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What is Poka Yoke? How to implement Poka Yoke in your business

Poka Yoke is a method applied by many businesses in the production process to improve product quality performance and prevent errors. So what is Poka Yoke, its characteristics and how to implement this method effectively? Let's answer these questions with 1C Vietnam in the article below.

1. What is Poka Yoke?

Poka Yoke is an error prevention method applied in quality and production management. This method was developed by Shigeo Shingo while working in Toyota's system, to eliminate product defects through prevention, repair and timely warnings when errors occur.

What is poka yoke?
Poka Yoke was created to eliminate failures by prevention, repair and timely warning

Poka Yoke is not simply a technical tool, but also a management philosophy that is being applied a lot in life. Poka Yoke usually has the following 5 basic application levels:

  • Level 1: Failure to check, failure to recognize defective products and send products to customers.
  • Level 2: There is inspection but cannot eliminate defective products, must wait until re-inspection to eliminate defective products.
  • Level 3: There is inspection and waste products are eliminated but not completely, some products need to wait for re-inspection.
  • Level 4: Self-inspection during production, defects are often detected and eliminated before leaving the production line.
  • Level 5: Check from the source, transmit feedback right from the beginning to prevent errors arising from the source and not create defective products (zero defects).
poka yoke
5 application levels of the Poka Yoke model

Applications of Poka Yoke:

  • Example of Poka Yoke in production

At Toyota, the assembly process requires two springs for a small switch on the car. However, during the implementation process, workers often forget and only install one spring. To prevent this mistake, manager Shingo asked employees to put 2 springs in an assembly tray and move them to the location to perform the assembly operation. According to this method, if they forget to assemble 2 springs, they will discover that there are still springs on the tray and quickly add them before the product is completed.

  • Arrange scales to check product weight on the production line

Checkweigher scales are commonly used in businesses producing food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, materials, etc. This type of scale is often placed on production lines and operations. continuously and automatically synchronized with the classification system. When a product does not meet the standard weight, it will be directly classified on the transmission line.

What is poka yoke?
Automatic checkweighing scales are a form of Poka Yoke commonly used in cosmetics manufacturing
  • Poka yoke in the kitchen

Many types of modern kitchen equipment such as refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, etc. have a mechanism to stop working immediately when the door is opened to ensure consumer safety.

  • Warning in the elevator

Modern elevators are often equipped with a warning feature and stop operation when the elevator is overloaded to ensure safety and longevity of the elevator,...

2. The importance of Poka Yoke in production

Poka Yoke is applied by many businesses because this method brings many great benefits in the production process. So what is the importance of Poka Yoke? Below are the benefits Poka Yoke brings to businesses:

  • Helps reduce production costs:

By applying Poka Yoke, businesses can avoid waste of raw materials and minimize ineffective use of human resources. This will help reduce costs per unit of product as well as increase profits.

  • Minimize management costs:

When the error rate is reduced and is not repeated in the future, it will help businesses save time for activities that bring greater value.

  • Increase consumer satisfaction:

Most small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam encounter problems related to products that do not meet customer needs, causing them to be dissatisfied and cancel orders. Therefore, by minimizing the error rate from the Poka Yoke method, businesses will always provide customers with the best products that meet their requirements and increase their satisfaction.

  • Helps businesses easily expand production:

A business that always places high demands on process improvement and eliminating sources of failure will have a more accurate view of potential factors in production scale expansion projects. From there, businesses can clearly understand potential risks and have quick solutions.

poka yoke
Poka Yoke helps businesses reduce costs per product unit and increase profits

3. Basic types of Poka Yoke error prevention

Poka Yoke error prevention forms are often used to eliminate problems, incidents and errors during the production process. There are 3 basic types of error prevention as follows:

  • Detect errors and incidents

In the production process, the appearance of errors leading to substandard products is unavoidable. At this time, the error prevention tool Poka Yoke will be applied to promptly detect errors to take the fastest and most effective remedies, avoiding defective products from reaching customers.

  • Fix errors and problems

When errors and problems are detected promptly, fixing them becomes easier and causes less damage. Some ways to self-correct errors during work include using devices to automatically correct and highlight spelling errors,...

  • Prevent errors and incidents

The Poka Yoke error prevention tool helps businesses control the working process. When any errors occur, the tool immediately notifies relevant people and immediately stops the production system. Thanks to that, all types of errors will be eliminated immediately and will not continue to recur in the future.

What is poka yoke?
Poka Yoke is applied to promptly detect errors and quickly and effectively fix them

4. How to implement Poka Yoke in your business

4.1. Identify potential errors

Identify potential errors that may occur during production, service delivery or consumer use. This can be done through data analysis methods, process analysis, employee interviews or through customer feedback, etc.

4.2. Find out the root cause

Based on the identified causes, perform root cause research to find effective ways to prevent errors. This method can be implemented through a number of ways such as: process chart analysis, data collection and analysis, physical testing, 5 Whys analysis, FMEA,...

poka yoke
Find out the root cause of failures through 5 Whys analysis

4.3. Provide suitable solutions

Poka Yoke design to prevent possible errors (choose between automatic Poka Yoke or manual Poka Yoke). The Poka Yoke error detection system usually operates based on the following three methods:

  • Contact Method - (Physical contact method): This is a method of checking physical attributes such as size, shape, color or other physical attributes to determine errors.
  • Constant number (Counting method): This method requires the product to ensure that it meets a certain quantity, or the correct number of included parts/components. If this requirement cannot be met, the system will automatically warn the operator through sensor devices.
  • Sequence: According to this method, the steps in the production process will be arranged in a certain order to limit the occurrence of unnecessary errors.
What is poka yoke?
Poka Yoke helps businesses come up with appropriate solutions

4.4. Evaluate the effectiveness of Poka Yoke

After applying the Poka Yoke model, businesses need to check and evaluate the effectiveness that this method brings through each stage of the production process and make modifications (if necessary) to optimize the results achieved.

In manufacturing, Poka Yoke is an effective method that helps businesses prevent and improve errors and optimize production processes as well as create better quality products to meet the increasing needs of customers. row. Hopefully the above article has helped businesses better understand what the Poka Yoke model is and the benefits this method brings. If you have any questions, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately for detailed advice.

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