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TOP 9 effective professional warehouse management software
Warehouse management is an important activity in every business. Using warehouse management software will help businesses optimize management processes and improve business efficiency. In this article, 1C Vietnam will introduce the top 9 professional, superior and effective warehouse management support software today.
1. What is warehouse management software? Benefits when using the software
Warehouse management software is a specialized tool to support warehouse operations management. This software can help businesses track quantity, product location, warehouse import and export activities, and provide visual reports for administrators to easily monitor and control.
For businesses, warehouse management software is an indispensable tool, bringing many benefits such as:
Save labor costs: Warehouse management software helps automate manual tasks such as data entry, inventory checking, invoicing, etc., thereby minimizing the need for human resources.
Easy to use: The software has a friendly interface, easy to use, just enter goods information to manage warehouse effectively.
Save time: The software helps automatically calculate and synthesize data, so businesses do not need to waste time working manually, and also avoid unnecessary errors.
Continuously update data: The software updates warehouse data continuously, helping businesses understand the warehouse situation promptly.
In addition, warehouse management software also helps businesses minimize goods loss, increase labor productivity,...
Warehouse management software - Specialized tools to support warehouse operations management
2. Main functions of warehouse management software
A good online warehouse management software will provide the following basic functions to meet the needs of businesses:
Support for order processing: Process orders automatically, and notify when an order is successfully created.
Sales and distribution: Prepare sales slips and notify the warehouse to prepare the goods and the delivery party.
Inventory management: Monitor inventory periodically (monthly, quarterly, yearly), ensuring the quantity of goods in stock is always accurate.
Import and export goods: Import and export goods in real time.
Payment management: Supports many different forms of payment, including cash payment, bank cards, Internet Banking, and payment via e-wallets.
Warehouse management software meets the needs of businesses with basic functions
3. TOP 9 effective warehouse management software for businesses today
To optimize warehouse management activities, modern software applications are the ideal solution. Below are the top 9 free warehouse management software that many businesses trust and use today:
3.1 1C:Company Management software for automatic warehouse management
1C:Company Management software is a business management solution (ERP) developed by the Russian company 1C. The software provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to automate key business processes. 1C:Company Management can be used by businesses of many sizes and industries, with the ability to deploy on different platforms, including physical servers, virtual servers and the cloud.
1C:Company Management provides superior features to support businesses in warehouse management
1C:Company Management software provides necessary and superior features to support businesses in effective warehouse management, including:
Full range of warehousing transactions: The software supports all basic warehousing transactions, including: receiving goods, warehousing, inventorying, recording expenses, transferring inventory,...
Allows detailed tracking of goods quality: 1C:Company Management allows detailed tracking of goods quality, including: changes in goods quality, special sales conditions for poor quality goods.
Calculate cost of materials: Solution to support the method of calculating cost of materials accurately and quickly. The popular calculation method is weighted average.
Set maximum inventory, minimum inventory, and replacement materials when conducting production: 1C:Company Management software allows businesses to set maximum inventory, minimum inventory, and replacement materials when conducting production. production to ensure smooth business operations.
Managing material information in the warehouse: Solution 1C:Company Management helps manage material information in the warehouse in a complete and detailed way, including: characteristics, series, shipments, variety of units of measure, estimates. inventory room.
Warehouse documents: The software provides a variety of warehouse documents, suitable to the needs of businesses, including: material transfer documents, material export documents, inventory documents, vouchers. warehouse,…
Manage detailed information about suppliers: The software's automatic warehouse management module helps businesses manage detailed information about suppliers, including: name, address, phone number, fax number, email, tax code, bank account, many other additional information.
User authorization: System administrators can grant access rights to each specific business processing function. This contributes to effective and absolute security of warehouse information for businesses.
1C:Company Management software - Comprehensive solution supporting business process automation
3.2 KiotViet material warehouse management software
KiotViet material warehouse management software is a solution developed by KiotViet Joint Stock Company. This software is designed specifically for businesses and stores that trade in supplies and materials.
KiotViet warehouse import and export software has the following basic features:
Manage goods information including product code, product name, price, unit of measure, inventory quantity,...
Manage warehouse import and export activities simply and easily.
Manage inventory situation of items.
Provide warehouse import and export reports and inventory.
KiotViet warehouse management application
3.3 Sapo POS goods management software
Sapo POS warehouse software is a product and material management solution for stores and retail businesses. The software helps shop owners manage product information, inventory, import and export of goods,... effectively.
Main features of Sapo POS mobile warehouse management software :
Allows users to add, edit, and delete product information including: product code, product name, selling price, cost price, inventory quantity,...
Manage inventory by each product, product group, and warehouse.
Manage import and export of goods, track the quantity of imported and exported goods, import and export value,...
Manage selling prices from time to time and each promotion program.
Sapo POS product warehouse management software
3.4 SUNO warehouse import and export software
SUNO is an inventory import and export management software developed by SUNO Technology Joint Stock Company. The software is designed with the following main features to support warehouse management:
Manage goods imported from suppliers, track quantity, quality of goods, and documents.
Manage product delivery to customers, track quantity, price of goods, and documents.
Manage inventory according to quantity and value of inventory.
Manage warehouse information, including location, area, warehouse staff...
Software to support SUNO warehouse import and export management
3.5 ECount inventory management software
ECount is a warehouse management solution developed by ECount Vietnam Technology Joint Stock Company. The software is designed to help businesses manage import and export activities, monitor inventory status, control warehouse costs....
The main features of ECount inventory management software include:
Manage information about goods, including product code, product name, unit of calculation, import price, selling price,...
Manage import and export operations, including warehousing, warehousing, warehouse transfer,...
Provides inventory reports over time.
Support controlling warehouse costs, including import costs, export costs, storage costs,...
ECount - Warehouse management solution
3.6 Bota warehouse management app
App Bota is a warehouse management software developed by Bota Technology Company Limited. This software can be used for businesses of many sizes, from small retail stores to large enterprises.
Bota inventory management software provides the following basic features:
Cloudify is a location-based warehouse management software , developed by Cloudify Vietnam Technology Joint Stock Company. The software provides several key features for warehouse management operations, including:
Merchandise management: Track quantity, type, model, and location of goods in the warehouse.
Warehouse management: Create warehouse receipts, check goods quality, and enter warehouses.
Warehouse management: Create delivery notes, check inventory, and release inventory.
Order management: Receive orders, process orders, ship out according to orders.
Cloudify warehouse management software interface
3.8 Milicos warehouse management app
Milicos is a material management software on mobile phones, developed by Milicos Vietnam company. This application is designed for businesses and store owners to easily manage goods and supplies in warehouse.
Some basic features of Milicos production warehouse management software include:
Manage information of goods and materials in warehouse.
Warehouse import and export management.
Statistics and reports on inventory, evaluating goods under and over inventory levels.
Milicos production warehouse management application
3.9 BS Silver import and export warehouse management software
BS Silver warehouse import and export management software is a solution developed by Bluesofts Joint Stock Company. Key features of BS Silver software include:
Manage goods and supplies by group and location in the warehouse.
Manage goods according to criteria such as: product code, product name, unit of calculation, import price, selling price,...
Manage warehousing by types such as: purchasing, importing, importing production,...
Manage inventory according to types such as: sales, customers, employees,...
Manage inventory by time, by warehouse, by item,...
BS Silver warehouse management software
Above are the top 9 professional, scientific and effective warehouse management software today. Businesses should carefully review the information and requirements of each software to choose the most suitable product. If you need further advice or support regarding 1C:Company Management software for automatic warehouse management, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately.