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TOP 7 effective CRM software for customer management today

TOP 7 effective CRM software for customer management today

CRM software is a tool that supports businesses in managing and taking care of customers. In the article below, let's join 1C Vietnam to learn information about the definition, functions as well as the top 7 effective customer management CRM software today.

1. What is CRM software? Benefits of using CRM

CRM software is a solution designed to help businesses optimize support processes, enhance experience and build customer loyalty. CRM systems allow businesses to store and analyze buyer data to learn about their behavior and needs. From there, businesses can ensure they strengthen customer relationships, increase revenue through appropriate interactions with consumers and the ability to provide quality products/services.

CRM software is a tool that allows businesses to store and analyze buyer data
CRM software is a tool that allows businesses to store and analyze buyer data

Businesses that effectively utilize CRM software can bring the following significant benefits:

  • Centralized, unified customer management: All information related to customer files is centrally stored and integrated into the flow through CRM according to the purchasing cycle. This benefit helps take advantage of sales opportunities, especially with potential consumers. Other related departments such as marketing also have specific information and basis to monitor and compile performance statistics.
  • Improve customer relationships: From a centralized information management platform, CRM systems can help marketing departments develop appropriate strategies for each target group. Customer service staff also know how to serve buyers better. CRM can connect data with marketing and sales department activities.
  • Increase sales: CRM software helps businesses get a comprehensive picture of customers, thereby supporting the development of strategies and projects to increase profits. Additionally, the software optimizes resources by automating activities such as email marketing and form submissions, helping increase sales for businesses.

2. Objects using CRM software

In the 4.0 era, applying CRM software is gradually becoming a necessary trend for companies. Below are specific subjects using customer management software:

2.1 Manager

In a business, managers use CRM software to perform the following tasks:

  • Supervise company activities (employees, departments).
  • Get customer information and transaction history.
  • Develop sales and marketing plans based on collected data.

2.2 Marketing department

The next user of CRM software is the marketing department in the business. Unlike managers, the marketing department uses CRM to support the following tasks:

  • Analyze customer needs and behavior to develop marketing or remarketing strategies that effectively drive sales.
  • Deploy multi-channel marketing on the enterprise's CRM platform.
  • Monitor marketing performance, balance and evaluate cost sources with CRM reports.

2.3 Customer care department

This is an important audience that needs to use CRM software because of the nature of their work and frequent contact with old and new customers of the business. The customer care department can take advantage of the CRM system to easily and quickly perform the following tasks:

  • Collect and centrally store customer information including transaction history, interaction activities,...
  • Client groups to implement appropriate access and care plans.
  • Retain customers and convert potential customers into loyal customers.

2.4 Accounting department

The accounting department is an important part of the organizational structure of a business. Using CRM software for this department will help make the following basic tasks simple and effective:

  • Manage key accounting metrics like income, expenses, and debt.
  • Manage each individual project with the software and get the best possible overview of income, costs and billing cycles.
  • Receive data from sales to serve the inspection and control process.

2.5 Sales department

Not only the customer service department or accounting department but also the sales department can use CRM software to support the implementation of tasks:

  • Automatically assign potential buyers to the sales department.
  • Plan daily work.
  • Set up sales automation for your business's sales department.
Businesses use CRM software for a variety of subjects and departments
Businesses use CRM software for a variety of subjects and departments

3. Main functions of CRM in businesses

CRM software includes the following main functions to support businesses in making customer-related tasks simpler and more effective:

  • Store and manage customer information: CRM software allows updating and looking up all the latest information about customers, from contact information to conversations, product interactions,...
  • Customer care support: CRM software provides automatic response features to help care for and quickly resolve customer problems, thereby increasing satisfaction levels and minimizing complaints and grievances. .
  • Marketing automation: CRM system allows sending Email, SMS, and notifications to customers according to pre-installed processes.
  • Interaction and connection between departments in the company: Sales staff can interact with each other through messaging and commenting features on the CRM customer relationship management system.
CRM systems provide many important functions that support business development
CRM systems provide many important functions that support business development

4. TOP 7 effective CRM software for businesses today

Below are the top 7 professional CRM software , supporting businesses in simple and effective customer relationship management:

4.1 1C:Company Management software with outstanding CRM module

1C:Company Management software is an open solution with powerful and flexible features that help businesses automate business management in different models. All features can be customized to maximize user experience according to each company's specific needs. 1C:Company Management has the ability to connect sales, purchasing, production, warehousing, finance, human resources, payroll, CRM,... departments in one software system, helping businesses save money. time, cost and increased revenue.

1C:Company Management software - Open solution helps businesses automate corporate management
1C:Company Management software - Open solution helps businesses automate corporate management

1C:Company Management software possesses an outstanding CRM module, providing all the necessary features to support effective customer relationship management:

  • Supports capturing customer information (name, address, tax code,...) and grouping customers according to tree structure. At the same time, the CRM module of 1C:Company Management solution can also classify and evaluate customers according to many different criteria (potential level, geographical area, industry,...).
  • Record contact history (phone calls, meetings, emails,...) with customers. This ensures all relevant information is stored accurately and in detail.
  • Support planning work with customers and control completion progress.
  • Software that supports remote working, anytime, anywhere on mobile applications.
  • Ability to assign access rights based on specific roles, supporting safe and effective information security.

4.2 Online CRM software Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics is CRM software that provides business solutions for companies to support customer interactions while reducing costs and processing time.

