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What is information digitization? Benefits of digitizing information

In every business, transmitting and linking information is extremely important. Manual methods of transmitting information easily cause omissions, lack of information or cannot fully meet the requirements of administrators, therefore, information digitization is a necessary and feasible solution. concepts that businesses should apply, especially in the current digital era.

1.What is the concept of information digitization?

Digitize information (Digitization) is a form of converting information, documents, data from physical, analog,... to digital format, for example: documents, contracts, documents in paper form is scanned and then saved as a PDF file and stored in the business's server or in the cloud solutions that the business is using.

Digitizing information in the 4.0 era

2. Digitize information in digital transformation

On the digital transformation journey, there are three transformation stages that businesses need to perform:

2.1. Digitize information

Digitizing information is the first stage in digital transformation. This is the initial stage for businesses to carry out activities to convert information, documents, data,... and gather and store them to make searching easier, as well as avoid In case of missing information, lost data, or stolen data.

2.2. Digitize the process

That second stage is process digitalization. This is the stage of applying technology to the transformation process, specifically the application of technology to help businesses automate current processes. At this stage, transformation and digitalization activities aim to reduce operating costs and improve production and business efficiency for businesses.

Digitizing processes helps reduce costs and optimize operations

Process digitization is also the stage where businesses can use the information that has been converted into electronic form from the information digitization stage to analyze and provide directions to help improve or upgrade operational processes. current practice. From there, businesses can also exploit other technology applications to serve business activities such as management, operations, business,...

2.3. Comprehensive digitization

The final stage of digital transformation is comprehensive digitalization. This is the stage that helps businesses create breakthroughs in the process of transformation, improving processes both inside and outside the business or digital transformation applied in society. With this comprehensive digitalization process, it not only brings benefits to society and businesses but is also a way to bring more valuable experiences to customers.

The comprehensive application of digitalization will have a positive impact on all aspects of the business from business, technology, to people, and if this stage is to be successful, it is necessary to closely align with two stages: digital Information and process digitization are extremely important.

Comprehensive digitization on a single screen

For businesses on that journey, if they want the digital transformation process to be successful, there must be a close consensus on business strategy and management - realizing the business strategy within the business. industry, and at the same time internally communicate organizational culture to gradually create a community that develops both culturally and economically.

3. Benefits of digitizing information

3.1. Increase work productivity

When businesses digitize information, their productivity will increase significantly. Applying the traditional method of storing data and contracts on paper causes employees to spend a lot of time searching, but when businesses have digitized information, storing information and data on a platform is difficult. The platform will help employees easily search and look up.

3.2. Cost savings

Traditional working and management methods will require businesses to print a large volume of documents. This causes businesses to have to pay quite high fees for paper money, ink, electricity, depreciation of printing equipment,...

Applying information digitization, businesses can completely minimize these types of costs and only focus on important costs. According to some reports about information digitization, businesses can save billions of dong in printing, delivery, storage and labor costs thanks to this digitization process.

3.3. Processing information and data flexibly

Digitizing information allows businesses to find all their data and information quickly and easily. And those business data can be synchronized and converted into the latest digital formats for quick and easy access to anything anytime, anywhere.

This is also a benefit that helps personnel in businesses handle work more conveniently, flexibly and effectively, especially for personnel who need to work at home or remotely.

3.4. Secure information security

All documents and information in businesses mostly require high confidentiality because every business has its own business strategies, development plans, etc. to develop the business. That's why data security is very important.

Secure information for businesses

Therefore, ensuring data security is essential and digitizing information and documents is something businesses need to start doing today. Businesses can absolutely initially apply information digitization through a Digital Office software with the most optimal information storage and digitization features such as 1C:Document Management solution to help businesses grow steadily. strong, successful digital transformation .

Thus, we have grasped what information digitization is and the benefits of information digitization. For more information about Digital Office solutions as well as to directly discuss with leading information and process digitization experts at 1C Vietnam , please contact us now!

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