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What is the AIDA model? Its role and how to apply it successfully

The AIDA model is an important term in the field of communication and marketing, helping businesses understand the journey of convincing customers to make a purchase, increasing profits. In today's article, let's discuss with 1C Vietnam what the AIDA model is and how to apply it effectively.

1. What is the AIDA model?

AIDA is a business marketing model that describes the stages consumers go through in their buying journey. AIDA helps businesses identify specific activities that need to be performed to achieve their business goals.

The AIDA model consists of four main stages: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. In each stage, the most important thing is to ensure that the content attracts customers' attention, creates interest in the business's products, and stimulates consumers to buy. It can be said that AIDA is one of the marketing models that most businesses apply to their marketing and communication activities today.

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AIDA provides businesses with the actions they need to take to drive consumer purchase intentions.

2. Analyze the core elements in the AIDA model

The AIDA model is a powerful tool in supporting businesses in leading potential customers from the awareness stage to the purchase stage, through a closed process with 4 core elements: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. Below are the detailed tasks of each element:

2.1 Attention

In the first stage of the AIDA model, businesses need to pay attention to the goals of attracting customers through top positions of the website on Google, catchy titles or creative advertising models... When performing this step, businesses need to show the most impressive features to customers. The messages conveyed must be polished because the first impression between the business and the customer is extremely important.

2.2 Interest

After customers begin to recognize and feel the message that the business provides. At this point, the business needs to provide more quality information corresponding to the value used to attract customers' attention. Retaining customers as long as possible is the main goal of this stage. If the business has a large number of customers following, even if these customers have not yet converted, the business has still been truly successful in this stage.

2.3 Desire

This is the stage where customers “desire” the product. At this point, businesses need to fully implement all aspects and benefits of the product, while fully exploiting customer insights to meet the shopping needs of target customers. Once there is a consensus between product needs and benefits, customers will want to own the product immediately.

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Encouraging desire is also the core goal that the AIDA model aims for.

2.4 Action

Finally, Action is the stage where businesses close sales and consumers decide to buy. The effectiveness of this stage depends mainly on the strategy that businesses use, incentives, and policies to promote faster action.

Action is the final step for consumers to make a purchase decision.

3. The role of the AIDA model in Marketing

After analyzing and understanding what the AIDA model is, businesses need to clearly understand the importance of the AIDA model to optimize the process of approaching and persuading customers, thereby improving the success of marketing strategies. An AIDA model in marketing will have the following specific roles:

3.1 Overall assessment of potential customers

The AIDA model classifies the customer experience into key stages, which marketers can use to analyze customer behavior and gather valuable insights into what drives consumers to choose a particular product/service.

For example, the Marketing team can improve the awareness stage of the customer experience with the business. Through surveys, they will measure brand recognition and implement strategies to expand activities on social platforms and business website traffic.

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The AIDA model helps businesses effectively evaluate potential customers.

3.2 Implement an effective Marketing plan

Understanding the AIDA model helps marketing teams increase the effectiveness of their marketing plans by creating appropriate content for each stage. Marketers can use unique advertising methods to attract attention, provide compelling information, and use strategies to stimulate product differentiation. This creates favorable conditions for customers to quickly make a purchase action.

3.3 Flexible application to business

The AIDA model does not "force" businesses to follow a rigid framework, but instead encourages creativity and adjustment to suit each product, customer segment and specific marketing campaign.

AIDA’s versatility is evident in its ability to employ a variety of strategies, from attention-grabbing advertising to engaging content and persuasive messaging. However, each strategy needs to be fine-tuned to be effective for each specific goal.

3.4 Improve customer loyalty

Using the AIDA model helps marketing teams create promotions and content that build customer loyalty. Once they understand why customers are interested in a product, they can tailor their communications and advertising to emphasize the product’s core value.

For example, the AIDA model helped the marketing team at ABC Company recognize that customers value sustainability practices. They were able to publicize the company’s adherence to sustainability standards, create content about how the company treats its employees, and thus attract more loyal customers.

Vinamilk's Aida model
Marketers can create advertising campaigns to attract more loyal customers.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of AIDA information model

The AIDA model is a powerful tool in the journey of advertising, marketing and attracting customers. With many outstanding advantages, AIDA helps businesses optimize their marketing strategies. However, besides its strengths, AIDA still has many significant limitations. Let's find out the advantages and disadvantages of this model with 1C Vietnam below:



  • The AIDA model focuses on the interaction process between businesses and customers.
  • Provides a detailed framework to help businesses build a systematic marketing strategy that is easy to monitor and evaluate.
  • The model is easily adapted to different industries and market targets. AIDA can also be applied to individual services, texts, and even political campaigns.
  • The AIDA model helps businesses understand customer behavior to adjust marketing strategies to accurately reflect customer needs.
  • Allows businesses to establish trust with customers by providing useful and highly authentic information.
  • Drive customer action, helping businesses improve marketing performance and generate leads.
  • The AIDA model depicts the buying journey as a linear cycle, whereas the consumer buying journey is often more nonlinear. They may move back and forth between stages or return to the beginning of the journey.
  • AIDA is not for products/services with super short sales cycles.
  • Businesses must combine AIDA with other strategies to come up with a comprehensive strategy.
  • Using one channel for one aspect instead of an overall strategy will result in an ineffective marketing strategy.
  • The AIDA model describes the purchase decision process in general terms. However, the actual purchase process is often much more complex and varied.
  • The AIDA model does not account for individual differences, environmental influences, or non-linear decision-making processes. Therefore, AIDA should only be used to initially develop a marketing strategy.