Some features of the Microsoft Dynamics online CRM system include:

  • Create sales teams with work division.
  • Manage products, goods, services, supplies, and product history.
  • Manage each individual's work schedule and work progress.
Microsoft Dynamics - Online CRM software that supports businesses in interacting with customers
Microsoft Dynamics - Online CRM software that supports businesses in interacting with customers

4.3 CRM management software Oracle Sales Cloud

This is software developed by Oracle to support customers. Oracle Sales Cloud provides customer management features such as opportunity management, order management, customer care history storage, customer feedback management, contact information,...

The features provided by CRM Oracle Sales Cloud are as follows:

  • Store customer information such as contact information, purchase history, offers, orders and customer-related activities.
  • Integrate multiple customer communication channels such as email, phone, social networks and website.
  • Supports analysis and reporting tools.
CRM Oracle Sales Cloud - Software providing customer management features
CRM Oracle Sales Cloud - Software providing customer management features

4.4 iPOS CRM software

iPOS is CRM software that provides businesses with tools to manage the sales process and capture potential customers.

This software possesses features including:

  • Store customer information.
  • Track customer behavior and manage customer feedback.
  • Use behavioral metrics to engage with individual customers or target groups.
iPOS CRM software helps businesses manage the sales process and capture potential customers
iPOS CRM software helps businesses manage the sales process and capture potential customers

4.5 CRM software for small businesses Zoho

Zoho is CRM software for small businesses, supporting customer care and information management to help businesses solve problems in building and managing relationships with consumers.

Key features of Zoho software include:

  • Connect with customers.
  • Automate sales and lead care processes.
  • Visual reporting.
  • Integrating smart sales assistant Zia AI.
CRM software for small businesses Zoho
CRM software for small businesses Zoho

4.6 Sugar CRM management software

SugarCRM customer support software has basic features such as supporting marketing automation, driving customer activity, increasing website traffic, and email marketing. Currently, SugarCRM is not an open source platform and only offers CRM systems in cloud and on-premises formats.

Some features of Sugar software include:

  • Integrating artificial intelligence AI.
  • Customer support and sales support.
  • Able to connect to support platforms such as G-Suite, Office 365,...
SugarCRM customer support software
SugarCRM customer support software

4.7 Vietnamese CRM software

CRM Viet was officially established in 2010, providing functions for activities such as customer management, marketing automation, sales support, task management,...

The main features that CRM Vietnamese software provides are:

  • Customer management.
  • Marketing management.
  • Support mobile version.
  • Multi-channel integration.
Vietnamese CRM software supports businesses in customer management
Vietnamese CRM software supports businesses in customer management

5. Criteria for choosing good CRM software for businesses

To choose a quality and effective management software, in addition to the price of CRM software , businesses need to carefully consider and consider the following basic criteria before deciding:

5.1 Easy to operate and use

The first criterion is that CRM software is easy to deploy and use. This is especially important in small and medium-sized businesses where there are limited information technology resources and fewer training programs. This can be the deciding factor in the success or failure of using CRM.

5.2 CRM software with automation functions

Businesses should pay attention to this criterion when choosing a CRM system because automation functionality is especially useful when the company wants to reduce labor costs or is working with limited resources. A good CRM software will be able to automatically export reports and automate processes such as sales process, approval process, quote process, order process,...

Automation function is an important criterion to help businesses reduce costs and resources.
Automation function is an important criterion to help businesses reduce costs and resources.

5.3 Can easily customize and customize features

Normally, there is no CRM solution that can meet and suit all business needs because different companies need to use different features of the software. Therefore, to solve this problem, businesses need to choose CRM software that has customization features enabled (adding and deleting information fields, setting criteria for selecting additional data, etc.). This helps businesses easily adjust the features and components that need to be displayed in the software to suit business conditions and purposes.

5.4 Integration with other software

This is a very important criterion when choosing a CRM for customer management, especially in today's era when the trend of digital transformation is inevitable. The use of digital technology in enterprise management and business activities is gradually progressing.

For example, when CRM software integrates with websites or social networks, customer data and information are brought directly into the software, avoiding the need to re-enter. This helps optimize employee time and productivity.

If CRM software can integrate with accounting software, the department in charge will receive data from the sales department, making reviewing documents and calculating standard revenue easier and more accurate. On the contrary, the sales department can easily check inventory and quote product prices to buyers.

Effective CRM software needs to integrate with a variety of other applications
Effective CRM software needs to integrate with a variety of other applications

5.5 Ability to work on mobile and update remotely

As smartphones become more popular, the ability to access CRM applications from a variety of locations and device types becomes increasingly important. If the CRM system that a business chooses has the ability to access remotely and work on mobile devices, it can track all activities of sales staff, thereby having a basis for evaluating their performance. from that.

On the contrary, sales staff can enter information and data directly into the mobile phone without having to memorize or take notes and send it back to the data entry company.

5.6 Confidentiality of all information

Security is a prerequisite for systems and applications that contain customer data, sales forecasts, and other sensitive or competitive information. Therefore, ensuring the physical and logical security of CRM software is a top priority for companies using this technology.

Companies need to consider security for CRM systems including access control (such as granting access based on defined roles), encryption (especially for data on mobile devices ) and various multi-layer security protocols.

A professional, quality CRM system will keep information absolutely safe
A professional, quality CRM system will keep information absolutely safe

The above article suggests effective and reputable customer management CRM software for businesses today, helping to save time, costs and increase work efficiency. Contact 1C Vietnam immediately for detailed and specific advice on CRM solutions suitable for the specific characteristics of your business.

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