HomeProducts news14 popular company organizational chart templates to use most effectively in 2023
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14 popular company organizational chart templates to use most effectively in 2023
Currently, there are many different company organizational chart models, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, businesses need to choose an organizational chart suitable to their characteristics, scale, and business field to achieve the desired effect. The article below from 1C Vietnam will introduce in detail 14 popular professional diagram templates that businesses can refer to.
1. Benefits of a company organizational chart
An organizational chart is a visual chart that depicts the structure of a business. Thereby, the roles, responsibilities and relationships between individuals in the organization are clearly shown. Specifically, the important role of the organizational chart includes:
Identify who is responsible and makes decisions: The organizational model provides an overview of a company's leadership team. This helps identify the executives and people in charge of each different department of the business.
Helps the entire organization understand processes: The organizational model clearly describes the processes, approval flows and other decisions within the business. From there, the company map helps all employees understand how processes are organized so they can properly perform their roles and responsibilities.
Helps employees stay informed of changes within the company: When an organization undergoes changes such as promotions, department moves, or mergers, an organizational chart helps employees stay up to date with those changes. The organizational chart helps people understand how these changes will affect them.
An organizational chart helps clearly show roles, responsibilities and relationships between individuals in a business
2. Sample company organizational chart by industry
Each industry has its own characteristics in terms of production process, business, market, etc. Therefore, the company diagram also needs to be designed in accordance with the characteristics of the industry to ensure operational efficiency. . Below are some common company organization models according to business lines:
2.1. Organizational structure chart of Logistics enterprise
Logistics businesses are an important link in the supply chain, responsible for transporting, storing and distributing products. Therefore, Logistics businesses often focus on warehouse and sales management systems.
The Logistics company organizational structure chart includes the following elements:
Transport Department: Manage means of transport,...
The arrangement of elements in the Logistics enterprise diagram needs to ensure logic, science, and suitability for the scale and operational characteristics of the enterprise.
Organizational model of Logistics enterprises
2.2. Diagram of production enterprise apparatus
A manufacturing enterprise is a unit that specializes in providing products and goods to meet customer needs. Two common types of manufacturing companies are processing and trading.
The organizational chart of a manufacturing company includes the following elements:
Administration - human resources: Recruitment, training, management and development of personnel.
Accounting: Monitor, record and prepare financial reports.
Sales: Search, approach and advise customers.
Production: Carry out production processes and create products.
Quality control: Check and monitor product quality.
Purchasing: Purchasing raw materials and supplies for production.
Planning: responsible for planning production and business.
Each element in the company's organizational structure chart has its own role and tasks, and needs to coordinate closely with each other to ensure effective production and business activities.
The organizational structure of the manufacturing company
2.3. Structure diagram of construction industry company
Construction is an industry specializing in consulting activities, construction organization, design, management, supervision and acceptance of projects. The organizational structure of a construction business is often very diverse, but generally depends on two main factors: the scale of products and services provided.
Some elements appear in the organizational structure chart of construction enterprises:
Administration - Personnel: Responsible for administrative, personnel, clerical, archival,...
Accounting: In charge of accounting, finance, tax accounting,...
Survey - design: Undertake work on geological surveys, technical design, architectural design,...
Consulting - supervision: Consulting, construction supervision, acceptance,...
Construction: Take on tasks of construction, installation,...
Purchasing: Responsible for purchasing materials, equipment,...
Experiment - Verification: Carry out experimental work, verify project quality,...
Construction company organizational chart
2.4. Commercial company organizational structure chart
A trading company is a type of business that specializes in buying and selling goods and products through distribution channels. The organizational chart of a trading company often focuses on departments related to business operations and market expansion.
The main divisions in the trading company diagram include:
Board of Directors: Is the highest management body of the company, responsible for all operations of the enterprise.
Business system: Includes departments that directly carry out purchasing and distribution of goods and products, including: Sales department, marketing department, sales department, logistics department,...
Technical system: Responsible for the company's technical and technological activities including: IT department, technical department, maintenance department,...
Other functional systems: Includes departments such as: human resources department, finance and accounting department, administrative department,...
Commercial company organizational structure model
3. Organizational structure diagram of different types of businesses
The company structure diagram of different types of businesses will have certain differences, specifically:
3.1. Organizational structure chart of private enterprise
A private enterprise is a type of organization owned by an individual who is responsible with all of his or her assets for all activities of the organization. Private companies have the right to decide on their own organizational model, and have full authority to decide on all business activities, the use of profits after paying taxes and performing other financial obligations according to the provisions of law. the law.
Private business owners can directly or hire others to act as Director/General Director to manage and operate business activities.
The company chart of a private enterprise usually includes the following elements:
Business owner: Is the legal representative of the business, has full authority to decide on all activities.
Business management: Includes the Director/General Director and other management departments, responsible for implementing the decisions of the business owner.
