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Latest funding application form according to 2024 regulations

The request for funding is an important document in corporate financial management. In this article, 1C Vietnam will provide the latest 2024 funding application form, effectively supporting the business and operation process of businesses. Find out now!

1. What is a request for funding?

Simply put, a submission is a document used to inform about problems, give opinions, propose solutions, request conclusions or direction from individuals, groups of people, and organizations with decision-making authority. . Statements often appear in organizations, businesses, government agencies, etc. The statement form requires the signature and commitment of the writer to confirm responsibility and ensure the authenticity of the document.

Funding application form
Funding application form latest update 2024

2. Latest funding application form according to 2024 regulations

Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 30/2020/ND-CP, regulations on types of administrative documents are as follows: Administrative documents include the following types of documents: Resolutions (individual), decisions (individual ), directives, regulations, regulations, announcements, notices, instructions, programs, plans, options, schemes, projects, reports, minutes, submissions , contracts, official dispatches, telegram, memorandum of understanding, agreement, authorization letter, invitation letter, introduction letter, leave letter, sending slip, transfer slip, notice slip, official letter.

It can be seen that the report is also a type of administrative document. Therefore, the funding request form needs to meet some information such as company/organization name, date of submission, name of the proposal, main content,...

>>>> Download the latest 2024 funding application form here .

Funding application form sample
Download the latest funding application form according to regulations

3. Sample layout of request for funding

Like other administrative document samples, the report includes 3 main parts as follows:

  • Part 1: Present the reason. This section is intended to explain the reasons for the proposed proposal. Individuals or organizations need to rely on factual information to analyze the situation, thereby highlighting the urgent need of the problem. In this section, use objective and professional language to make the presentation more convincing and professional.
  • Part 2: Proposed content. This section includes the following information: content of the proposal, proposed plan, problems that may arise after application, etc. Finally, the meaning and impact of the proposal is presented. for production or for society.
  • Part 3: Proposal to superiors. This section requires approval from higher levels, such as asking for approval of plans, requesting prioritization, or switching to backup plans when circumstances change. Proposal content needs to be clear, detailed and arranged in order of priority so that superiors can easily evaluate and decide.

4. Principles for presenting written requests for funding

Writers need to follow some main principles when writing a proposal as follows:

  • Arrange and organize sections: The proposal needs to be arranged in a logical order and closely linked. Each section should have a title and be numbered for easy tracking.
  • Use professional language: The person making the report should avoid using acronyms, slang or vague language that causes misunderstandings. The submission should define specialized terms and explain confusing terms if necessary.
  • Support information with images and figures: The presentation can use images, charts, tables and statistics to illustrate information in the easiest way to understand. However, the person making the report needs to ensure that the information is arranged properly and has clear annotations.
  • Check spelling and grammar: Before sending the report, it is necessary to check and correct spelling and grammar errors. The person making the report can use support tools if necessary to ensure the report is easy to read.
  • Uniform format and presentation: The proposal should use a uniform font style and size, and other formats in terms of appearance should also be consistent. Pay attention to alignment, line spacing, and page markings to give your presentation a professional appearance.

5. Procedures for submitting and processing funding applications

After completing the funding request form, the person submitting the request needs to submit it to the relevant department and wait for processing. The specific process is as follows:

Step 1: Refer to the appropriate submission form

Step 2: Submit/Send documents

Send the report to the relevant person or department to receive and process. Can be submitted via email or direct hard copy signing.

Step 3: Receive the submission

Competent person/Department needs to receive the report and review the content. This process includes classifying, recording and forwarding reports to stakeholders or information confirmation managers.

Step 4: Evaluation

The relevant person/Department will evaluate and review the details and evidence and make necessary comments and suggestions.

Step 5: Decide to handle

Based on the information in the submission and the submission and processing process, the manager makes the final decision.

Step 6: Respond to results

The person or department has the authority to notify the results of processing the report to the writer or relevant parties.

Application for financial support
Process of handling reports in an enterprise

Above is the latest funding request form according to 2024 regulations compiled by 1C Vietnam. Using an appropriate presentation template and adhering to the above principles will help businesses present information professionally, effectively supporting project operations and business activities.

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