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What is a business process? Steps to design a process map

Business processes support businesses in operating and dividing work effectively. So what exactly is a business process ? How to manage and build a correct business process? 1C Vietnam will answer immediately in the article below.

1. What is a business process?

A business process is a series of integrated and closely linked steps, divided among relevant departments for implementation to achieve common business goals, helping to enhance performance and ensure efficiency. uniformity in all business activities .

What is a business process?
What is a business process?

2. Benefits of business processes for businesses

Business processes are the leading solution to help businesses organize and manage work, increase productivity and maintain a sustainable position in the market. Here are some benefits of applying business processes:

2.1 Increase competitiveness compared to competitors

Business processes help businesses create a foundation for implementing innovation and product development strategies. From there, businesses can find goals and opportunities to increase competitiveness compared to competitors.

What is a business process?
Business processes help increase the competitiveness of businesses

2.2 Serve customers better

Business processes help optimize customer experience and satisfaction. A systematic implementation process (from the ordering process to after-sales support service) helps customer care become more effective and professional.

What is a business process?
Increase customer satisfaction through comprehensive business processes

2.3 Determine the work to be done and the order of implementation

Business processes help organize a business's work in a transparent and systematic way, minimizing confusion and increasing work efficiency. Thereby, employees will be aware of planning and performing work in order of priority, bringing clear results.

  • What is a business process?
    Planning helps divide time and work more effectively

2.4 Create high consensus and unity

Based on business processes, administrators can identify changes and transformations in their organization to communicate to departments and employees quickly and accurately. Each member of the company clearly understands his or her role and responsibilities, creating consensus and unity within the company.

What is a business process?
The business model creates uniformity and cohesion within the company

3. Types of business processes

There are many different types of business processes. Based on the role of each type in the business, business processes can be divided into 6 types:

  • Human resources: Includes employee introduction, recruitment, discipline, resume screening and interview guidance.
  • Finance: Planning revenue and expenditure, budget reporting.
  • Management: Set business goals, monitor processes and evaluate work efficiency, manage the entire company.
  • Sales: Strategize, find and meet potential customer needs, sell and build product development plans.
  • Customer care: Support consulting and solving problems for customers, handling incidents that occur.
  • Production and business operations: Implement a strict management process of the business's supply chain.
What is a business process?
Business processes contribute to the enterprise management system

4. Some professional business process management diagram samples

To build a comprehensive and effective business process, businesses need to rely on professional management diagrams. Immediately refer to the important business management chart samples below:

  • Human resource management process diagram

This diagram helps clearly communicate the company's policies and operating procedures, orienting and motivating employees to participate effectively. At the same time, the diagram also ensures that the recruitment process is consistent and transparent, improving the quality of employee training.

What is a business process?
Human resource management business process diagram
  • Company management process diagram

Using the company management process diagram helps administrators achieve long-term goals and orient employees to follow the set plan. From the initial plans and implemented steps, administrators can compare to come up with reasonable and timely solutions.

What is a business process?
Company management process diagram
  • Work retention diagram

With a work retention chart, managers can track and control important goals to complete projects on schedule. At the same time, this diagram also helps employees build the best customer support system and handle unexpected situations.

What is a business process?
Work retention diagram
  • Workflow diagram of the sales department

This diagram is often used to represent the steps and processes that employees in the sales department must perform to achieve business goals.

What is a business process?
Workflow diagram of the sales department

If you do not follow the steps of the business process, your business will not be able to operate properly and progress. Therefore, owning a suitable business process is the premise to help businesses achieve their goals in the most effective way.

5. Steps to design an effective business process map

To be able to design a business process map properly, administrators need to follow important principles and follow the 4 steps below:

5.1 Collect business information and select a process map

Collecting business information is a necessary step, helping businesses identify their advantages and highlight that advantage in the business process. Some information that administrators should pay attention to:

  • Duties of each employee.
  • Provide an overview of business processes and tasks that need to be done for new employees.
  • Set out the time required for each part of the process.
  • State important and important points.

Use flowcharts to easily edit and add information such as who is responsible for each task or how long a task can take. This is considered the most reasonable and convenient option in this case.

What is a business process?
Collect business information and choose the appropriate diagram

5.2 Use consistent style, size and shape

A complete diagram should be organized and set out with specific steps to avoid clutter and difficulty following. Businesses can consider setting up process maps in the following way:

  • Choose images that are suitable and have the same size.
  • Each step needs to use start and end connectors.
  • The spacing of each step and decision flows must be consistent.
  • Branches in the connecting line should not be too many.
What is a business process?
Set up diagrams in an organized, highly consistent manner

โ€‹5.3 Choose colors, icons and symbols

For diagrams that require quick understanding, color and images are two important elements in diagram design, helping employees quickly receive work information. Administrators should prioritize using contrasting colors for opposing ideas and use symbols to draw attention to important steps.

What is a business process?
The color in the diagram greatly determines the reception of the job

5.4 Select labels or legends in the business process diagram

In addition to colors, administrators can also consider adding labels or legends to make the diagram easy to use and readers will also grasp information quickly.

What is a business process?
Use labels or legends

6. 2 key factors help improve effective business processes

Business processes will depend on many different conditions and factors. In particular, two factors that help improve business processes effectively are operational analysis and customer value creation analysis.

  • Activity analysis

Analyzing operations is determining the work that needs to be done to increase customer satisfaction such as: Marketing, ordering, sales, operations, customer care... At the same time, administrators also need to List the activities that bring specific benefits to the company and arrange them in a simple process diagram.

  • Analyze the value created for customers

Administrators should list the core elements that create value for customers and include them next to the activities outlined previously. From there, businesses have a basis to suggest what needs to be done to bring greater value.

What is a business process?
Effective business processes require alignment in every action

Thus, 1C Vietnam has helped businesses learn about what business processes are and the steps to design effective process diagrams. To make business processes run more smoothly, administrators can choose 1C:Company Management software with flexible features to help automate business process management, connect departments and divisions. banded together, helping to increase work efficiency. If you have any questions about the business process, please contact 1C Vietnam immediately for more details.

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