Sales Department: Responsible for finding customers, signing contracts and carrying out business activities.
Accounting: Responsible for keeping books and financial reports of the business.
Personnel administration: Responsible for managing personnel, stationery and other administrative issues of the business.
Organizational model of private enterprise
3.2. Organization chart of the partnership company
A partnership company (CTHD) is a type of business in which at least two members are joint owners of the company, contribute capital and do business under a common name. Characteristics of a specific partnership:
Capital contributing members must be individuals who use all of their assets and are responsible for the company's obligations.
General partners are organizations and individuals and will only have limited liability for the company's debts within the scope of their capital contribution.
Accordingly, the organizational structure chart of a partnership enterprise includes:
Council of members: Is the highest decision-making body of CTHD, has the right to decide on all issues of the company, except for issues under the authority of the Director/General Director.
Director/General Director: Is the legal representative of CTHD, has full authority to manage the company's business activities.
Partnership company diagram
3.3. Limited company organizational structure chart
A limited liability company is an enterprise owned by an individual or organization, responsible for the debts and financial obligations of the unit within the scope of charter capital. The company organizational chart will vary depending on the type of owner, reflecting the management structure and responsibilities within the business.
Organizational structure chart of a one-member LLC with the owner usually being the company President, Director/General Director or Board of members, Director/General Director.
Limited company structure when the organization is the owner
The organizational chart of a one-member limited liability company owned by an individual usually includes the company President and Director/General Director. The owner can concurrently or hire another person to be the Director/General Director through a labor contract. The Director/General Director exercises the rights and obligations specified in the company charter and labor contract.
Limited company structure when an individual is the owner
3.4. Joint stock company organizational structure chart
A Joint Stock Company (JSC) is an enterprise with charter capital divided into equal parts called shares. Shareholders can be organizations or individuals, the maximum number of shareholders is not specified but the minimum is 03.
Shareholders will only be responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the unit within the amount of capital contributed to the enterprise. Shareholders have the right to freely transfer their shares to others, except for the cases specified in Clause 3, Article 120 and Clause 1, Article 127 of the Law on Enterprises 2020.
Components in a JSC's organizational chart usually include:
General Meeting of Shareholders: Is the supreme authority of the Joint Stock Company, with the right to decide on important issues of the company.
Board of Directors: Is the management body of the Joint Stock Company, with the right to decide on daily business issues of the company.
Supervisory Board: Is the control agency of the Joint Stock Company, with the right to inspect and supervise the management and use of the company's finances and assets....
Director or General Director: Is the legal representative of the Joint Stock Company, with the right to manage the company's daily business activities.
Joint stock company organizational model
4. Organizational chart according to hierarchy in the enterprise
Hierarchical company diagrams are a popular type in businesses, clearly showing the hierarchy within the unit, from the highest level to the lowest level. In this type of organizational chart, departments and titles are arranged in order from top to bottom, from left to right.
4.1. Organizational structure chart by function
This is a business diagram in which departments are organized according to main functions such as production, marketing, finance, human resources, etc. Each functional department will be responsible for performing one or several functions. certain within the organization.
Organizational structure model by function
Each functional department will focus on a certain area of expertise, helping to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.
The organizational structure chart by function helps plan and monitor business operations more effectively.
The organizational chart helps create conditions for employees to develop their own expertise and skills.
Because departments are organized according to separate functions, coordination between departments can be difficult.
Lack of flexibility in responding to environmental changes.
Creates barriers in communication and cooperation between departments.
4.2. Decentralized organizational chart
A decentralized business diagram is a traditional model, in which power and responsibility are clearly divided according to each level. Directives are issued from the top level, then communicated to middle management and then to employee level.
Company diagram according to decentralization
Responsibility and authority are clearly defined for each individual and department in the organization.
The promotion path is determined, helping employees be motivated to strive and develop themselves.
Employees are focused on developing professional skills, helping to improve work efficiency.
It takes a long time to make decisions because it has to go through many levels of leadership.
There is a communication gap between subordinates and superiors, due to distance in position and position.
The common goal is not unified, because each department has its own goal.
Departments tend to compete and lack coordination with each other.
The organization does not adapt effectively to environmental and competitive pressures, due to a lack of operational flexibility.
4.3. Matrix organizational model
A matrix company chart is an organizational system in which each individual has two managers: a functional manager and a project manager. Functional managers are responsible for employee expertise, while project managers are responsible for project progress and results.
Matrix organizational structure
Advantages of matrix company diagram:
Encourage communication and coordination between individuals and functional groups. This can help improve business efficiency.
Allows businesses to utilize employee skills and expertise in the most effective way.
Adapt quickly and flexibly to market changes.
Limitations of matrix company diagram:
Employees may feel uncomfortable reporting to two managers, which can lead to irresponsible work.
Conflicts easily arise between functional managers and project managers.
It is difficult to evaluate employee performance in the matrix model.
