HERE

personal work planning template
Monthly work plan template

Download the monthly personal work planning template : HERE

2.3 Quarterly work plan template

This is the longest and most detailed plan because the content will describe the work that needs to be done within 1 quarter. Because the amount of work in a quarter is very large, the plan needs to clearly state each job to be done and detailed progress.

personal work planning template
Sample work plan for each quarter

Download quarterly personal work planning form : HERE

2.4 Sample work plan according to the Kanban method

Work planning using the Kanban method is to present tasks and stages of the work process through cards of different colors. In particular, the planning table will be divided into columns, each column will represent a stage such as: In progress, waiting, paused, completed... By showing details of stages and progress. work, the personal work planning template using the Kanban method is the perfect solution to increase work efficiency and productivity.

personal work planning template
Plan template according to the Kanban method

Download the personal work planning form using the Kanban method: HERE

2.5 Sample work plan according to the Getting Things Done method

Personal work planning using the Getting Things Done method is an effective work management method, helping the person create detailed work plans for each timeline, optimizing results and ensuring work is completed. completed on schedule.

personal work planning template
Getting Things Done planning template

Download the Getting Things Done work planning template: HERE

3. The importance of personal work planning

Work planning seems to have become an indispensable part to help improve productivity in today's businesses. This is also a "guideline" to help users measure and perform tasks scientifically, thereby increasing the probability of success and minimizing errors, promoting work efficiency. In addition, planning Personal work also brings other benefits as follows:

  • Helps individuals identify specific goals and directions.
  • Shorten work execution time.
  • Support each individual in setting specific steps and finding the means to achieve their goals.
  • Build motivation to complete work, avoid losing direction.
  • Limit pressure, balance work and life.
personal work planning template
Personal work planning helps achieve goals quickly

4. Instructions for effective work planning

Work planning is considered a top skill that helps practitioners easily manage time and achieve goals quickly. So, how to plan personal work effectively? Please refer to the detailed instructions that 1C Vietnam mentioned below.

4.1 Determine the work to be done

The first step, the individual needs to determine the task and the time needed to complete it, and mention the purpose of performing the work so that the manager knows whether the project meets the customer's needs well or not. .

personal work planning template
Set out the tasks that need to be done according to each specific timeline and goals

4.2 Setting goals

The goals in the personal work plan need to be accurate and measurable. For example, the goal of campaign A after implementation will be to increase the number of monthly subscribers by xx% or generate a certain amount of revenue.

personal work planning template
Planners need to rely on goals to do their work

4.3 Determine the time needed to complete the project

To determine the time needed to complete a task, users can use the SMART model based on the following criteria:

  • Specific: Identify clear goals.
  • Attainable: Build goals that are definitely achievable.
  • Relevant: The goal must be really important and consistent with other goals.
  • Measurable: Ensures the ability to measure goals to track progress and evaluate work performance.
  • Time-bound: Specify an exact execution time period for easy monitoring and control.
personal work planning template
Set an estimated time to complete the job

4.4 Identify and allocate human resources

When identifying and allocating human resources, planners need to answer the following questions:

  • What is the estimated budget for this project?
  • How to allocate the budget?
  • Who needs to participate in this work?
  • Which software tools are suitable for evaluating work performance?
personal work planning template
Allocate human resources appropriately

4.5 Understand constraints

Next, the implementer needs to consider whether his or her plan is limited in time, budget and resources. From the 3 steps listed previously, individuals should take into account risks that can hinder process progress such as: Unexpected tasks arising or some tools having problems requiring a lot of budget. It can be seen that risks greatly affect the completion of work items and project goals.

personal work planning template
Predict future risks

4.6 Implement planning

After well preparing human resources and resources, the implementer can begin implementing their plan through a tracking sheet in Excel or a Word file. This is an ideal solution that helps bring efficiency and is applied by many individuals and businesses.

personal work planning template
Make a plan for each job

5. Note when planning personal work

In addition to understanding the steps when planning a job, the practitioner must also consider many important factors in order to create a truly effective and feasible job plan. Below are necessary notes when planning personal work.

5.1 Ensure clarity and high practicality

Work list, goals and completion time are elements that need to be clear in any work plan. Planners can rely on realistic timelines, budgets and resources to set highly feasible goals. In particular, tasks must be divided in detail, suitable to each person's abilities and arranged in a reasonable order.

personal work planning template
The work plan needs to provide all the elements to help complete the project

5.2 Reasonable division of work

In order to bring high results at work, planners need to know how to arrange work into reasonable time frames. Individuals should avoid putting tasks into the same hour because this not only slows down progress but also creates more risks later. Typically, tasks that need to be handled urgently and have a solution should be prioritized and pushed forward, and vice versa. Tasks that cannot be resolved promptly can be considered and arranged later.

personal work planning template
Work needs to be divided reasonably

At this point, your business will surely have appropriate personal work planning templates , as well as understand some important notes to ensure progress and quality of work. If you have any questions related to this issue, please contact 1C Vietnam at Hotline: (+84) 247 106 6667 for timely advice and support.

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