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4 Leadership styles of typical administrators today

Leadership style is an administrator's approach to directing and motivating subordinates. In the article below, 1C Vietnam has compiled 4 popular leadership styles as well as how to choose the appropriate leadership style . Refer now!

1. Authoritarian leadership style - Autocratic Leadership

Authoritarian leadership style is a leadership style in which managers make decisions independently, without consulting or input from others. This style is only useful when businesses need to control emergency situations and do not have time to discuss and give opinions.


  • Authoritarian leaders often have a confident, trustworthy, dynamic, clear and consistent demeanor.
  • Effective in emergency situations: When facing urgent situations or needing to make quick decisions, the authoritarian leadership style can be more effective thanks to its ability to be decisive without consulting others. others.


  • When applied in inappropriate situations, this leadership style can make team members feel abandoned, unappreciated and unappreciated. This can harm team morale and performance.
  • Lack of motivation and commitment: Authoritarian leadership style often discourages participation and input from others, leading to a lack of motivation and commitment from employees, especially in the long term.

With the above advantages and disadvantages, leaders with the dictatorial style should try to listen, build trust and know how to recognize the achievements of team members and in the company.

leadership style
Authoritarian leadership style is a leadership style in which managers make decisions independently

2. Democratic leadership style - Participative Leadership

Democratic leadership style (Participative Leadership) is completely opposite to authoritarian leadership style. Democratic leaders are very transparent, providing all the necessary information for members to make decisions together. This leadership style encourages everyone to voice their opinions and ideas, and work together to find solutions.

People with a democratic leadership style always value group discussions, always prioritize creativity and innovation, and focus on development. Democratic leaders are often good at conciliation, flexible, and spend a lot of time considering the input of others in their final decisions.


  • This style helps each individual feel like a valuable member of the organization, thereby encouraging creativity, trust and mutual learning.
  • When everyone participates in brainstorming to find solutions, they will work flexibly and improve productivity.


  • Because this leadership style requires discussions to reach a final decision, it often takes a lot of time.
  • Democratic leadership is not really flexible in situations that require quick decision making.
4 leadership styles
Democratic leadership style provides all necessary information for members to make decisions together

3. Delegative Leadership style - Delegative Leadership

Delegative Leadership is a style in which leaders delegate authority and give responsibility to employees to make their own decisions and solve problems. Employees will have to manage and be in charge of completing the tasks and goals set by the leader. However, the leader remains ultimately responsible for the team's effectiveness.

This style is often applied by businesses with experienced teams. Leaders who adopt this style often feel that mistakes are acceptable and prioritize freedom of choice in the workplace.


  • This style fosters creativity and empowers team members, helping them participate and practice more, thereby improving their skills and developing expertise.
  • Without needing much direction from leaders, this style brings motivation and responsibility to employees to work most effectively.


  • A lack of training and supervision can limit team members' ability to solve problems, leading to failure, especially for those who are new and need more support.
  • If leaders do not control the situation and intervene promptly, the organization can suffer serious losses.
leadership style
Empowering leadership is a style of leader who delegates authority and responsibility to employees

4. Transformational leadership style - Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is a style in which leaders inspire team members to go beyond their comfort zones, raise standards, and achieve things they once thought impossible.

Leaders with this style push relentlessly until their work, people, and organization achieve a transformation or significant improvement. Transformational leaders often have foresight, empathy, and good communication skills.


  • This style is often associated with organizations that are highly growth-oriented, promoting innovation and improving labor productivity.
  • This leadership style helps employees overcome their comfort zone and discover their own potential.
  • Transformational leadership strengthens engagement through trust and a shared vision between leaders and employees.


  • Transformational leaders can burn out employees due to lofty organizational goals and difficult challenges.
leadership styles
Transformational leadership is a style in which leaders inspire team members to go beyond their comfort zones

5. Factors affecting leadership style

An administrator's leadership style can be influenced by many different factors. Below are some typical factors that can impact leadership style:






Each organization has its own unique working environment, shaped by its founder, leaders over time, and business history. Therefore, corporate culture is very difficult to change.

Therefore, in order for the organization to operate effectively, administrators should spend time adapting and adjusting their leadership style to suit the culture of the business.



Administrators' psychology significantly affects their leadership style. Extroverted and assertive managers tend to prefer direct communication with subordinates through face-to-face interactions.

On the contrary, a more introverted and reserved manager can lead employees through written communication. Or instead of solving problems with the entire team, they will be more comfortable meeting with individuals one-on-one to provide direction.


Vision and capacity

The vision and capacity of the administrator also impact the leadership style. People new to leadership roles often follow the rules more strictly to avoid mistakes. Meanwhile, experienced leaders are often flexible in applying different styles to suit specific situations.

6. How to choose a suitable leadership style

It can be seen that each administrator will be suitable for different leadership styles. To determine the style that suits you, apply the following steps:

  • Understand yourself: Administrators should spend time understanding themselves, listing their strengths and weaknesses to choose a suitable leadership style .
  • Observe successful leaders: Learning from other executives is also a good idea. Administrators can observe and note how successful people lead employees, thereby drawing lessons for themselves.
  • Try different leadership styles : Apply many different leadership styles to find the employee management style that best suits you.
  • Find a mentor: Find and learn from an experienced mentor to help hone and develop the administrator's leadership style .
  • Listen to feedback from colleagues: Administrators can seek feedback from employees to promptly improve their leadership style .

Above are 1C Vietnam's shares about the 4 most common and popular leadership styles . In addition to finding a suitable leadership style, administrators can apply 1C:Company Management software to support business management. The software possesses many modern features, connecting all departments together, helping leaders gain an overview of the business situation of the enterprise, saving time and optimizing operating costs. Contact 1C Vietnam now to learn more about this smart software!

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