4.4. Company organizational structure chart by geography
Geographical company organizational chart is a type of model that divides personnel according to geographical location. This type of diagram is suitable for companies that operate in many different locations, such as multinational corporations.
Company model based on geographical factors
Help personnel understand their functions and tasks.
Clearly plan the organizational structure, assign reasonable responsibilities and authorities.
Create favorable conditions for coordination and cooperation between departments, branches, and offices in different localities.
Enhance adaptation to local conditions.
Difficulty in monitoring and managing from the center.
Increase management costs.
The speed of communication and decision making may be delayed.
4.5. Flat organizational structure chart
This is an organizational model with a minimal number of management levels. In this model, working positions often do not have titles, employees are equal and operate in the form of self-management. A flat company organizational chart can only be applied to businesses with few employees or companies with a strong collaborative environment among employees.
Flat corporate organizational structure chart
In terms of advantages, the flat organizational model brings businesses the following benefits:
Support to save costs on salaries, benefits,... for businesses.
Employees can decide their own work, thereby increasing responsibility and initiative at work.
Unnecessary levels of management can be eliminated, helping to streamline the organizational structure.
Employees can easily exchange and discuss with each other, thereby improving communication and cooperation abilities.
Decisions can be made quickly and promptly.
Flat organizational charts also have the following limitations:
The company easily loses control and has difficulty monitoring and connecting personnel due to the lack of intermediate management levels.
Employees are likely to experience stress due to having to take on multiple tasks at once.
Management levels can compete for power with each other.
5. Enterprise organizational chart for each department
There are many types of company organizational charts for each department, depending on the type, size of business and purpose of use. Some common types of diagrams include:
Human resources department organizational chart
The human resources department is the department responsible for recruitment, administration, training, salaries and benefits. Human resource organization is divided into two areas: human resource management and human resource management.
Human resource management undertakes tasks related to administrative management and implementation of labor policies. Human resource management undertakes tasks related to human resource development strategy.
Organizational structure of human resources department
Some positions in the human resources department company organizational chart include:
Human resources director: responsible for designing and implementing human resource plans, controlling data and reports related to human resources.
Head of human resources department: responsible for planning, building and coordinating human resource management activities, supervising and managing the recruitment and employee evaluation process.
HR Admin: manages and organizes employee documents, monitors, updates data and information about resources in the enterprise.
Recruitment specialist: in charge of human resources recruitment, determining recruitment needs, proposing recruitment plans and recruiting personnel in accordance with the company's needs.
Internal communication: providing internal information to employees, evaluating effectiveness based on the number of employees who grasp the information.
C&B: monitor and manage data information on salary and employee benefits, and evaluate annual employee performance.
Training and development: in charge of courses for employees, understanding needs, building roadmaps
Sales department organizational chart
The sales department is the key department of the enterprise, mainly responsible for carrying out activities including sales, research and development of products and markets, as well as managing relationships with customers.
The organizational chart of the sales department may vary depending on the business field, products, and corporate culture. However, basically, there are 3 most popular models: the island model, the chain model and the group model.
Sales department model
Organizational chart of the Marketing department
The Marketing Department acts as a bridge connecting the company and the market, between consumers and products. The main task of this department is to research the market and customers to orient products to suit consumer needs. The organizational chart of the Marketing department depends on the size and business line of each enterprise.
Structure diagram of the Marketing department in the organization
The elements appearing in the Marketing department diagram are as follows:
Marketing Director (CMO): Responsible for building and developing marketing strategy.
Head of Marketing: Develop short-term marketing plans and be responsible for the success or failure of marketing activities.
Small departments in the Marketing department: Responsible for separate tasks according to the overall marketing plan.
Accounting department company organizational chart
The Accounting Department is the department that advises the Board of Directors on issues related to operating costs, including measures, directions, and financial management regulations. At the same time, this department is also responsible for implementing the company's financial plans and managing accounting work to bring efficiency, savings, and compliance with current accounting regulations and regimes.
Accounting department structure model
In the accounting department diagram, the following basic elements appear:
Chief Accountant: Head of the accounting department, responsible for managing and operating all activities related to accounting and finance.
General accountant: A highly qualified accountant, responsible for synthesizing, analyzing, and evaluating accounting and financial data, thereby providing overview reports to the Board of Directors.
Payment accountant: An accountant responsible for monitoring, managing, and accounting the company's revenues and expenditures.
Debt accountant: The person responsible for managing the company's debts, ensuring debts are collected on time, avoiding affecting the company's finances.
Above are 14 popular company organizational chart samples today. Choosing the appropriate model depends on many factors such as type of business, scale, field of operation, business goals, etc. Enterprises should carefully consider these factors to choose a model. optimal shape, helping to operate effectively and achieve set goals. Don't forget to follow other articles on 1C Vietnam's website to learn a lot of useful information about corporate governance.