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What is Mindset? Mindset Transformation Trends in Marketing

What is Mindset ? Building a good Mindset will help individuals and businesses bring positive results. Especially in today's era, Mindset transformation in Marketing is more important than ever. In the following article, let's learn about Mindset and related knowledge with 1C Vietnam!

1. What is Mindset?

Mindset is a broad concept, a set of beliefs that shape how each person understands the world and themselves. In other words, Mindset is what people believe about themselves that determines success or failure. Mindset affects thinking, attitude and behavior in many different situations in life.

According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, beliefs play an important role in what you want and whether you can achieve it. Through that, Dweck pointed out that it is your own Mindset that plays a key role in determining your achievements and success.

2. The Importance of Mindset

Mindset directly affects people's thinking and actions. A perfect Mindset will help people achieve success in all fields. Below are some reasons proving the importance of Mindset in daily life:

2.1 Influence on the way of seeing the world

Based on Mindset, each person will perceive things around them in different ways. People with a positive Mindset will always see good things and believe in their own abilities. On the contrary, people with a negative Mindset will often pay attention to negative things, quickly give up and doubt themselves.

What is Mindset?
Mindset determines how people act and think.

2.2 Influence on action

It can be said that Mindset also greatly affects the way each individual acts. People with a growth mindset will always actively learn, challenge themselves and are not afraid of making mistakes. At the same time, they believe that their abilities can be developed through training and persistent efforts. On the contrary, people with a fixed mindset are often afraid of difficulties, give up easily and do not have confidence in their own abilities.

What is Mindset?
Mindset affects the way each individual develops themselves.

2.3 Impact on results

Mindset has a great impact on the results that each person achieves. People with a positive mindset and clear actions will achieve certain success. Meanwhile, people with a negative mindset and do not strive often encounter many failures and discouragement when facing difficulties in life.

What is Mindset?
People with positive mindset will achieve much success in life.

3. Mindset Classification in Marketing

To better understand what Mindset is, you need to analyze in detail the characteristics of each type of Mindset. According to Ms. Dweck's research, Mindset is divided into two main types: Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset. The main characteristics of each mindset will be shown in the section below:

3.1 Fixed Mindset – Fixed mindset

Fixed mindset is people who believe that their abilities come from innate factors such as intelligence or inherent talent and cannot be changed. Therefore, these people often avoid new challenges, fear failure and appear deadlocked when facing difficulties, losing motivation to develop. For example: "I'm not good at foreign languages, so no matter how I study, I will never be good at English."

Thereby, fixed mindset will affect each person as follows:

  • Limited growth: People with a fixed mindset often give up quickly when faced with challenges because they believe they are incapable of overcoming them, and avoid new challenges for fear of failure.
  • Impact on learning and work performance: Fixed mindset hinders learning productivity and work development. People with this mindset often have little motivation to learn and improve their skills.
  • Impact on mental health: Fixed mindset can cause people to face negative emotions, constantly compare themselves with others and underestimate their abilities.

In general, to overcome a fixed mindset, each person needs to build the belief that they can learn and develop through effort and skill development. Instead of focusing only on the results, value your own efforts and learn valuable lessons from your mistakes. If you have difficulty improving and changing your mindset, seek help from relatives, friends or psychologists.

3.2 Growth Mindset - Growth mindset

Growth mindset is a positive way of thinking about one’s abilities, attitudes, and perspectives on personal growth and learning goals. It can be seen that people with a growth mindset believe that their abilities will improve through effort and learning. They do not see challenges as a sign of inability, but rather as an opportunity for growth. At the same time, people with a growth mindset focus on the learning process rather than just the end result.

In addition, a growth mindset is also demonstrated through facing changes and challenges in life. People with this mindset will always be ready to change and look for new approaches to overcome difficulties and achieve goals. For example: "Every failure today is just a lesson to help me progress."

4. Mindset Shift Trends

Marketing is a field that requires a completely new and developed mindset to conquer customers and dominate the market. So, how many Mindset transformation trends are there in Marketing? Let's find out with 1C Vietnam below:

4.1 Moving from message to experience design

Marketing professionals used to work in a pre-determined way to send messages that resonate with customers. However, with the development of technology, customers can interact and collect more information through online channels. At the same time, they can access content searched by many users on different devices, which will hinder the process of capturing customer insights of businesses. Therefore, businesses need to carefully research customer behavior on different online platforms to optimize customer experience and provide attractive shopping experiences.

What is Mindset?
Businesses need to focus on customer experience on online platforms

4.2 Shift from product focus to customer focus.

Nowadays, customers can find information about products/services of many businesses on social platforms. Therefore, they will easily compare the features and prices of the business before deciding to buy. Therefore, businesses need to focus on meeting the needs and desires of customers, as well as showing them the USP of the products/services that the business is providing.

4.3 Transition from Single Marketing Campaign to Integrated Marketing Campaign

Consumers are increasingly using multiple channels to access information and make purchases, so businesses need to implement multi-channel marketing campaigns to increase comprehensive customer interaction. Businesses should take advantage of the strengths of each channel and understand the content formats that users are interested in to ensure that the communication campaign brings good results. In particular, this conversion also helps to strengthen brand recognition and build a strong image in the minds of customers.

What is Mindset?
Businesses need to deploy combined marketing campaigns to attract customers.

