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10 difficult situations to handle customer rejection effectively

Handling customer objections is always a concern for many businesses in the process of increasing order closing rates and effectively increasing revenue. In the article below, 1C Vietnam has compiled 10 situations where customers refuse to buy products and how to handle refusals effectively. Let's follow along now!

1. The importance of handling customer objections

"Being rejected by customers" is a common thing encountered in the sales process. Customers will give countless reasons about fish price, quality, brand, need, etc. to refuse consultation or purchase. This makes it difficult for businesses to conduct sales promotion activities.

Therefore, the secret to handling customer objections plays an extremely important role in operations. During this process, sellers must demonstrate skills in understanding customers , solving problems, and skillfully navigating objection situations to improve relationships with buyers.

Handling customer objections
Customers will give countless reasons to refuse consultation or purchase

2. How to handle customer refusal in all cases

2.1. Refused due to time reasons

Perhaps salespeople are too familiar with answers like:

  • I don't have time to listen to advice!
  • You are very busy!
  • I can't answer the phone!
  • I need time to think!
  • I have no need to buy now!

These are typical reasons for time that buyers often give when being consulted on products and services. Below are 2 common cases with timing issues and how to handle customer objections for reference.

  • In case you need to think more

When customers say they need more time to think, it means they are considering the product. However, they don't really believe it and there is too much demand for the product. Therefore, businesses should learn about customers' concerns - the barriers that keep them from making a decision to buy the product.

By skillfully asking questions about buyers' desires and needs, the relationship between businesses and customers will become closer. Businesses will create sympathy, a feeling of safety and devotion for buyers. From there, customers will share important information about why they have not decided to purchase at that time.

For example: “Yes, I wonder if the product meets your expectations? I will support you!”

“ABC products have been used and positively evaluated by 200 customers. I myself am also using it, [state product benefits]. I wonder if the product meets your expectations yet?

Handling customer objections
Skillfully ask about the buyer's needs to gain sympathy and devotion towards the buyer
  • In case we contact later/don't have time

Many buyers will spend 30s - 60s to end the conversation. Others will immediately stop calling after giving the reason for refusal. Based on the actual situation, the manager can make an appointment for another time to discuss again or ask for a quick exchange. If the buyer agrees to exchange quickly, the business should provide the "best" information about the product, meeting their wishes. Interact with customers through asking brief questions or Yes/No answers to better understand customer needs.

For example: “Yes! I didn't know you were busy this morning so I contacted you at this time. I apologize to you very much. I wonder if I can reschedule you at [customer's suggested time] to discuss more with you about ABC products?"

Alternatively, Sales staff can ask for permission to contact via Zalo, Facebook,... to exchange more product information via text message more easily.

2.2. Refuse because competitors' products are better

How to handle customer refusal because of competitors? Maybe, customers already have certain knowledge about the product. They have their own opinions and assessments about the business's products and those of their competitors. In this case, Sales staff should determine the level of customer interest in the product through the following behaviors:

  • Customers have been using competitors' products.
  • Customers know competitors' products and have never used them.

First, sales staff should probe customers' information about the product such as competitor information. This helps confirm and confirm whether the information customers are looking for is accurate or not. Then, the sales staff proceeds to state the highlights of the business's products compared to competitors' products. Benefits and advantages should be made clear to avoid misleading buyers.

Particularly in cases where the buyer has used a competitor's product, the sales staff can express interest by discussing the effectiveness of using the product. At the same time, Sales staff provide some additional useful information for customers to use the product more effectively. After that, Sales staff can suggest customers to switch to using their products.

Handling customer objections
Create goodwill by providing useful information so customers can use the product more effectively

2.3. Refused because of price

Price is an extremely important factor that directly affects customers' needs and shopping process. Therefore, buyers refusing advice because of price is a common situation when selling, mainly due to the following 3 factors:

  • Product price is too expensive
  • Price is not compatible with product value.
  • No money or insufficient funds to pay for the product.

When faced with this situation, sellers must quickly redefine their potential customer file. Through judging the buyer's behavior and attitude, sales staff can know whether they are their target customers or not.