5. Compare the two models AIDA and AISAS

AIDA and AISAS are two of the marketing and advertising models used to manage the customer interaction process with businesses in the field of Marketing. To better understand the characteristics of each model, let's compare the two concepts below:

  • AIDA Model:
    • Attention: The first stage, the main marketing goal is to attract customers' attention, helping to increase product/service awareness.
    • Interest: Businesses must create a deep understanding of their products/services by trying to convince customers that their products/services are truly valuable to them.
    • Desire: In this stage, businesses need to stimulate customers' desire to buy, clearly showing the benefits and value of the product/service.
    • Action: Next, businesses must drive purchase action from customers and provide clear messages to encourage them to choose to buy their products/services.
  • AISAS Model:
    • Awareness: The AISAS model begins with creating awareness of the product or service in the mind of the customer. Awareness can occur through advertising, social media, or other activities that create initial understanding.
    • Interest: The goal in this stage is to create interest from customers, making the product/service attractive to increase the likelihood of purchase.
    • Search: Customers begin to learn about products/services through online channels, reviews, or in many other forms.
    • Action: After learning information, customers will proceed to purchase or continue with other actions such as: Register, order, participate.
    • Share: This is the final stage of the AISAS model, customers will share their experiences through social platforms, reviews or promotions. This is considered an effective way to spread and promote marketing.

In general, both the AIDA and AISAS models refer to important stages in the customer interaction journey with the business. However, each model will have a different name and approach, so businesses need to choose the appropriate marketing model based on their marketing context and goals to bring high results.

AIDA and AISAS are two models applied by many businesses to manage customer activities.

6. How to apply the AIDA model to Marketing for businesses

In business, especially Marketing, the application of the AIDA model in practice will vary depending on the scale of each business. Not all businesses can apply the AIDA model effectively and achieve positive results. Below are 4 ways to successfully apply the AIDA model. Businesses can refer to and adjust accordingly:

6.1 Attracting Attention

For the AIDA model, Attention is considered an important stage to attract the interest of potential customers, and at the same time helps businesses decide whether customers will continue to learn about their products/services or not. To achieve this goal, businesses need to use creative, unique strategies to create a strong impression on customers in the first "touch":

  • Find out who your potential customers are, what they care about, and which information channels they frequently use. This will help businesses create appropriate marketing messages and strategies.
  • The message should be concise, easy to understand and highly convincing. Businesses can start with elements that arouse curiosity, eye-catching images, impressive videos to attract the attention of the target audience.
  • Use communication channels that are appropriate to your target audience and the message you want to convey.
  • Tell engaging stories, create curiosity or use humor to grab the customer's attention.

6.2 Create attraction

Products/services must be interesting to attract customers' attention. Therefore, at this step, businesses need to ensure that advertising information is presented in an easy-to-understand manner, with subheadings, visual illustrations, and focuses on things that are relevant to the target market. In particular, businesses can use appropriate communication channels such as websites, blogs, social networks, etc. to specifically describe the benefits that customers will receive if they use the business's products/services.

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Products/services that are advertised impressively will attract customers.

6.3 Encourage desire

Marketing teams always focus on helping customers realize why they need the company's products/services. Therefore, the way the content is presented in advertisements must ensure that it provides interesting information about the product and the benefits of choosing to buy it. At the same time, it must link customers' desires to a product/service and demonstrate the exclusivity of the brand.

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Advertising content should focus on consumers' purchasing desires.

6.4 Promote action

Every advertising campaign should end with a call to action designed to get a quick response from customers. Good advertising should convey a sense of urgency, motivating consumers to take immediate action. One effective way to achieve this goal is to offer short-term incentives and discounts.

7. Successful AIDA model examples

Vinamilk, Netflix, Coca Cola are businesses that have successfully applied the AIDA model to their business operations. So, how have these businesses maintained and developed their brands over the years? The following content will clarify that.

7.1 Vinamilk's AIDA model

  • Attention

The important thing of the AIDA model is the actions that businesses need to take to attract customers' attention to their products/services. To achieve this goal, Vinamilk always researches the problems surrounding the nutritional needs that customers are facing, then deploys many appropriate solutions.