4.4 Transition from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing

According to DataReportal statistics, more than 79% of Vietnamese people use social networks with an average time of 5 hours/day (as of 2024). Based on that, Marketing campaigns need to approach digital platforms to reach many target customers. However, these campaigns should not be limited to conventional media or digital media, but need to be deployed on multiple channels to ensure the most favorable revenue level.

What is Mindset?
Implement marketing campaigns on multiple media channels to help businesses increase revenue.

5. Factors that form Mindset

Mindset is a compass that helps individuals and businesses carry out all activities in life. Therefore, building a positive mindset will bring good influences and vice versa. There are 3 main factors that create Mindset: Compliments, thinking and labels. Each factor has specific characteristics as follows:

5.1 Impact of compliments

According to research by Dweck and her colleagues, children will behave differently depending on the praise they receive. They found that receiving praise for individuality or talent will promote a fixed mindset, which tells the child that he or she is capable or not, and that there is nothing he or she can do to change it.

Additionally, praising and emphasizing the effort a person puts into completing a task helps them realize that success is a result of effort and strategy, both of which can be controlled and improved over time. For example: “I was impressed by how hard Student A worked to review for his math test, reading the material multiple times and asking the teacher to help him figure out difficult problems. That really works!”

What is Mindset?
Mindset is directly influenced by compliments.

5.2 Impact by thinking

Mindset plays an important role in how a person deals with difficulties in life. If a child has a growth mindset, they tend to be eager to learn, willing to work hard and learn new things. When they grow up, these people will be more persistent in the face of challenges, creating opportunities for themselves to learn and grow. On the contrary, people with a fixed mindset will easily give up when faced with difficulties in life.

What is Mindset?
Thinking determines the perseverance and personal development of each individual.

5.3 Impact by labels

The process of labeling people based on stereotypes or group associations can also lead to the development of a fixed or growth mindset. If a person has a stereotype that girls are bad at math or boys are not good at writing, they may develop a fixed mindset about their abilities in those particular areas.

6. How to build an effective Mindset?

Understanding customer insights is a prerequisite in building a marketing plan. To improve customer experience and promote sustainable development, businesses need to know how to build customer mindsets. Below are effective ways to build mindsets that 1C Vietnam has compiled:

  • Market analysis and customer portrait

To successfully research the market and customer portrait, businesses need to conduct surveys or interviews, thereby collecting necessary information about their demographics, needs and purchasing journey. After that, businesses will have to analyze data and customer activities on digital platforms to implement effective marketing strategies. Researching competitors is also important to help businesses understand the strengths and weaknesses of their products/services compared to competitors, thereby determining market fluctuations and the position of the business.

  • Put yourself in the customer's shoes to find out the Mindset

To find Mindset, businesses should put themselves in the shoes of potential customers to understand what problems they are facing and how they want to solve them? What are the customers' desires that the business's products/services have not met?... At the same time, businesses need to constantly update the factors that influence purchasing decisions to change the right business strategies.

  • Market Trend Update

Customers' shopping needs will gradually change over time, so businesses need to constantly update market trends to check changes in customer mindset. At the same time, it helps businesses promptly provide products/services that match customers' requirements and desires.

  • Improve customer experience

In addition to clearly defining customer profiles and effective marketing strategies, businesses need to focus on improving customer experience, from information about purchasing, using products/services, to feedback and sharing experiences. This will help customers have positive impressions of the business to become potential customers.

What is Mindset?
Businesses need to build effective customer mindsets to improve product experience and attract customers.

7. Some terms related to Mindset

In addition to knowledge about what Mindset is, businesses also need to pay attention to the terms Mindset Transformation, Product Mindset and Marketing Mindset to build successful marketing campaigns and improve business efficiency. Specifically as follows:

7.1 What is Mindset Transformation?

Mindset Transformation is a journey to change the way you think and perceive life. This includes eliminating limiting beliefs and thoughts, and embracing new and positive thoughts. The Mindset Transformation process usually includes 3 stages: Detecting negative thinking, analyzing the causes and applying methods to promote changes in thinking such as: Positive self-criticism, changing perspectives, creating motivation and setting goals.

What is Mindset?
Mindset Transformation is the process of moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

7.2 What is Product Mindset?

Product Mindset is the mindset in developing, delivering and managing a business's products/services. This term focuses on understanding and meeting the needs of end customers and creating value for customers through products/services. Product Mindset helps businesses focus on analyzing, testing and upgrading products/services to meet changing market needs.

What is Mindset?
Product Mindset focuses on meeting customer needs

7.3 What is Marketing Mindset?

Marketing Mindset revolves around strategic thinking in the field of Marketing, which is the approach and perspective of Marketers towards their work. The term Marketing Mindset focuses mainly on understanding customer insights, creating value and interacting with customers effectively. Marketers see customers as a source of information needed to understand their needs and desires, helping to develop appropriate product development strategies. In addition, Marketing Mindset also requires Marketers to view the market and competitors flexibly, grasp industry trends, quickly adapt and change strategies if necessary.

In this article, 1C Vietnam has shared with you the knowledge about what Mindset is , the effective Mindset transformation trends that any business needs to know. Hopefully, the necessary information above will help individuals and businesses improve their thinking and enhance their management. In the process of building a comprehensively developed business, managers can consider using the 1C:ERP enterprise resource planning solution. Developed on a modern low-code technology platform, the solution helps businesses master technology and is easy to apply to all business models. Contact 1C Vietnam now to experience this superior solution!

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