First, consultants should create a comfortable atmosphere and skillfully exploit the most information from customers. At the same time, Sales staff also provide valuable information, meeting the needs and desires of buyers by showing customers the value of the product.

For example: The ABC product has a real value of 10 million, the consultant can divide it into only paying 1 million VND each month, and only need to spend 33,000 VND a day to own the ABC product. At that time, the original price of the product will be broken down to help buyers overcome price barriers and feel "cheaper".

In addition, if Sales staff are providing many product lines suitable for each different customer segment. Consultants can also introduce to customers products with prices more suitable to their ability to pay.

Handling customer objections
Introduce to customers products with prices more suitable to their ability to pay
  • In case it is not a potential customer file:

In this case, the seller should listen and receive information from the customer. However, Sales staff should not waste time convincing customers to buy, but instead send thanks and reclassify their customer insights. In addition, the seller can make some offers so that the buyer can contact them for advice or support when needed.

2.4. Refused because of skepticism about the product

Buyers' skepticism about the product mainly comes from basic issues such as:

  • Product information is incomplete or vague.
  • The brand lacks reputation and reliability.
  • Received many negative reviews and feedback.
  • Lack of evidence about the benefits and uses of the product.
  • The product does not have any outstanding features compared to other products on the market.
  • Warranty or return policy is less transparent and clear.
  • Lack of information about product origin and manufacturing process.

To handle customer refusal in this case, the product must first clearly deliver value and always ensure compliance with the law. Even though no product is 100% perfect, the product a business brings must still partly meet customer expectations.

Sellers must always clearly understand the product, and at the same time conduct testing on the quality and origin of the products they provide. Only when we believe and understand our products can sales staff become good sellers. Then the consultant's task is not just to be a seller but to share product value with customers and those around them.

Customers are skeptical about the product because they do not understand the company's products. Therefore, Sales staff need to resolve those doubts of customers by providing useful information about the product as well as its quality, origin, effectiveness, benefits, production process, and characteristics. of the product,... to enhance customer trust in the product.

For example: Customers are skeptical about product quality => Sellers can give buyers experience or trial packages, provide additional reputable documents from competent units, and cite information about customers. used products,...

Handling customer objections
Provide information about quality, origin, and production process to enhance customer trust

2.5. Refused due to lack of need

As soon as they receive a refusal to buy goods because there is no need, the Sales staff should review the customer base that the business is approaching to see if it is correct or not? However, in reality, consumers' reasons for not having demand may also be because they do not trust the product introduced by the seller.

The effective way to handle customer objections in this form is that Sales staff can apply some of the following simple methods:

  • Ask questions to confirm the customer's needs. From there, the consultant will make a choice whether to continue consulting or support the customer in the future.
  • Provide useful information and outstanding product advantages.
  • Always show respect, gentleness and willingness to listen to customers.
  • Recommend products/services that better suit buyers' needs.
  • Lead sales with real stories or situations you have experienced.
  • Build close relationships with customers, share useful information or updates about the products/services the seller is providing.
Handling customer objections
Always show respect, gentleness and willingness to listen to customers

For example:

– Customer: You do not need to buy this product!

Salesperson: Yes! If possible, can you share with me a little bit about whether you have ever used the product or know about this product? What do you want when using this ABC product?

– If you need to use ABC products, please contact me! I am always ready to support you! ABC product is… [product introduction]

– I would like to contact you via zalo to send you some more information about our ABC products. You can refer and learn more! Thank you very much.

2.6. Because I find it difficult to use the product

When buyers realize the benefits of the product but encounter barriers in using the product. This situation is often seen in complex products such as operating machinery, equipment, software, etc. Customers often wonder about their ability to use:

  • The product is too difficult to use, I can't use it.
  • The product is useful but I don't know how to use it.
  • I have never used it, so buying it without knowing how to use it is useless.
  • This product takes too much time to use.

