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TOP 8 overall data management software for businesses

Today data is considered an important asset, directly affecting the development of businesses. Therefore, data management software was born, becoming an effective support tool to help exploit and process data in the most thorough way. Let's join 1C Vietnam to learn about the TOP 6 popular database management software that help businesses solve the problem of "huge" data today.

1. Digital Office Software 1C:Document Management supports smart, effective data management

Data management and security is one of the "headache" problems that many businesses are still looking for solutions to. In order to remove the above concerns, 1C:Document Management software was born to allow management of important data in businesses including documents, contracts, records, documents, and customer information. 1C:Document Management is a software solution that helps businesses digitize documents systematically, serving the management and search of data quickly and accurately. Besides, 1C:Document Management also helps businesses save storage space and reduce human resources costs for manual document management.

1C:Document Management helps manage data systematically, minimizing cumbersome processes and procedures
1C:Document Management helps manage data systematically, minimizing cumbersome processes and procedures

1C:Document Management software allows businesses to centrally store and manage data on a single platform. Here are some features of 1C:Document Management:

  • Managing incoming documents: The software records incoming documents from individuals or legal entities, consistent with the history of actual record management when applied in Vietnam.
  • Outgoing document management: When businesses generate documents to exchange information with outside parties during work, 1C:Document Management will allow businesses to list outgoing documents and control processing progress thanks to into clear, specific reports.
  • Internal document management: 1C:Document Management allows decentralization for personnel in the business to directly respond and comment on documents conveniently. Besides, the software also possesses the feature of automatically storing records after being updated.
  • Contract management: 1C:Document Management helps process, store, and manage contracts scientifically for each project and field. Managers can easily link contracts with other documents and circulate contracts to other departments. In addition, the application also integrates the feature of automatically generating contract numbers and the feature of selecting and keeping numbers to help manage data scientifically.
  • Digitization of records and documents: Digitizing documents and records not only makes searching and storing documents scientific and easy, but also saves costs related to document storage. physics.
  • Customer information management: 1C:Document Management solution will help businesses automate customer record management in all active areas. Businesses will easily save time when searching for customer data.
  • Full-text search feature: The application allows business personnel and managers to get accurate, quick and simple information and data.

1C:Document Management data management software helps collect and process comprehensive data
1C:Document Management data management software helps collect and process comprehensive data

2. WEONE data management software

WEONE software allows businesses to manage data in many different formats such as audio, text, images, video,... Below are some outstanding features of this software:

  • Centrally manage and store data in a variety of different formats.
  • Supports searching and extracting data thanks to a clear, scientific storage system.

WEONE is an application that provides necessary features to support data management
WEONE is an application that provides necessary features to support data management

3. DocEye database management software

DocEye is data management software capable of synthesizing, distributing and storing information. The software supports digitizing information to serve business operations. Here are some outstanding features of DocEye:

  • Building a data warehouse with a permissions storage system helps departments and employees quickly search and extract data when needed.
  • Classify data based on purpose of use such as decisions, documents, invoices,...
  • Track information easily with forms and scientific statistics.

DocEye has integrated input features from scanners
DocEye has integrated input features from scanners

4. Odoo data management software

Odoo is data management software specializing in enterprise resource management and planning. The software uses open source code to help collect data seamlessly and thoroughly, and store data centrally and synchronously. Odoo has some outstanding features such as:

  • Classify digitized data into corresponding modules for each specific operation such as sales management, customer relationship management, human resources management,...
  • Managers can capture information about the business's operating status thanks to data updated in real time.
  • Data is compiled comprehensively and accurately.

Odoo is data management software that supports digitizing business information
Odoo is data management software that supports digitizing business information

5. CoffeeHR data management software

CoffeHR free data management software is specialized software for SMEs. This is software mainly used for HR departments of businesses. Some outstanding advantages of CoffeeHR software:

  • Centralized data management thanks to the MasterData system, increasing the ability to synchronize human resource data.
  • OpenAIP makes it easy to link with other management software.
  • Decentralize permissions to process data according to employee's professional level.
CoffeHR is specialized data management software for HR departments of businesses
CoffeHR is specialized data management software for HR departments of businesses

6. Anh Viet Enterprise database management software

Anh Viet Enterprise is a data management solution specialized in operations such as accounting, finance, sales, etc. Anh Viet Enterprise stands out with the following features:

  • Strict user control and authorization.
  • Professional, unified data management system.
  • Periodically check data in compressed file form, helping to maximize storage space.

Anh Viet Enterprise is an effective data management solution for businesses
Anh Viet Enterprise is an effective data management solution for businesses

7. What is the function of data management software in businesses?

Database management software is a system that supports businesses in centralizing and digitizing data in a comprehensive, unified and scientific way, helping managers easily search for data and decentralize authority for effective processing. work results. From there, businesses will optimize processes and easily manage data in all aspects from customers, sales, human resources, production,...

Data management software is capable of storing data in many different formats such as images, videos, text, numbers,... Groups of data that are often stored and processed in businesses include: including:

  • Work data: Resources, work processes, internal documents.
  • Personnel data: Timekeeping data, personnel records, payroll.
  • Business data: Capital sources, costs, cash flow, data driven.
  • Customer and supplier data: Transaction history, invoices, orders,...

Database management software is a system that supports businesses in comprehensive data digitization
Database management software is a system that supports businesses in comprehensive data digitization

A data management software will perform the basic features below:

7.1 Accurate data storage

One of the basic features of data management software is to digitize all enterprise data in a safe, unified, and centralized manner. This helps limit data loss and dispersion. At the same time, businesses will save more on storage costs than traditional manual paperwork.

Data management software helps digitize all business data safely
Data management software helps digitize all business data safely

7.2 Comprehensive data backup and exploitation

Many database management software today have the support of AI, capable of automatically dissecting and analyzing available data and synthesizing data into visual reports, serving the follow-up process. monitor and evaluate. From there, business leaders and administrators have a clear basis to make important decisions.

Database management software helps increase the ability to self-extract data
Database management software helps increase the ability to self-extract data

7.3 Decentralize data access to ensure security

This feature allows managers to assign access and data processing rights to employees. Each employee will be granted access to data, functions, and tasks according to his or her authority. Thanks to that, administrators can strictly control data and ensure information security within the enterprise.

Decentralization function is one of the important features that helps businesses process data effectively
Decentralization function is one of the important features that helps businesses process data effectively

Data management software is an effective solution that helps businesses store, manage, and exploit data systematically and scientifically. Contact 1C Vietnam today to experience the power of 1C:Document Management software to help businesses go far on their journey to success!

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