For example: For the customer group of children from 0 - 6 years old, Vinamilk has launched the powdered milk lines Organic Gold, Optimum Gold,... For the customer group of pregnant and lactating women, it has launched the product lines Dielac Mama Gold, Optimum Mama Gold,...

  • Interest

During this period, Vinamilk will impress customers with the quality of its milk products. All Vinamilk products are always made from natural ingredients with strict inspection processes. In particular, Vinamilk also focuses on impressive promotional campaigns such as: "Vinamilk 100% Fresh Milk", "Who Wears Glasses, Who Has Platform Shoes?", "The Laughing Cow Falls Off Its Chair",... With short, humorous sentences, Vinamilk's advertising campaigns have left an unforgettable impression on customers, especially children.

  • Desire

Desire is the stage where businesses need to launch activities that make customers desire their products/services. After implementing promotional campaigns, Vinamilk always listens to customer feedback and offers appropriate solutions. In addition, Vinamilk also increasingly focuses on content and images on its media channels to provide useful information and receive more attention from customers, maximize brand awareness and increase profits.

  • Action

During this period, Vinamilk has always done a good job of promoting customers to choose to buy its milk products. From the positive effects of TVC advertisements, Vinamilk has successfully brought its products to customers through many charity campaigns, such as the charity campaign "1 million glasses of milk for poor children" or "Healthy friends, healthy Vietnam"... Through that, the brand coverage has gradually increased significantly, the image has been enhanced and Vinamilk's products have also been delivered to customers effectively.

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Vinamilk is a typical example of successful application of the AIDA model.

7.2 Netflix's AIDA Model

  • Attention

In the first phase of the AIDA model, Netflix approached users with advertising to increase product awareness. Types of advertising include Youtube advertising and Google Adwords display advertising.

  • Interest

Netflix generates interest among target customers by offering them a one-month free trial to experience and feel the features, seamlessness, and presentation quality for themselves.

  • Desire

As customers become familiar with the same product experience, Netflix will continue to create demand for subscription packages so that customers can continue to use additional features.

Some of the exclusive features provided by Netflix include: exclusive products; higher, sharper presentation quality; users are allowed to watch on multiple devices at the same time; users can access multiple profiles at the same time in one account package; integrated download and ad blocking features; personalized experience: Movie recommendations, favorite genres, etc.

  • Action

The excitement of experiencing the product will make the target customers want to use additional services provided by Netflix through paid packages. In addition, Netflix also supports many different users with a variety of service packages to help customers choose according to their needs.

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Netflix has applied the AIDA model to its business strategy.

7.3 Coca Cola's AIDA Model

Coca Cola is one of the typical examples of AIDA. What makes this brand successful is the advertising campaigns that mention the ingredients of the drinks, especially the new product lines of Coca Cola such as: Diet Coke, Coke Zero with no sugar, no calories.

In addition, Coca Cola also invested a lot of budget in Ambient Marketing advertising campaigns to increase product recognition. The interesting message about Coke Zero drink bringing great taste but not gaining weight and maintaining body shape helped Coca Cola attract many potential customers. From there, the company began to create desire with the ability to satisfy customers, especially those who are losing weight.

After receiving positive feedback, these products will be widely distributed in supermarkets, retail outlets, convenience stores, cinemas, etc. This makes Coca Cola's sales skyrocket, becoming the leading brand in the carbonated beverage industry in the world.

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Coca Cola is one of the successful brands with the AIDA model.

In addition to successfully applying the AIDA model to improve customer experience at each stage of the purchasing journey, businesses need to focus on another equally important factor: optimizing marketing campaigns. 1C:ERP of 1C Vietnam is known as a comprehensive business management solution, which is highly appreciated for its CRM & Marketing customer management subsystem, supporting businesses to increase customer conversion rates thanks to the following features:

  • The open logic of the system helps businesses master technology, master solutions and limit dependence on suppliers.
  • Notification reminder systems help businesses easily track interactions with customers.
  • Store customer interaction stages, from product awareness to purchase decision.
  • Clearly divide each customer segment, product and field of operation to serve business reporting and analysis.
  • Support businesses to optimize each customer touchpoint by exploiting smart customer data, helping businesses implement effective marketing campaigns.
  • Store all information about special contracts, discount management, competitor information and pricing policies.
  • Compatible with all existing enterprise platforms and popular database management software, operating systems, and browsers.
  • Allocate sufficient portions to apply to commercial, service and manufacturing operating models.
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The CRM subsystem in 1C:ERP helps businesses manage long-term customer relationships.

In summary, the AIDA model in Marketing has brought success to many business activities of enterprises around the world. By using the AIDA model , businesses will optimize their Marketing strategy, attract customers and increase the conversion rate from target customers to loyal customers. In the process of applying the AIDA model and implementing Marketing campaigns, businesses should consider using the 1C:ERP solution with the CRM subsystem to help build long-term relationships with customers. To experience this solution, please contact the hotline: 0247.108.8887 for a quick response!

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