To resolve this customer concern, Sales staff should clarify the issue according to the following 3 contents:

  • Customer care policy: commitment, time, efficiency, support person, reviews from old customers,...
  • Quality of after-purchase care team: qualifications, attitude, professionalism,...
  • Other incentive programs/customer care services (if any).

For example: "For this issue, please rest assured! After you purchase, we will continue to support you until you are proficient and effective in using the product [product name]. The support staff are all experts [introduce the reputation of the experts], so the quality of support is always 100% guaranteed. Many customers after using our products have given positive feedback about the products as well as the quality and customer service. [name some customers]”

Handling customer objections
Provide dedicated customer care policies so customers can buy products with peace of mind

2.7. Don't know the brand

Very few consumers know about unbranded products. This leads to buyers not knowing the business's brand and refusing when asked for purchasing advice.

The general psychology of customers is that they are often worried and feel unsafe with brands they have never heard of. Therefore, to handle customer rejection for this reason, sellers need to clearly show buyers the value of the product as well as the value of the brand.

The best way to handle it is to get evidence from user experiences and positive reviews from reputable, competent agencies. At the same time, Sales staff should provide customers with additional information in the form of images, videos or product certification documents. Thus, we can quickly improve the reputation of the brand and product in the minds of customers. If you are approaching customers through online channels, consultants can make an appointment to meet customers for more specific and detailed advice. The face-to-face consultation process often achieves a higher closing rate than online consultation.

Handling customer objections
Provide buyers with a clear view of the brand's value to promote sales

2.8. There are no discount codes or promotions

Spend a lot of time and effort to take care of customers and make them satisfied with their products. However, customers refuse to buy because there are no discount codes and promotions. This is an extremely difficult situation that many sales consultants have encountered in recent years. For this reason, Sales staff can choose the following ways to handle customer refusal :

  • Set up additional promotions

The company can create additional promotions to promote customers' purchasing decision-making process. These programs must ensure that they attract the attention of customers. Businesses can set limits on the number of people receiving promotions, promotion duration or similar ways to better influence buyer psychology.

For example: Apply free shipping for orders from 200k for the first 5 customers, 40% off order value on the next purchase, give a direct discount voucher of 100k when buying 2 or more products, discount 10% of product price for a specific time,…

  • Complimentary goods or other related services

This is also a way to help Sales staff increase the value of the products they are selling. At the same time, buyers will also receive more value when purchasing from the product distributor.

For example: Sell shampoo with free conditioner, sell conditioner with free hair conditioner, sell clothes with free accessories,...

Handling customer objections
Create additional promotions to promote customers' purchasing decision-making process
  • Explain/compare

Provide more information about competitors' prices and the selling price of the product. Clarifying selling prices between parties and promotional programs is also an effective way to persuade customers to buy.

For example: The price of 369k for product A is the original price that we are quoting. This product from another unit is currently priced at about 520K - 550k, this price if other parties apply a discount code or discount, it is still about 500k/product. However, our products still have their original prices, so you can rest assured about our prices. My company also supports shipping costs so the price is not high, only about 15k-20k depending on the shipping area.

2.9. Refused because I have purchased before

When a customer refuses because they have purchased elsewhere, sales staff should skillfully explore the customer's needs and product usage situation. It is also an opportunity for consultants to learn from competitors as well as see the weaknesses that make buyers unsatisfied elsewhere. Based on this information from customers, recommend products being delivered that can meet needs or provide better value.

For example:

– Customer: I bought this product at [unit name]!

– Seller: Yes! Thank you for sharing! How do you feel when using the product? Did you encounter any problems while using it? I can help you!

– Customer: I think the delivery time is too long. The rest is ok.

– Seller: Yes, in terms of delivery time, the seller mostly depends on the shipping unit. In the near future, if you need to use more product [product name], please contact us! For new customers, you will receive many incentives and gifts worth up to 500k. Don't worry too much about delivery time because we are still using express delivery...

