Budgeting functionality of 1C:ERP includes tools for corporate financial planning, optimal decision making, and tracking financial goals of the company. Users can choose to apply budgeting planning tools for strategic, tactical, or short-term planning. Flexibility, scalability, and easily customized budget forms are key advantages of the budgeting subsystem.
Key features
- A range of budget planning options: based on data from previous periods, executed "from scratch", based on custom planning procedures.
- Multi-scenario planning with auto calculation of multiple possible scenarios.
- Accounting under multiple currencies, with conversion at plan rates.
- Reflecting payment plans in budgeting.
- Sorting the factual budgeting data to business transaction level.
- Using both actual and plan data for planning of future periods.
- Multiple budget preparation scenarios (top to bottom, bottom to top).
- Multi-scenario planning for non-financial indicators, such as: customer satisfaction, conversion rate, and more.
- Customizable expense allocation procedures.
- Restricted access to plan data for specific companies, departments, scenarios, budget kinds, items, and indicators.
Budget process management
Efficient budget process management
makes it easier for employees to perform their tasks effectively, and for
department managers to supervise the process and make better management
Key features
- Support for complex budget planning options, including sequential and parallel.
- Visual representation of budget planning and budgeting, including variance analysis.
- Budget process monitoring by stages, grouped by responsible person.
- Budget process fulfilment forecasts based on current status of tasks for each stage.
- Flexible budget approval procedure.
1C:ERP also includes decision-making support for budget approval procedures, and analysis of budgets on approval through control reports predefined for the budget process. Stages of the budget process can have an unlimited number of milestones, thus providing highly detailed information for decision-making.