Handling customer objections
Be tactful in asking about the product's usage situation if it is rejected because the customer has made a previous purchase

2.10. Refused because I do not have the authority to decide to purchase

In some cases, consulting customers cannot make purchasing decisions but must go through another entity/organization. At that time, Sales staff should skillfully learn more details about customers' needs to be able to provide useful information to them. Based on that, customers can convey to the person with purchasing authority more completely and accurately. For large orders or corporate customers, Sales staff need to send additional price quotes, product information, incentive programs, etc. so that customers can see the professionalism and better understand the product/service. service being provided.

So how to convince competent people to buy? 1C Vietnam suggests 2 ways for Sales staff to handle customer refusals as follows:

  • Method 1: Find a way to connect with someone in authority

Sales staff should try to get contact information for an authorized person from the customer being consulted. Note, asking for contact information from authorized people is often quite difficult, because they tend not to provide personal information to others. In that case, consultants can try this method if the situation is highly feasible.

For example: “If possible, can I contact [authorized person]? I will directly support and answer all your questions in detail and quickly. You will also quickly find the product that best suits you."

Handling customer objections
Thank customers for their interest in the product, looking forward to connecting with buyers anytime, anywhere
  • Method 2: Continue taking care of consulting customers

How to handle customer refusal because they are not competent, Sales staff should thank customers for their interest in the product as well as their desire to support and connect with buyers in every way. anytime, anywhere. Don't forget to provide additional important information and documents about the product so that buyers can better understand your product!

For example: “Yes. Thank you for your interest in [product name]! If you have any further questions or need to purchase [product name], I am always ready to assist and answer you.

I would like to send you some information about our products for further reference! Thank you for taking the time to learn about our company's products."

3. Basic principles when handling customer rejection

During the sales process, Sales people will always encounter countless refusals to buy products and even harsh attitudes on the part of the buyer. Below are the basic principles of effectively handling customer refusals. that Sales staff can refer to.

3.1. Never try to convince customers

After listening to negative feedback or receiving rejection from customers, the seller should show concern for customers with the most sincere thanks. This shows respect and empathy from the seller, helping to soothe negative emotions and create a feeling of comfort for customers.

Handling customer objections
Listening shows respect and empathy from sellers to their customers

3.2. Respect customer opinions

The above principle focuses on creating an environment of respect and understanding for customers. Sellers should not deny customers' opinions but listen and respect those contributions. Since then, the relationship between buyers and sellers has also become closer and more open. Customers will sincerely share and provide useful data for Sales staff to grasp, thereby finding more suitable sales methods.

3.3. Always be gentle with customers

In all situations, Sales staff must remain calm, polite and respectful to their customers. Based on your sincerity, spread it to shoppers in every word and action. A gentle consulting attitude combined with positive energy will help consultants "capture" the hearts of every customer easily. At the same time, it leaves many sympathy and positive impressions with customers, promoting the purchasing process next time.

3.4. Always aim to provide value to customers

Customers only buy when the product brings value and benefits that satisfy their needs. Therefore, sales should focus on clearly stating the values and benefits that customers receive when buying and using their products. What problem the product can solve or meet the customer's need is the most important thing.

Handling customer objections
You should focus on clearly stating the values and benefits that customers receive when purchasing your product

3.5. Build relationships with customers

Don't just focus on selling products and "cramming" too much information about the product to customers. Create a close, friendly environment by building close relationships with customers. When doing sales, you should put yourself in the position of someone who shares value with buyers, not just a pure seller.

3.6. Flexible application of FAST - ENOUGH - CORRECT formula

Customers will not wait, nor will they be patient enough to listen to sales staff's advice. If a Sales employee is often rejected by customers, he should review his consulting and approach. An effective formula that any Sales employee knows by heart is "fast - enough - right":

  • Provide and respond to information quickly.
  • Provide complete information and data what customers need.
  • Reply to the right content.
Handling customer objections
Providing and responding to information quickly is always an effective way to promote sales

Above are ways to handle customer refusals compiled by 1C Vietnam. Employees who understand tips on handling objections effectively will help create an environment of respect and understanding for customers, increasing sales. Don't forget to follow other articles on the 1C Vietnam website to update detailed information about customer management.

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